Lindsey Vonn.


I bowl overhand
All I can say, is the Olympics have lost their lustre. It's no more about the nobody, the unknown competing for the sake of competing, and the love of the sport.

It's more of a venue for rich people to all get together and party for a few weeks at someone else's expense, and give each other virtual blow jobs to convince each other about how great they are, and how much better they are than "normal folk"

Normal folk can't even afford tickets to most of the venues anymore.

I'm trying, REALLY trying to enjoy the Olympics like I used to, but I'm finding it really hard to cheer for an injured athlete with a bruised anything that makes 20M a year..

Christ, for the money they make we should be allowed to chose an appendage to remove before they make their run..

kara teoke

Not in SOMD any more
All I can say, is the Olympics have lost their lustre. It's no more about the nobody, the unknown competing for the sake of competing, and the love of the sport.

It's more of a venue for rich people to all get together and party for a few weeks at someone else's expense, and give each other virtual blow jobs to convince each other about how great they are, and how much better they are than "normal folk"

Normal folk can't even afford tickets to most of the venues anymore.

I'm trying, REALLY trying to enjoy the Olympics like I used to, but I'm finding it really hard to cheer for an injured athlete with a bruised anything that makes 20M a year..

Christ, for the money they make we should be allowed to chose an appendage to remove before they make their run..
Do you walk to work uphill both ways naked in a snowstorm?


Methodically disorganized
It's no more about the nobody, the unknown competing for the sake of competing, and the love of the sport.
No more... seriously, Bob? These athletes are dedicated, which is why they do go to the lengths they do to get into the games; they (most of them) would not commit years to this endeavor if they did not love it.

In most sports, the athletes are working with excruciatingly small tolerances in hopes to win and possibly break a record. That means training near constantly, which in turn means losing family time and not having a day job like most of us - because training is their job. Yet they must have some sort of income for life's essentials. So as I said at the beginning of the thread, I can not greatly fault them for banking on their natural gifts. As long as they are not doing something disgraceful, I say go for it.

Also, I find it interesting that you are apparently allowing one athlete's actions to ruin the entire Olympic experience for you. Why is it so hard to watch around her?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
All I can say, is the Olympics have lost their lustre. It's no more about the nobody, the unknown competing for the sake of competing, and the love of the sport.

It's more of a venue for rich people to all get together and party for a few weeks at someone else's expense, and give each other virtual blow jobs to convince each other about how great they are, and how much better they are than "normal folk"

Normal folk can't even afford tickets to most of the venues anymore.

I'm trying, REALLY trying to enjoy the Olympics like I used to, but I'm finding it really hard to cheer for an injured athlete with a bruised anything that makes 20M a year..

Christ, for the money they make we should be allowed to chose an appendage to remove before they make their run..

Oh, I agree with that. I rarely watch them anymore, because I don't find them all that, really. AND I was really irritated that they would hype Ice Dancing or Figure skating, saying they would be on at 7pm and I would see 1 skater routine every hour and a half. From 7 - 10pm I would see 1, maybe 2 because they space them out during the time frame.

I put up with that a couple of nights & quit watching. I didn't really care to watch all the events they had on while dangling the Figure Skating "coming up next" carrot in my face for 3 hours. :burning:


24/7 Single Dad
She bruised this, she skied through this bruise, that bruise.. i can't Imagine ANY skier finishes a run, expecially the slalom runs, without multiple injuries..

I especially like the story of the "hurt wrist" at the worlds.. again, nothing more than a bruise and they show her prior to her start "playing through the pain" with her arm in a homemade sling, for a bruised wrist?? Really??

Thank God she did the Sports Illustrated shoot before getting bruised up.

... but I did like the slings they gave her