Lets go Skins!!!


This. ------------------>
Randle EL already looking like his old self now he's back on a real team.

Just saying. :whistle:


This. ------------------>
There are 300 other receivers better than El, I guess you mention him cause he was a Skin. :buddies:

I mentioned him because the Skins overpaid for him, and then slotted him in a position he wasn't suited for. Which is the Skins way.

Or was. We'll see if Snyder's "OOOOH!!! SHINY!!!!!!!!" ways are over. We'll see Fat Albert is still a Skin, not that many teams are gonna pick up that horrendous contract.


This. ------------------>
He could flourish as a #3. Very sneaky.

Which was what he was with his first go-round with PIT. And why they didn't outbid Danny when he overpaid.

but maybe the Skins have adult supervision now, with Shanahan. So we'll see.


Football addict
Preseason or not. It does not matter. This is a team that has made the playoffs twice in the last 10 years and their record during that timeframe is 70 wins and 90 losses. I think those stats speak volumes.

Yes, it speaks volumes of the past.

You can't necessarily judge the future from one measly pre-season game, however. Ask the Lions, who went 4-0 in the pre-season in their 0-16 season.

So yes, it does matter. Different teams go about the pre-season in different mannerisms. The Colts, who beat your beloved team, has had an abysmal pre-season record the last five years. That doesn't matter much. The Ravens treat the pre-season like the playoffs and the playoffs like the pre-season. To each his own.:coffee:
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Yes, it speaks volumes of the past.

You can't necessarily judge the future from one measly pre-season game, however. Ask the Lions, who went 4-0 in the pre-season in their 0-16 season.

So yes, it does matter. Different teams go about the pre-season in different mannerisms. The Colts, who beat your beloved team, has had an abysmal pre-season record the last five years. That doesn't matter much. The Ravens treat the pre-season like the playoffs and the playoffs like the pre-season. To each his own.:coffee:
Have to agree there BL. You can't tell how a team is going to go by pre-season. I refuse to watch pre-season games. They don't come close to what is going to happen in the season.


No Longer the Kid
My thoughts on the game:

LJ didn't look game ready, he looked kinda skiddish, maybe due to lack on game time lately..

TW had his hands full with Suggs, which isn't good because I believe Suggs is a 8-12 ranked DE/LB in the league...

6 dropped passes in the first half, all Skins fans heard this week was; sloppy practice, practice shortened for poor play, etc.. It showed!

McNuggetts (McNabb) is still getting his timing down with recievers... 2 recievers BURNT the Ravens secondary and he under threw the ball...

It's all good though, I never like to see the Skins lose, but we know what we need to work on a little more now on 'O'.

D - Overall, I wasn't to hard on them, 1st an goal on 1, not surprised they scored, other than that, FG's...

I think the whole Shanny vs Fat Al needs to find a happy median, someway, somehow... Our 1st team D will be A LOT better off with him out ON THE FIELD with them... ANYTIME Kedric is playing NT, we are in trouble... He can hold his own in one of the end positions, but not NT...

So, hopefully they work out the kinks, and bring on the turbo props (Jets) in week 3 !!!

On a side note, I'm glad pre season games 2 & 3 are against better teams, it's a good way to judge talent, and a good way to figure out what we need to work on...


Big Dog Daddy
Yes, it speaks volumes of the past.

You can't necessarily judge the future from one measly pre-season game, however. Ask the Lions, who went 4-0 in the pre-season in their 0-16 season.

So yes, it does matter. Different teams go about the pre-season in different mannerisms. The Colts, who beat your beloved team, has had an abysmal pre-season record the last five years. That doesn't matter much. The Ravens treat the pre-season like the playoffs and the playoffs like the pre-season. To each his own.:coffee:

Speaks volumes of the past and the future. This is the same song and dance every year. Until Snyder is gone, nothing is going to change. I know that right now everyone one is on a high due to the hiring of Shanny & Allen. Which i feel was a great addition to the team, but they too will fall in to the evil ways of Snyder. That is why most Skins fans get so touchy about the subject. Everyone is so pumped up until about week 6, then all the air is let out of the sails. I think the Skins will improve to 8-8 this year which is a huge improvement. I will give my Ravens 11-5 prob losing in the 2nd round. I also feel this way about my Orioles, until Angelos is gone they will stay in the gutter. Just look at the Skins & O's records since these clowns came along.


New Member
Preseason or not. It does not matter. This is a team that has made the playoffs twice in the last 10 years and their record during that timeframe is 70 wins and 90 losses. I think those stats speak volumes.

I think it's funny to hear Ravens and Steelers trash talk the Skins til the cows come home. You teams has better records and more SuperBowls recently than the Skins but it seems like you have to talk smack. You guys should be happy to have a winner! Maybe that sounds stupid. When the Redskins return back to the Glory Days we'll be happy to have a winner and trust me we couldn't care less about your teams!


Big Dog Daddy
I think it's funny to hear Ravens and Steelers trash talk the Skins til the cows come home. You teams has better records and more SuperBowls recently than the Skins but it seems like you have to talk smack. You guys should be happy to have a winner! Maybe that sounds stupid. When the Redskins return back to the Glory Days we'll be happy to have a winner and trust me we couldn't care less about your teams!

I do not talk much trash. I just state the facts. My wife is a Skins fan by the way. I only say the things i do for one reason. It is because i get so aggravated every year about this time when i start hearing how the Skins are going to the SB and how great they are going to be. Everything about the team gets so overhyped. I know you have to be positive for your team, but SB talk every year. Lets be real.