Look what I just found at the dump

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
After the wife got home she gave her a good once over. She had alot of ticks and we realized she has worms as well. She'll get a real flea and tick bath tomorrow after the vets (thank you Rita).
You can tell she hasn't had any real sleep in days.


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wharf rat said:
After the wife got home she gave her a good once over. She had alot of ticks and we relized she has worms as well. She'll get a real flea and tick bath tomorrow after the vets (thank you Rita).
You can tell she hasn't had any real sleep in days.

Happy endings. :yay:

Thank you for being you. :flowers:


Pandora said:
It was nice knowing you Doug. I'm going to miss you. :bawl:

Shiat it was passwor protected plus it was only a 200mhz pentium i was gona put it in the kids room but now i guess it will go to the transferr station. :razz:


New Member
wharf rat said:
After the wife got home she gave her a good once over. She had alot of ticks and we relized she has worms as well. She'll get a real flea and tick bath tomorrow after the vets (thank you Rita).
You can tell she hasn't had any real sleep in days.

How did things go at the vet? :shrug:


But wait, there's more...
wharf rat said:
another pic...what do you think she's mixed with?

blue tick hound :yay:

Attached is a pic of my (late) beagle/blue tick mix. :bawl:


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wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
The dog (who we have named Sadie for now) has lyme disease but the test showed about 40% and the vet said not to worry about it (i still wonder about that). Anyway she also has worms (hook & round). She was treated for the worms and will need to have another sample done in a month to make sure they are all gone. She was heartworm negative.
She weighs just over twenty pounds and is not spayed (but not pregnent). The vet estimated her age at about six years old. For now she has a submissive personallity, but I think it may perk up a little bit when she feels better. Still waiting on someone to see if they might want her. If not, we're going to keep her I think.
She's had a rough day but I think she knows everything's going to be alright for her now.


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New Member
Gosh... I just had a feeling yesterday, after seeing her face maybe, that 'something' was wrong, but I was hoping my gut feeling was wrong. :ohwell: But at least now it is being treated.

I hope little Sadie the Drug Lady (I'm sure she is taking a lot of meds :wink: ) gets well soon. :huggy:


But wait, there's more...
Heartbreaking story! :frown: She looks like a sweet girl. I bet she recovers from her issues just fine, and turns out to be the bestest dog ever! :wink:

And I hope whoever dumped her develops an incurable case of some life-threatening disease ... azzhole! :mad: People who dump their pets like that really piss me off ... especially when there are so many options out there for getting them to someone who'll care for them properly.

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
She saw a squirrel in the yard today and perked up for a few seconds. The happy dog is there inside her but I think she's just to worn out to really show it. All in time. And the vet said Blue Tick as well or so he thought.


But wait, there's more...
wharf rat said:
She saw a squirrel in the yard today and perked up for a few seconds. The happy dog is there inside her but I think she's just to worn out to really show it. All in time. And the vet said Blue Tick as well or so he thought.

She'll be fine ... she just needs exactly what you're giving her right now ... some medical attention, a warm bed and meal, and a lotta love. :huggy:

I love me some beagles. I just wanna gather their little muzzles in my hands and smooch their cheeks. :smile:


Loving My Life...
She knows she is loved. She will forget about the azz that dumped her and :love: you guys. I'm glad you picked her up!!!



New Member
wharf rat said:
She was heartworm negative.
Still waiting on someone to see if they might want her. If not, we're going to keep her I think.
She's had a rough day but I think she knows everything's going to be alright for her now.
She's one lucky gal not having heartworms-or someone took enuff care of her by giving her the preventative. Heartworm treatment after the fact is 1 serious situation as well as big $$.
WR-she "found" you for a reason-might turn out to be 1 of the best friends ya ever had!

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
Heartbreaking story! :frown: She looks like a sweet girl. I bet she recovers from her issues just fine, and turns out to be the bestest dog ever! :wink:

And I hope whoever dumped her develops an incurable case of some life-threatening disease ... azzhole! :mad: People who dump their pets like that really piss me off ... especially when there are so many options out there for getting them to someone who'll care for them properly.

It was five years ago today that this wonderful dog came to us (it was raining that day too).
We couldn't have ask for a sweeter girl.


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New Member
It was five years ago today that this wonderful dog came to us (it was raining that day too).
We couldn't have ask for a sweeter girl.

That's so great! I was just looking at the poor rejected dog in your first picture and the one today in which she appears to not have a care in the world. Awesome job!

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
Sadie paved the way for all the other beagles who've been through our doors including Darla and her puppies.