Lies, Damn Lies, and Democratic Operatives


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Where Do These Mobs Come From? We Have an Answer.

Kamala Harris bused in "supporters" to a rally in what looked like an obvious effort to make her campaign look bigger than it is. Women dressed in "Handmaid's Tale" garb picketed in front of U.S. Supreme Court Justices' homes to pressure justices into changing their minds, insurrection-style, after the Dobbs draft decision was leaked. Democrat operatives sent agents provocateurs to Trump rallies to try and start fights while in line and disrupt his speeches in 2016. In 2008, at a Hillary Clinton speech, a couple of guys heckled her with "Iron my shirts!"

Who are these people? Don't these people have jobs to go to? Where do they come from?

A TikTok video released the other day showed about 100 men in khakis and white masks holding odd flags and marching in (bad) formation to a snare drum cadence.

Who are they, and how did someone know to be there to capture the weird scene and post it to a now non-existent TikTok account without explanation? Are they feds, or quirky guys who connected on Craig's List, Threads, or Reddit? Are they protesters-for-hire?

I asked the CEO of a company that hires and deploys renta-mobs.

The founder and CEO of Crowds on Demand, Adam Swart, doesn't hide what he does. I got a press release from his PR folks a few months, back and Matt talked with him for a PJ Media story about the threat of violent mobs outside the Chicago Democrat convention in July.

I thought I'd reach out to ask him about the flag-carrying khaki pants boys marching above.

I had never heard of this group previously and I don't have any specific information on it. Reducto ad absurdum, reducing your opponent's case to its most ridiculous part, can be an effective technique.
These folks seem dressed like neo-fascists marching in a militaristic style, which would likely make some folks pretty uncomfortable. Their style therefore seems designed to go viral online and spur fear.
While many online have speculated that this is an attempt by government agencies to make Trump supporters look like fascists, I think that is unlikely.
I think it is far more likely that an anti-Trump group would organize it for that purpose. However, it's important to note that these folks don't appear to be waving Trump signs, so if it is a fear mongering tactic then it's a subtle one.

Or not so subtle.

Swart's company does a bit of everything.

Crowds on Demand promises crowds "to move forward a healthcare, financial, energy, or other social initiative, we can organize rallies and get media attention for your causes and candidates."

"If you need to hire protesters, we can get a crowd on the street, sometimes within 24 hours time," the company's website promises.

They can "staff" city council meetings: "If you need speakers to present at a council meeting, we can provide talented and well-spoken individuals to advocate for the cause."

Need to make astroturfed phone calls to Congress? "We also have a dedicated team of phone-banking staff who can call Congressional Offices and convince government officials to support your cause and help you overcome opposition."

And finally, "We are the ultimate guerilla lobbying and government relations firm."

Swart says they send only people who are passionate about the issue being protested.

Some events attract grassroots activists, but many, like a Joe Biden speech, need help. Motivated activists might drop everything to go to a protest, but protesting doesn't pay the bills— or does it? I'm told that protesters can make a couple hundred to a few hundred dollars per day depending on the job.

This kind of business model — which Swart didn't create but simply copied and perfected — should make you question everything.

The flag-waving episode was reminiscent of the tiki torch-carrying jacka**es in Charlottesville. An X user asked a good question about the edited and spliced video that went out on social media: "Who filmed the Hollywood-quality Tiki Torch march?" And why?

Was any of this activity an outpouring of genuine political zeal or is somebody trying to spin up something out of nothing? Were all of these astroturfed phony displays either by federal officers, opposition groups, or Lisa Fithian-inspired violent leftists trolling for coverage? Or were they paid protesters?

Swart says he's keeping his people out of the Israel-Gaza protests because he doesn't want "to be part of the noise."

We live in dangerous times. It used to be that our intelligence community concentrated its efforts overseas to change hearts and minds. Now, after the Patriot Act, and the recent DHS emphasis on First Amendment-protected activity being a national security issue and subject of censorship, we're the target of their psyops.

An estimated 200 FBI agents or assets infiltrated led the pro-Trump crowds into the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, according to Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) That matches others' claims. Other three letter agencies, likely DHS agents, were part of the mob too. Metropolitan Police are on video urging people outside the Capitol Building to climb up the scaffolding and break into the Capitol. All were agents provocateurs.

