Lets go Skins!!!


A Salute to all on Watch
Speaks volumes of the past and the future. This is the same song and dance every year. Until Snyder is gone, nothing is going to change. I know that right now everyone one is on a high due to the hiring of Shanny & Allen. Which i feel was a great addition to the team, but they too will fall in to the evil ways of Snyder. That is why most Skins fans get so touchy about the subject. Everyone is so pumped up until about week 6, then all the air is let out of the sails. I think the Skins will improve to 8-8 this year which is a huge improvement. I will give my Ravens 11-5 prob losing in the 2nd round. I also feel this way about my Orioles, until Angelos is gone they will stay in the gutter. Just look at the Skins & O's records since these clowns came along.

At 11-5 your season will be a total failure; even losing in the 2nd round would be a failure considering what the Ravens traded for and added to the roster......


I think it's funny to hear Ravens and Steelers trash talk the Skins til the cows come home. You teams has better records and more SuperBowls recently than the Skins but it seems like you have to talk smack. You guys should be happy to have a winner! Maybe that sounds stupid. When the Redskins return back to the Glory Days we'll be happy to have a winner and trust me we couldn't care less about your teams![/QUOTE]

Oh the Glory Days......:bigwhoop:...and as usual, another example of the most insufferable fans in football.... and give any other NFL team no credit whatsoever...just saying.


Big Dog Daddy
At 11-5 your season will be a total failure; even losing in the 2nd round would be a failure considering what the Ravens traded for and added to the roster......

See thats the difference though. I am being realistic. I am not saying we are SB bound. Talk about failure, what do you call the Skins then after spending millions over the past decade on players who are way past their prime only to come away with nothing?


I think it's funny to hear Ravens and Steelers trash talk the Skins til the cows come home. You teams has better records and more SuperBowls recently than the Skins but it seems like you have to talk smack. You guys should be happy to have a winner! Maybe that sounds stupid. When the Redskins return back to the Glory Days we'll be happy to have a winner and trust me we couldn't care less about your teams!

Well, there's a couple points here I feel the need to address.

Maybe it's just me, but the only time I hear Ravens fans trash-talking the Skins is when we're playing them.

Incidentally, almost ALL fans do that to every team they go up against. So, it's nothing personal against the Redskins.

Maybe you do hear Ravens (and Steelers) fans running at the mouth more often than other teams. If you do, it's most likely because the three cities are all within walking distance of each other, and the fan distribution is more interlaced. It's certainly not because the fans are more obnoxious and arrogant than other teams.

A trip to any New England city should be proof-positive of my claim.

And lastly - I know Redskins fans. I've been around them my entire life. When the Redskins return back to the Glory Days, there will be plenty of trash-talking and pelvis-thrusting in D.C.

But that's OK, Ravens fans won't hold that against you.


A Salute to all on Watch
See thats the difference though. I am being realistic. I am not saying we are SB bound. Talk about failure, what do you call the Skins then after spending millions over the past decade on players who are way past their prime only to come away with nothing?

The biggest failure in NFL history as far trades and free agents go.... You should be thinking SB, not unless you're expecting failure...


Football addict
Speaks volumes of the past and the future. This is the same song and dance every year. Until Snyder is gone, nothing is going to change. I know that right now everyone one is on a high due to the hiring of Shanny & Allen. Which i feel was a great addition to the team, but they too will fall in to the evil ways of Snyder. That is why most Skins fans get so touchy about the subject. Everyone is so pumped up until about week 6, then all the air is let out of the sails. I think the Skins will improve to 8-8 this year which is a huge improvement. I will give my Ravens 11-5 prob losing in the 2nd round. I also feel this way about my Orioles, until Angelos is gone they will stay in the gutter. Just look at the Skins & O's records since these clowns came along.

You sound like an old Skins fan who jumped ship and hopped on the Ravens bandwagon.


Football addict
I do not talk much trash. I just state the facts. My wife is a Skins fan by the way. I only say the things i do for one reason. It is because i get so aggravated every year about this time when i start hearing how the Skins are going to the SB and how great they are going to be. Everything about the team gets so overhyped. I know you have to be positive for your team, but SB talk every year. Lets be real.

I have to wonder which reporters, bloggers and the like have been saying the Skins are going to win the SuperBowl.:lol: Please, show me.

If you're talking about parts of the fan-base saying such things. Well, duh! Most fans of any NFL team believe their team could go to the SuperBowl. That's why they play the game. Fans can be irrational but that's part of fandom.

Don't like hearing about the home team, move to Baltimore.:yay:


I have to wonder which reporters, bloggers and the like have been saying the Skins are going to win the SuperBowl.:lol: Please, show me.

If you're talking about parts of the fan-base saying such things. Well, duh! Most fans of any NFL team believe their team could go to the SuperBowl. That's why they play the game. Fans can be irrational but that's part of fandom.

Don't like hearing about the home team, move to Baltimore.:yay:

When you moving to DC ?.....:lol:...."home" team in Md. is always up for debate.....


Big Dog Daddy
You sound like an old Skins fan who jumped ship and hopped on the Ravens bandwagon.

Hell no. Def never a Skins fan. I grew up in Baltimore. I dealt with the pain and agony as a kid when the Colts left. Which leads me to why i will never be a Skins fan. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from your former owner JKC and the organization in general who did everything in their power to keep Baltimore from getting a new team. Well, in the end it backfired on them and we prevailed. I guess that took its toll on ol Jack who passed away only 7 months after the Ravens arrived. Speaking of home team, why in the hell is the Skins stadium in MD anyway? It should have stayed in DC where it belongs.


New Member
Hell no. Def never a Skins fan. I grew up in Baltimore. I dealt with the pain and agony as a kid when the Colts left. Which leads me to why i will never be a Skins fan. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from your former owner JKC and the organization in general who did everything in their power to keep Baltimore from getting a new team. Well, in the end it backfired on them and we prevailed. I guess that took its toll on ol Jack who passed away only 7 months after the Ravens arrived. Speaking of home team, why in the hell is the Skins stadium in MD anyway? It should have stayed in DC where it belongs.

No mention of the Detroit Lions?


Big Dog Daddy
No mention of the Detroit Lions?

Oh yeah. Forgot to mention my "adopted team" during Bmore's dryspell. I started watching Barry Sanders at OK State and followed him in to the NFL when he was drafted by the lowly Lions. Even after the Ravens started in 1996,i still followed him until his "stunning retirement" in 1999. Coincidentally, Barry's last game played was against the Ravens.


Well-Known Member
Hell no. Def never a Skins fan. I grew up in Baltimore. I dealt with the pain and agony as a kid when the Colts left. Which leads me to why i will never be a Skins fan. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from your former owner JKC and the organization in general who did everything in their power to keep Baltimore from getting a new team. Well, in the end it backfired on them and we prevailed. I guess that took its toll on ol Jack who passed away only 7 months after the Ravens arrived. Speaking of home team, why in the hell is the Skins stadium in MD anyway? It should have stayed in DC where it belongs.

Heck your buddy Angelos did everything in his powers to keep a baseball team out of Washington for many many years, I had to become a Orioles fan for many years, still root for the Orioles, but the Nationals are my number one team now. Till Peter sells the Birds, they will stay where they have been for the past 13 years losers. Nats will make playoffs long time before Birds get back on top.


Big Dog Daddy
Heck your buddy Angelos did everything in his powers to keep a baseball team out of Washington for many many years, I had to become a Orioles fan for many years, still root for the Orioles, but the Nationals are my number one team now. Till Peter sells the Birds, they will stay where they have been for the past 13 years losers. Nats will make playoffs long time before Birds get back on top.

Those words are true. Same goes for the Skins as long as Slippery, Slimey Snyder stays in town.