Let's Say I Break Into Your House


Border security

That was a very entertaining read I must say. The border could be secured extremely easily. There are those that say a fence wont stop them from coming to the US. I say you are not engineering a proper fence #1. Double fences with razor wire, separated by 50 yards with an active minefield, and (just because I'm a caring person), warning signs in both English and Spanish. Simple, cost effective, low maintenance and the only humans needed to patrol it would be the very few border agents who respond every now and then when they hear a boom. #2 I'm all for fining employers who hire illegals. When those that are here can't get work, maybe they will end up returning to Mexico. So we might have to engineer kind of a crab trap fence....you know....the kind where they can get into Mexico but can't get back out.

The simple fact is that illegals and their families make excellent Democratic voters and will never be forced to leave.


No Use for Donk Twits
Let me tell you something about my husband's homeland of El Salvador. The homes that have phone service are very few and far between. For the most part, the rural areas, do not have indoor plumming. They do have electric service which is actually higher in cost then here in the USA. They have water piped in for the home use but no sewer systems in place except the major cities. There is also no delivery of cooking gas, so if you can not afford and electric stove, you cook on an open fire, or walk 10 to 20 miles to get one of the small grill type propane tanks filled.

I don't know how much traveling you've done. A vast majority of the world has a living standard far worse than the U.S. Most of the problems are economic, caused by political systems that subjugate their people. First change the political systems, and the economic benefits are obvious.

The only thing you added to the breaking in the house analogy is .....?
My house is nicer than your house! Make your house better, but not on my dime.


24/7 Single Dad
For the most part these "illegals" come here trying to make a better life then what they have in their own country. They also take do jobs that our own people in this country will not do. Think about that one.

That would be the jobs the our government mandated be paid at a rate greater than the possible profit from the work.


Lovin' being Texican
Unfortunately, they are greeted by prosecuters willing to arrest border guards that shoot even when attacked

Let's see now. If this had happened during an attempted bank robbery and one of the robbers got shot and killed, the accomplices would be charged with felony murder, wouldn't they?

Is this another of those "It's the victim who's at fault. It's the victim who was breaking the law. It's all Bush's fault" deals?


No Use for Donk Twits
Is this another of those "It's the victim who's at fault. It's the victim who was breaking the law. It's all Bush's fault" deals?


It's our fault for having a system of government which allows individuals to maximize their talents and profit (oh! such a dirty word!) under our economic system.

According to the Socialists, everybody hates us. Then why do so many want to illegally and legally enter this racist, nazi run country that allows big oil, big drug, big guns, big trial lawyers, big tobacco and big fast food corporations exploit the masses?


Harley Rider
Let's see now. If this had happened during an attempted bank robbery and one of the robbers got shot and killed, the accomplices would be charged with felony murder, wouldn't they?
According to the Socialists, everybody hates us. Then why do so many want to illegally and legally enter this racist, nazi run country that allows big oil, big drug, big guns, big trial lawyers, big tobacco and big fast food corporations exploit the masses?
It's because they KNOW they can get a free ride here from our stupid government! As many have said, it isn't the legals that we mind as much, it's the illegals. But even if there were NO illegals, I think America is making a BIG mistake by going bilingual everywhere AND I'M SICK OF IT!!!!!!!! I'm sick of enabling these people, I'm sick of pressing "1" for English and I'm sick of looking for the English when I read an instruction manual! I have undertaken a campaign of emailing the heck out of the government to end these practices NOW! By enabling them (mainly Mexicans), they are disabling us Americans. We're losing our identities. I do not want to learn the metric system! What incentive is there to learn English and adapt & become Americans if this continues? My Grandparents spoke little English when they came here @1900 but they learned quickly because America didn't pander to them by making all the signs read in Italian nor press "1" for Italian. Folks, don't let Obama, Hillary or McCain get elected or we've lost it for sure.:boxing:

Go G-Men

New Member
I'm sorry I guess I don't happen to agree.
First my current husband was one of the ileegals that came to the USA and he applied to stay due to political problems in his own country. We paid a hefty fine and he is a premanent resident. He works two jobs just so he can stay busy.He makes good money and he pays not only his taxes, but all his bills before the due date. He is also sending support for his mother whom has no money since his father passed away in 1995.

For the most part these "illegals" come here trying to make a better life then what they have in their own country. They also take do jobs that our own people in this country will not do. Think about that one. For the most part they pay taxes, but under someone else social secuirty number. Yes it's ilegall, but they are still paying taxes.

Let me tell you something about my husband's homeland of El Salvador. The homes that have phone service are very few and far between. For the most part, the rural areas, do not have indoor plumming. They do have electric service which is actually higher in cost then here in the USA. They have water piped in for the home use but no sewer systems in place except the major cities. There is also no delivery of cooking gas, so if you can not afford and electric stove, you cook on an open fire, or walk 10 to 20 miles to get one of the small grill type propane tanks filled.
One egg cost more than a dozen here. They mainly grow their own rice, beans etc during their growing season which started in Jan. Most homes have fences around them in order to keep their few chickens, pigs etc inside so they can use them for eggs, and meat. Refregirators are for the most part small, so one needs to go to the market almost daily and they are many miles away. People for the most part walk and carry heavy baskets on their heads. There is no washing machines or dryers and there is no indoor heat or Air conditioning.
As for health care, they somewhat have a better system then we do. Health care in it's self is free, you just need to pay for medications which are very expensive and often hard to get.So health care cost here to them is a real shock. If these people were given a decent chance, they would be good citizens.
When they had their civil war back in the late 80's people would sleep in ditches at night in order to not be killed by the military. They would actually blow homes up. People moved constantly. My husband still has one daughter in El Salvdor and we have 7 grandchildren. His other children are here legal but if these people can not get the help to become legal then they can not help their family to become legal as well.
I would like for others to try living in their country and see if you want to leave as well.
Do not get me wrong, there are some that should not be able to stay, like the criminals and gangs as we have enough of our own criminals and gangs.
Remember that only the Native American Indians are the true Americans here. Everyone else came to this country and became part of the great melting pot. My husbands family has ties to the American Indians that migrated to Central America.

First thing I want to say is I did not read your whole post. Here's why.. I stopped when I got to "let me tell you......"

What's happening in El Salvador or Mexico is not in my top 10 concerns. While your husband may be the exception and pays taxes and is not a drain on this country there are millions who are a drain and have been for years and quite frankly... I am tired of it. Enter this country legally or get sent home...


New Member
First thing I want to say is I did not read your whole post. Here's why.. I stopped when I got to "let me tell you......"

What's happening in El Salvador or Mexico is not in my top 10 concerns. While your husband may be the exception and pays taxes and is not a drain on this country there are millions who are a drain and have been for years and quite frankly... I am tired of it. Enter this country legally or get sent home...

That would be great if they could get Visa's out of their country, but at the time he run, they couldn't so he did what he could to survive and he came forward to pay his fine and if they would have sent him back he would have went to another Central American country to live, but they didn't and he is legal and speaks very good English. His problem is he has very little education and can not write very well. This is the only thing holding him back from getting his citizenship. He has to write in English. He can read a little in English and is slowly getting better. As for being a democrat, He does not want to be one. I am republican and says that when he gets his citizenship, he will not become a democrat. He will be 58 this year and has to wait until he is 60 in order to not have to take a written test. He does know the things about the government and how it works and he like studying about American History. His children are also doing well and still going to night school to better speak English and learn what they need to know to survive as well.All they have asked for is a chance to be part of the United States. Everyday is like a new day for him. Anyone in Lexington Park might know him. He works for Millison and cleans the shopping Center. He always has a smile and loves talking with people. He takes pride in keeping the place free of trash and debris. He also works on a cleaning crew in the eveings at the Courthouse. He has many friends in this county. Let me say if you really know him and needed something he would help you. My husband would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more. Next time you are in Millison Plaza, and see a short spanish man with either a cart or broom and dust pan walk up and say Hi, Jose. Then you can see what kind of person he is.
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I'm sorry I guess I don't happen to agree.
First my current husband was one of the ileegals that came to the USA

..... Snip

Sorry you have nothing relevant to say here .... being legal now, does not excuse his entering illegally in the 1st place ........ :pete:


That would be great if they could get Visa's out of their country, but at the time he run, they couldn't so he did what he could to survive and he came forward to pay his fine and if they would have sent him back he would have went to another Central American country to live, but they didn't and he is legal and speaks very good English.

Yes Debbie I feel sorry for husband, things sucked for a lot of people in El Salvador during the Civil War from 1980 to 1992.
The Salvadoran Civil War was predominantly fought between the government of El Salvador against a coalition of four leftist guerrilla groups and one communist group known as the Farabundo Mart# National Liberation Front (FMLN) between 1980 and 1992. The United States supported the right-wing government.[2] In total the civil war killed 75,000 people,[3] left 8,000 more missing and a million homeless with another million exiled. The war became notorious for government massacres and its Death Squad's killing of civilians, nuns and priests, such as the murder of Archbishop Óscar Romero and for massacres at El Mozote.
But that is why when sitting on a Jury they instruct you to check your emotions at the door, and Judge the case on its merits in relationship to the law. Not whether you "feel" like the person did it or not is irrelevant, but did the Prosecutor prove beyond a reasonable doubt, or did the Defense introduce doubt as the the defendants guilt.

So by your own admission your Husband came here illegally, rather that try to fix the problems in his own country, he chose to break our laws. So he should have been put on a plane and sent back to El Salvador .... the war was over in 1992 - 16 yrs ago .... when did he get "Legal" ?

I do not have compassion for people that use "Circumstance" as an excuse to break the law ... "I was born into a poor family, I grew up in a crime infested inner city neighborhood ... whitey keeps the black man down, who ####ty schools ..... "

White Buddah

That would be great if they could get Visa's out of their country, but at the time he run, they couldn't so he did what he could to survive and he came forward to pay his fine and if they would have sent him back he would have went to another Central American country to live, but they didn't and he is legal and speaks very good English. His problem is he has very little education and can not write very well. This is the only thing holding him back from getting his citizenship. He has to write in English. He can read a little in English and is slowly getting better. As for being a democrat, He does not want to be one. I am republican and says that when he gets his citizenship, he will not become a democrat. He will be 58 this year and has to wait until he is 60 in order to not have to take a written test. He does know the things about the government and how it works and he like studying about American History. His children are also doing well and still going to night school to better speak English and learn what they need to know to survive as well.All they have asked for is a chance to be part of the United States. Everyday is like a new day for him. Anyone in Lexington Park might know him. He works for Millison and cleans the shopping Center. He always has a smile and loves talking with people. He takes pride in keeping the place free of trash and debris. He also works on a cleaning crew in the eveings at the Courthouse. He has many friends in this county. Let me say if you really know him and needed something he would help you. My husband would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more. Next time you are in Millison Plaza, and see a short spanish man with either a cart or broom and dust pan walk up and say Hi, Jose. Then you can see what kind of person he is.
I've seen him cleaning the plaza. I've even said good morning to him. No response. He doesn't have a smile on his face. He shuffles around with his head down. Are his children citizens of our country or did they follow in his footsteps?? He broke the law and should have his "legality" revoked and sent back to El Salvador. Take what he has learned from being here and fix his own country.


No Use for Donk Twits
That would be great if they could get Visa's out of their country, but at the time he run, they couldn't so he did what he could to survive and he came forward to pay his fine and if they would have sent him back he would have went to another Central American country to live, but they didn't and he is legal and speaks very good English. His problem is he has very little education and can not write very well. This is the only thing holding him back from getting his citizenship. He has to write in English. He can read a little in English and is slowly getting better. As for being a democrat, He does not want to be one. I am republican and says that when he gets his citizenship, he will not become a democrat. He will be 58 this year and has to wait until he is 60 in order to not have to take a written test. He does know the things about the government and how it works and he like studying about American History. His children are also doing well and still going to night school to better speak English and learn what they need to know to survive as well.All they have asked for is a chance to be part of the United States. Everyday is like a new day for him. Anyone in Lexington Park might know him. He works for Millison and cleans the shopping Center. He always has a smile and loves talking with people. He takes pride in keeping the place free of trash and debris. He also works on a cleaning crew in the eveings at the Courthouse. He has many friends in this county. Let me say if you really know him and needed something he would help you. My husband would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more. Next time you are in Millison Plaza, and see a short spanish man with either a cart or broom and dust pan walk up and say Hi, Jose. Then you can see what kind of person he is.

Why didn't he go to that wonderful paradise Cuba or to England? Why here?

Cause my house is nicer than yours?


New Member
I've seen him cleaning the plaza. I've even said good morning to him. No response. He doesn't have a smile on his face. He shuffles around with his head down. Are his children citizens of our country or did they follow in his footsteps?? He broke the law and should have his "legality" revoked and sent back to El Salvador. Take what he has learned from being here and fix his own country.

I agree...you don't fix the problems in your home country here,,you fix them there. We have enough people in Miami 40+ years later to prove this.
Your husband broke the law period..like any blatant line jumper. Are you then "surprised" when he runs into hostility ? We can't change his country..that he has to do. So he pays his taxes..well..helllooooo....so do the rest of us and then some because we have to cover the cost of illegals like him.
Spare me the music and get real.....he can do like my dad did and wait his turn. Better yet, he should have served in the US military like my dad did. taken citizenship classes learned a viable trade and earned his right to become a citizen, which included learning American English. No, he chose to , as I said, jump the line and present us with a fait accompli"I'm here..like it or leave it".
Do you wonder that you have gotten a negative response?

White Buddah

He has to wait until he's 60 so he doesn't have to take the test???? NO!!! He should have to take the test NOW!! If he can't pass it, BYE BYE!! All his children ask for is a chance in our country. All WE ask for is for them to do what is needed to become a LEGAL citizen. Not come here illegally, cheat the system, dodge the law enforcement, and hope for the best of becoming legal. He won't become a Democrat when he is legal? So flippin what. Is that supposed to make us like him more? If you love this country so much why not call the cops and report the fact that a non citizen is living here and should be dealt with accordingly.


New Member
Yes Debbie I feel sorry for husband, things sucked for a lot of people in El Salvador during the Civil War from 1980 to 1992.

But that is why when sitting on a Jury they instruct you to check your emotions at the door, and Judge the case on its merits in relationship to the law. Not whether you "feel" like the person did it or not is irrelevant, but did the Prosecutor prove beyond a reasonable doubt, or did the Defense introduce doubt as the the defendants guilt.

So by your own admission your Husband came here illegally, rather that try to fix the problems in his own country, he chose to break our laws. So he should have been put on a plane and sent back to El Salvador .... the war was over in 1992 - 16 yrs ago .... when did he get "Legal" ?

I do not have compassion for people that use "Circumstance" as an excuse to break the law ... "I was born into a poor family, I grew up in a crime infested inner city neighborhood ... whitey keeps the black man down, who ####ty schools ..... "

He's been here since 1986 to answer your question and like most, tried to get here legally, but so many were being killed, so he came the only other way he knew how and confessed and asked for help once he got here. He has never ran from what he did and he paid the fine. He has never done anything else illegal and is glad to have a chance many other do not get. Civil war killed two of his small children. So he has paid a bigger price as well for the freedom he now has.
He has been legal since 1988. It took that long.


New Member
He has to wait until he's 60 so he doesn't have to take the test???? NO!!! He should have to take the test NOW!! If he can't pass it, BYE BYE!! All his children ask for is a chance in our country. All WE ask for is for them to do what is needed to become a LEGAL citizen. Not come here illegally, cheat the system, dodge the law enforcement, and hope for the best of becoming legal. He won't become a Democrat when he is legal? So flippin what. Is that supposed to make us like him more? If you love this country so much why not call the cops and report the fact that a non citizen is living here and should be dealt with accordingly.
