Looking for a kitten


New Member
Thank you. That is why it is hard to stay mad at her.

She is about 6-7 months old now. That picture was taken 2 months ago. According to her foster mom, the little felon was brought in by a police officer when she was 4 weeks old. We adopted her in Oct. and she was said to be 10 weeks.

She has all sorts of different meows, some silent, some very low and others very loud. She also chirps when she plays. I walk her to try and burn off some of her energy but I should have known better. If our JRT mix cannot wear her out, I will not do it either. I cannot believe others say theirs is so calm. I really thought (based on this experience) that all Maine Coons were high-energy.

Here is a picture of her in her walking jacket. She was watching the squirrels.
The jacket is very cool. I used to walk my cats on leashes but not anymore. They would always go outside and eat the grass and then come in the house and throw it up. Lol


OMG - she's NOT bad, she's just misunderstood that's all LOL - what a cute thing she is !

I think it is a combination of being spoiled rotten and extremely intelligent.

My oldest cat (7 year old tabby) hates her guts and hisses at her whenever she sees her. Last night, this kitten decided she was going to hiss at me and it was hysterical. I was playing with her and she is rough. She opened her mouth and does a heavy breath out – like she needs an Exorcism. Either she hasn’t gotten it down yet or is unable to hiss but either way, I was rolling on the floor laughing at her.


Keep checking the shelter. Mine was not advertised as a Maine Coon mix but rather a long-haired domestic. It wasn't until the vet told me what she was that I started really researching the personality type. We didn't set out for a Maine Coon mix - just my son's kitty died and he missed him so much that I took him to the shelter to get another one and this girl is what he brought home.