And see, had they gotten the story right, had they emphasized the REAL story of the villagers and their ancient code of protecting and defending a guest, as it happened, instead of a quick reference to it in the closing credits, I would argue it gives you and other folks who were so viscerally affected by the rest of the movie, who may not go again, give you this enormous, wonderful human connection to the movie, a giant life raft, so to speak, of universal human good will and decency, even in an unexpected and remote part of the world, pretty much the very goodness those mothers sons gave their lives for.
I do NOT get it!!!! It infuriates me. Those guys died for ideas, for concepts of good. The movie throws it all away in this inane 'good guy/bad guy garbage and, in the end, tells no more story than 'BANG!' some heroes fought the good fight and got killed.
Killed for WHAT??????
I thin the REAL story would have given the thing some redemption a mother, especially a mother whose son is enlisting, a rock solid, for lack of a better word, 'goodness' to take away after seeing it. As it is, it's just some pointless war movie; fighting and dying for fighting and dying's sake.