Looking for intimacy!



kwillia said:
'Twas my first thought...:lol:

Better be careful my friend......

<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxdm824YYUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/1/1_4_103.gif' border=0></a>


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
bresamil said:
Let me tell you a story about someone much like yourself. Stating a nonpassionate marriage, but planning to stay in for the children, this guy put out an online personal ad. He didn't use his own picture, but someone that looked similar enough. He was delighted when a lady responded that was in the same situation. He figured - no complications, since she wanted to stay in her marriage also. She sent a pic and he thought she was pretty hot. They exchanged emails and IMs that increased in intensity until they planned a meeting. Imagine his surprise when the woman that met him was his wife. She was also surprised.
Instead of using this rekindled heat to save their marriage they ended up in a huge, drawn out, bitter divorce.
Maybe you should try to rekindle what you have and if that doesn't work get out before you start looking for a replacement bed partner.
In the real world, people who want to stay married and cheat are really just scared of being alone. Anything else they say is a lie.
If you like pina coladas... and gettin' caught in the rain...
If you're not into yoga... if you have half a brain...
If you like makin' love at midnight... on the dunes at the cape...
Meet me down at the Cactus... where we'll plan our escape. :alkies:

(yes I know the words are wrong... I made up what I couldn't remember)


itsbob said:
Did they like Pina Coladas??

:high5: But that ended happy, doesn't sound like bre's friends found any humor in the situation at all, although I would have if it happened to me.

I agree with many of the opinions already - go work on the marriage. Plan a weekend or week long get away and spend time with each other and rekindle your relationship.

You are heading down a path that ought not to be taken. Having an affair is the most selfish thing you can do besides getting involved in illegal drugs, both will indeed send you down a path of self destruction and destroy those involved. :boo:


scubaboy said:
If you think in Binary Language, I feel very sorry for you. That is a very lonesome place to be. Maybe, you can cuddle up with a UYK-7.

I assume you're referring to my signature line.

1) Just a joke.
2) I rather prefer cuddling with my lovely wife.
3) If I were to cuddle with a computer, it would be something more modern than a UYK-7.
4) 01101101 01100001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011


Pitty Party
vraiblonde said:
Let me clue ya, friend:

It is socially unacceptable to cheat on one's spouse.

You can talk about it all you want, but most of the world will look down on you for it. The appropriate thing to do is get divorced before you start trolling. Anything else is just rude and disrespectful. And if your wife doesn't understand you, chances are most women won't, either.

You tell 'em Mom...

Thanks for the same advice you gave me a few years ago. I'm a new man. :angel:

:cheers: :lmao: