Let's propose a mall curfew for St. Charles Town Center

It's interesting how Simon handles their different malls. I've been to a Simon mall near Pittsburgh (Ross Park). It was like night and day compared to St. Charles Towne Center. It was a pleasant shopping experience and not a lot of young kids/teens running around.

Also, I find interesting the rules on the sites for each:

St. Charles (none listed)

Ross Park (check the rules under 'shopper assistance')


Well-Known Member
protectmd said:
Child care in the mall? Sounds like an Amber Alert waiting to happen. Its clear that if there is a problem, Mall curfew is just the wrong answer to an underlying problem that we may or may not have in this county. Its not bad parenting. Thats everywhere you go. Solution? I have the solution.


o.k. it may not be bad parenting but it falls under the parenting category. i(we) know as parents some of the issues that occur at waldorf mall(not just this one, but this is the one being discussed) so why would allow our child to go there, being dropped off and probably unsupervised. I do have two teens and no I don't drop them off and they don't go to the mall unsupervised. some use the excuse as the parents are working--i work too and guess what my kids come home from school, take a break, get something to eat, do chores and there homework. if there's time available once i'm home then they get to go out. on the weekends, yes they do get to do extracurricular activities with their friends(with my approval) but mostly, they choose to do the family outings.

i do not allow my kids to run amuck(sp?). i talk to my kids about issues that i agree/disagree with. fortunately, they keep me abreast as well, and although sometimes they dislike some of my rules, they understand and eventually get over it.


24/7 Single Dad
protectmd said:
How would you enforce a curfew law, Ah you look like a younger kid, lemme see your ID? Once this law is enforced, where do you think the "kids" are going to go? Parking lots. Streets. Highways. Bowling Ally's, and behind book stores. Certainly not to My Brothers Place. I think forcing them out of the mall area isn't going to do anything.
The mall is a business, it's purpose it to make money for it's owners. Where the under 16, non shopping, unsupervised kids go is not the "business" of the mall.
aps45819 said:
The mall is a business, it's purpose it to make money for it's owners. Where the under 16, non shopping, unsupervised kids go is not the "business" of the mall.
Exactly, people stop shopping there, they will lose money. If it's not a safe comfortable place to shop, customers will stop going there. See where this is heading?


Speedy70 said:
It's interesting how Simon handles their different malls. I've been to a Simon mall near Pittsburgh (Ross Park). It was like night and day compared to St. Charles Towne Center. It was a pleasant shopping experience and not a lot of young kids/teens running around.

Also, I find interesting the rules on the sites for each:

St. Charles (none listed)

Ross Park (check the rules under 'shopper assistance')

Of course they will put more money into malls that bring in more money. This means better security, better stores, nicer atmosphere. Has anyone been to St. Charles mall when it rains? The roof leaks everywhere even inside stores on merchandise. They will not put money into fixing the roof but would rather take their chances with someone slipping in a puddle. Go there and watch a food court worker wipe a puddle of rain off the floor and then use the same rag to clean off a table. :barf: If they would make the mall a nicer place to go then people that are actually planning to shop may go there to spend their money instead of other malls that are further away. Simon has a mall in Vegas with a spiral escalator. Again, they put the money where people are more likely to go and spend it.


Harley Rider
protectmd said:
You want to drop your kids off somewhere but we don't have a "boys and girls club" in Charles County. If we did, the place would be packed probably till 11 at night if it was open that late.
MY BROTHER'S PLACE 3081 OLD WASHINGTON RD. WALDORF. 301.645.5460 We're only open Friday night 7pm-1130pm for kids aged 11-18+or- and Saturday mostly for adults but occasionally for teens. Check out (www.mybrothersplace.org) for our band schedule and other info. A fun, Christian run place equipped with a Charles Co. Police officer to keep away troublemakers & ensure kids safety. Live bands, food & non-alcoholic drinks, pool tables, pinball, foosball. Best of all, Christian volunteers who are there to talk to the kids about doing the right thing and becoming something when they get older.


New Member
Mall management company

The St,. charles town centre is a Simon Mall. The mall manager's name is David Gott. His phone number is 301-870-6997. If you want a curfew at the mall, call the man and demand one.


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
This is the management company for the mall.

simon is responsive, because they are about the money.

when the van go dropped off in front of the ruby tuesday exit and it looked like a gang meeting and people were scared to walk through to their cars, simon said the Van Go was no longer allowed to come on mall property in the evenings. The van go has to drop off and pick up at the park and ride on Smallwood.

Tell them what you want, they may listen