Lies (and the lying liars who tell them)


Active Member
A great book, im about 1/3 of the way through it and reccommend it to anyone that reads political books regardless of their beliefs...


This Space for Rent
Yes. After all, when Al Franken has "a fair and balanced look at the right" in his title... :lmao:

I know its tongue in cheek (at least I hope), but we are talking about one of the biggest lib attack dogs there are. I guess he needs to sell more books now that Air America went under so fast.


Active Member
Originally posted by FromTexas
I guess he needs to sell more books now that Air America went under so fast.
IIRC he wasnt making money off air america, he was working for free


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by Spoiled
IIRC he wasnt making money off air america, he was working for free

Which appropriately shows his severe bent to the far left. He will sell his crap for free.

This will be nothing more than a severly biased, Michael Moorish type work.


Active Member
Originally posted by FromTexas
Which appropriately shows his severe bent to the far left. He will sell his crap for free.

This will be nothing more than a severly biased, Michael Moorish type work.
He hasnt said its anything but biased... he openly says its a liberal broadcast.... more than one can say about fox and its conservative tendancies:rolleyes:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Spoiled
He hasnt said its anything but biased... he openly says its a liberal broadcast.... more than one can say about fox and its conservative tendancies:rolleyes:

What is it about Fox that gets lib panties in such a knot? :confused: I mean for cryin out loud, conservatives have had to endure the propaganda spewed from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS for decades. Don't watch it if you don't like it, just like I don't read liberal propaganda. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
What is it about Fox that gets lib panties in such a knot?
For real. They act like it's Rush Limbaugh or something. But I find Fox to be VERY fair and balanced, just like they say. We're just so brainwashed by the mainstream media that we think if the anchor isn't foaming at the mouth over Bush, they must be a bunch of right-wingers.


Football season!
Originally posted by Christy
What is it about Fox that gets lib panties in such a knot? :confused: I mean for cryin out loud, conservatives have had to endure the propaganda spewed from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS for decades. Don't watch it if you don't like it, just like I don't read liberal propaganda. :shrug:

Thats one thing I always find interesting. It is a common known fact that Fox News is where the conservatives go to get their news, and one of the few places they go. They will always brag about Fox News being the most widely watched news network. Sure, the ratings are there, but when you actually look at it the conservatives are all tuning in to fox, where as the liberals spread themselves over all the other channels based on personal preference. It would be interesting to see how the fox news ratings would be if more conservative channels started popping up. Or if some of the liberal news outlets either went away or merged


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
It is a common known fact that Fox News is where the conservatives go to get their news, and one of the few places they go.
Speaking for myself, I don't go to Fox because it's some bastion of right-wingery. I go because I get tired of the liberal slant CNN puts on everything.

On CNN and the broadcast networks, all you get is bad news about Iraq and Bush. You get overblown interviews with some peace protester and liberal celebrities. Fox does that, too, but they also interview people like me, who have a kid over there and fully support the Iraq operation.

Many times , the CNN will have a "roundtable discussion" with ONLY liberals present. I've never seen that on Fox - they always have discussions that include different viewpoints.

So it's not fair to say that because Fox has a big conservative audience, that means it's a big conservative news channel. Maybe we just want the news without the anchor interjecting their personal opinion.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde

So it's not fair to say that because Fox has a big conservative audience, that means it's a big conservative news channel. Maybe we just want the news without the anchor interjecting their personal opinion.

Yea, I'm sure that's it :rolleyes:

Still goes along with conservatives flock to Fox, where as the libs are tune in to all of the other channels. Yet Fox still talks about being the most watched. Yes, it is. But only because of limited venues for conservatives to go


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by SmallTown
Thats one thing I always find interesting. It is a common known fact that Fox News is where the conservatives go to get their news, and one of the few places they go. They will always brag about Fox News being the most widely watched news network. Sure, the ratings are there, but when you actually look at it the conservatives are all tuning in to fox, where as the liberals spread themselves over all the other channels based on personal preference. It would be interesting to see how the fox news ratings would be if more conservative channels started popping up. Or if some of the liberal news outlets either went away or merged

:bs: And you know it. :razz: Actually isn't MSNBC supposedly conservative? I've watched that channel and it just plain and simple just sucked. I tune into CNN on occassion, as well as BBC. Problem with both of them (and you should know since you're occupation makes you privy to what "really" goes on :duh: ) that the majority of the reporting that goes on with both those stations are completely and utterly untrue, the rest is filled with half truth's.

ST, I've probably had more real life dealings with how the liberal media flat out lies and spins any story to fit their agenda, than anybody else on here. Your theory doesn't hold water.


Football season!
Originally posted by Christy

ST, I've probably had more real life dealings with how the liberal media flat out lies and spins any story to fit their agenda, than anybody else on here. Your theory doesn't hold water.

No theory at all Just the fact that most conservatives flock to Fox, while libs go for all of the other channels.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But only because of limited venues for conservatives to go

But that doesn't mean Fox is conservative - it just means it's not liberal.


Active Member
all these points are addressed in the book, including how the majority of these channels arent liberal and when it comes to money they are infact conservative...


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by SmallTown
No theory at all Just the fact that most conservatives flock to Fox, while libs go for all of the other channels.

Because every other channel is highly liberal :dork: How many libs, in their open mindedness, :duh: tune into Fox? Hmmmm?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
when it comes to money they are infact conservative...
ALL liberals are "conservative" when it comes to money. Do you think Barbra Streisand is going to give all her money away to charity and live like a normal person? No.

And do you think Rainbow/PUSH is going to quit paying Jesse Jackson millions of $$$ a year and actually put that money into the "black" community? No.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde

But that doesn't mean Fox is conservative - it just means it's not liberal.

and read my first post on this:
"It is a common known fact that Fox News is where the conservatives go to get their news, and one of the few places they go"

And you have agreed with that statement, so I don't know what exactly the conservs here are questioning?


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Spoiled
all these points are addressed in the book, including how the majority of these channels arent liberal and when it comes to money they are infact conservative...

Al Franken and Michael Moore aren't liberal when it comes to their money either. :duh: However, they expect the "little man" to be. The hypocrisy of the liberal elite is never ending.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
And you have agreed with that statement, so I don't know what exactly the conservs here are questioning?
You indicate that, because conservatives like Fox, that must mean it's a conservative news source. I'm simply saying that it's not a conservative news source. It's a fair and balanced news source. The thing that makes people think it's "conservative" is because it's "not liberal" like the rest of them.