Then there's the matter of the official-looking squads of men J. Michael Waller saw himself that day and wrote about in his book "Big Intel." Watch my interview with him. He still doesn't know who they were but says they were professionals. He would know.


PREMO Member
This weekend, Libby Emmons and Jack Posobiec of The Post Millennial reported an extremely scary story about voter intimidation in Pennsylvania that makes me wonder if Democrats are really 'the party of tolerance.'

In Lower Merion Township, just outside of Philadelphia, the report alleges that several voters have received violent and threatening letters about their support for Donald Trump.

Pennsylvania Trump supporters in the Philly suburbs are being targeted with threatening letters from the radical left that warn: “This is a reminder that your visible support comes with a price and at a cost. There will be consequences…Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf*cker.”

The letters have been delivered by mail as well as without postage—directly into mailboxes—to voters with Trump yard signs in what appears to be a widespread intimidation campaign.


There is much more to the letter, which you can read in the tweet or article above, but whoever wrote this seems extremely dangerous.

The letter does read like it is the product of one unhinged person, but we should remember that another lone unhinged person in Pennsylvania nearly took the life of Donald Trump back in July. And the media promptly memory-holed that story as quickly as they could, just as they are ignoring this one.

I tend to think they wouldn't ignore this if the same letter was written by a Trump supporter and mailed to Kamala Harris voters.

As noted above, the police have said that there is not much they can do without more information, but where is the FBI to look into these letters? Even if the threats made are not serious, this is clearly intended as voter intimidation.

I have been reliably informed by the FBI that they frown on that sort of thing. Have they sent an agent or team to inquire? It doesn't look that way (though there are indications that the RNC at least is aware of this and is looking into it).

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Just sneakin' around....
Something is wrong with that story. The picture show Trump/Pence, not Trump/Vance.

And why would the letter have a Trump 2024 "Save America Again" logo if it came from the Dems?
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PREMO Member
Something is wrong with that story. The picture show Trump/Pence, not Trump/Vance.

No nothing is wrong with the story, the other picture is from Gateway Pundant article about the same incident ... looks like stock photos

ALARMING: Trump Supporters in Pennsylvania Targeted with Threatening Letters from the Radical Left — “Your Visible Support Comes with a Price”


Trump supporters in Pennsylvania are reportedly being targeted with threatening letters from radical leftists, warning them that their visible support for the former President could lead to dire consequences.

Residents with Trump signs in their yards, particularly in Philadelphia, have reported receiving disturbing letters through the U.S. Postal Service, complete with fake Trump campaign letterheads, Post Millenial first reported.

The threatening letters, which start off as a seemingly benign “thank you” note for being engaged in the electoral process, quickly devolve into dark, ominous threats.

One Trump voter, Janet from Penn Valley, shared her harrowing experience to Post Millenial.

After proudly displaying Trump signs in her yard, she received one of these letters, filled with hateful rhetoric and explicit threats to her family and property.

The unsettling message was far from an isolated incident. Janet, who reported the matter to the Lower Merion Police, revealed that other Trump supporters in her area had received similar letters.

Local law enforcement, however, has been unable to pursue the matter further, as the letters were delivered through the mail without any available video evidence.


PREMO Member
Still seething from Trump's masterful PR campaign stop at a Philadelphia McDonald's, the 'Kamala's Wins' Twitter/X thought it was a bright idea to attack the local McDonald's franchise that was the focus of Trump's stop.

Not only is it petty, it's stupid.

The account, which touts itself as 'Keeping Score of Kamala Harris’ wins. The largest online community supporting soon to be President Kamala Harris', couldn't be more out of touch with ordinary Americans.


Americans understand this was a strategic troll by the Trump team. Nobody thinks Trump strolled into a random McDonald's and asked to jump on the fryer.

Of course, it was planned. Of course, they had to vet the people who would interact with the former president. Of course, they were going to limit access to the location. It's sort of necessary when leftists have been recently trying to assassinate him.

People don't care. It was natural. The workers were real. The crowds behind the rope line were real.

The response was real … and Democrats hate it.

Quite possibly as delicious as fresh, hot McDonald's fries.

It really has been amazing to watch. We watched the Trump event in real-time. You could tell the campaign had created something special. The reaction online was immediate and favorable.

It didn't take long for the left-wing meltdowns to start.




