Lies (and the lying liars who tell them)


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You indicate that, because conservatives like Fox, that must mean it's a conservative news source. I'm simply saying that it's not a conservative news source. It's a fair and balanced news source. The thing that makes people think it's "conservative" is because it's "not liberal" like the rest of them.
evidence for both plz?


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Evidence of what? :confused:

Originally posted by vraiblonde
It's (Fox news) a fair and balanced news source. The thing that makes people think it's "conservative" is because it's "not liberal" like the rest of them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spoiled, I'm still not sure what you're looking for evidence of. That Fox is fair and balanced? That it's not liberal?

Help me here.


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Spoiled, I'm still not sure what you're looking for evidence of. That Fox is fair and balanced? That it's not liberal?

Help me here.
I want evidence that fox isnt conservative and that all the others are liberal


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
I want evidence that fox isnt conservative and that all the others are liberal

Here ya go:
Kerry, Kerry, Kerry, Kerry. Vote for Kerry! He raised a ton of money - which means people love him, as opposed to when Bush raised all that money and we accused him of being in bed with Big Business. Vote for Kerry! Bush wants a list of churches for some sinister reason.
Democrats are HOT! Kerry, Kerry, Kerry. Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton. And Michael Moore is worthy of being on our front cover because we think he has something important to say! And Bill Clinton is right next to Thomas Jefferson because we're hoping you will equate the two! George Bush who?
Evil Embarrassing Republicans vs. John Kerry
Who's that on the right of the page? Why it's John Kerry!

Now for something different:
Good Republicans. Good Democrats. Bad Republicans. Bad Democrats.

We report. You decide.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
if the media was truely liberal wouldnt they have said a lot mroe negative stuff about bush than gore? and said a lot more positive stuff about gore than bush?
Not necessarily. Remember that Gore was a semi-incumbent, therefore worthy of more press. Plus Gore did a lot more "interesting" things during the campaign than Bush did. And finally, what the media DOESN'T report is as important as what it DOES report.

And I notice you have no comment on my links to various news sites.


Active Member
There isnt too much to say, people can spot the bad bush does easier than ekrry because hes in office, he has made his mistakes, people now know bush... bad news sells better than good news, people also remember the bad for a bit longer so it seems one sided often...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
bad news sells better than good news
Fox News has proved that people will tune in for the good news when it comes to our country and our government. Let me also say that these networks didn't seem to want to peddle bad news so much when Clinton was in office.


Originally posted by vraiblonde

Here ya go:
Kerry, Kerry, Kerry, Kerry. Vote for Kerry! He raised a ton of money - which means people love him, as opposed to when Bush raised all that money and we accused him of being in bed with Big Business. Vote for Kerry! Bush wants a list of churches for some sinister reason.



New Member
Originally posted by Christy
Because every other channel is highly liberal :dork: How many libs, in their open mindedness, :duh: tune into Fox? Hmmmm?

I do. I watch Fox more often than not in order to hear the conservative spin on things. I also get the Weekly Standard and World magazine at my house so I can read things coming from the right. We all need to realize that we have to read what the other side is saying so that we can develop an understanding of the other side and learn something. We cannnot learn from hearing the echo of our own voices.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
I watch Fox more often than not in order to hear the conservative spin on things.
Good! Then you're in a primo position to tell us what, exactly, makes Fox such a conservative news channel.

Enlighten me because I don't see it.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Enlighten me because I don't see it.

Most conservatives don't.

They all wanted a conservative channel, and now they have one they don't want to admit it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Most conservatives don't.

They all wanted a conservative channel, and now they have one they don't want to admit it.
Is your name rraley? :tap:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Good! Then you're in a primo position to tell us what, exactly, makes Fox such a conservative news channel.

Enlighten me because I don't see it.

I think that you and me should get together and watch FOX for one afternoon during which I can show to you all the instances of the conservative bent that it displays.

As for more easily conveyed instances of the network's conservatism...there are three prominent people on that network that have shows: Bill O'Reily, Neil Cavuoto (sp?), and Brit Hume. O'Reily is more or less a conservative (yes there are times when he is liberal such as drug laws, but he is definitely right of center). Cavuoto is an economic conservative (as are most Wall Street junkies) and Brit Hume is a widely regarded conservative columnist and commentator (he was on the 1988 debate panel as a conservative). Furthermore, the network is owned by Murdoch - a prominent GOP donor. When there are panels they do usually contain a liberal, but they more often than not have two conservatives. And the liberals that they do have on their network are not as near as prominent as liberals on other networks. This all just seems to say to me: were right of center. I mean that is not a problem...CNN makes up for it on the left.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's 'enlightenment day'

I think that you and me should get together and watch FOX for one afternoon during which I can show to you all the instances of the conservative bent that it displays

So guess what? Over here, FOX and the nuances. Yes they're there.

Over 'heah; The 'nuances' of CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times, the...

FOX irks the left so much because it is a de facto mirror, evidence, for the CRYSTAL clear bias of the last 25 or so years of liberal leanings in the major media in this country.

FOX, the Washington Times and Limbaugh and others are the simple result of extended, long term bias EVERYWHERE else; the opposite reaction.

The bias MADE the market.

PS: Add the WSJ to your list along with The National Review.