Lookin to go a courtin


appyday said:
talk about bouncing checks someone gave me a bad $350 kitten check..and I had put it in the bank for vehicle insurance..I need to redeposit that sucker today..
Rack'm, your check bounced.


New Member
appyday said:
Camily check this out..

Originally Posted by singlesomddad

How are you doing today? I was recommended looking you up by appyday in one of the somd forums. I am a single dad and am looking for someone to chat with and go from there. My names WITHELD. Id love to chat with you soon.

LOL like i didnt know that wasnt going to happen LOL


appyday said:
Camily check this out..

Originally Posted by singlesomddad

How are you doing today? I was recommended looking you up by appyday in one of the somd forums. I am a single dad and am looking for someone to chat with and go from there. My names WITHELD. Id love to chat with you soon.

Posted by SAHRAB :lmao:
Are you serious? It can't be! :lmao:


SAHRAB said:
if it hadnt had happened to me, i would have thought it was funny... i still do but... lol
I must give you props for sticking it out with us and not running away. See, that's how it works! :yay:


This is fun right?
camily said:
I must give you props for sticking it out with us and not running away. See, that's how it works! :yay:

The love, admiration, and outright glee that y'all showed me when i joined was more than enough to keep me here :razz:


SAHRAB said:
The love, admiration, and outright glee that y'all showed me when i joined was more than enough to keep me here :razz:
We are a welcoming bunch and very warm and loving! :love: