DAMNIT Kirk, We are engineers not DJs. We are husband/wife engineering team.Tinkerbell said:and I thought his wife was a cop, not another DJ. :shrug:
RadioCtrlDWife said:DAMNIT Kirk, We are engineers not DJs. We are husband/wife engineering team.
Serriously- thanks for trhe support, friends.
Are there any good labor lawyers here anyone can recomend?
I have never taken court action against anyone. I have a patent attorney, not a litigator. There is a company here holding a large sum of our wages without cause.
this is how it happened![]()
HiDead Eye said:What sort of station you thinking of putting together? Antenna height ? Power ?
RadioCtrlDWife said:Hi
My first choice would be a 'Class B' noncommercial which is a maximum of 50 kW ERP at 500 Feet above average terrain.
There are also options for a "traveler's information service" to be licensed to the county. This is a series of low power AM stations dispersed geographically thru the county that normally would transmit trafic information, historic site information and be there for emergency information. FCC rules prohibit TIS stations from broadcasting music.
Another way is some non profit foundations operating independent LPFM stations in each geographic area-available to the EMS people at the flick of a switch.
There are MANY ways to do this. I can do the engineering and FCC work, but we would need a group skilled in proposal writing and fund rasing to do the heavy lifting and politics in the community.
RadioCtrlDWife said:Hi
My first choice would be a 'Class B' noncommercial which is a maximum of 50 kW ERP at 500 Feet above average terrain.
There are also options for a "traveler's information service" to be licensed to the county. This is a series of low power AM stations dispersed geographically thru the county that normally would transmit trafic information, historic site information and be there for emergency information. FCC rules prohibit TIS stations from broadcasting music.
Another way is some non profit foundations operating independent LPFM stations in each geographic area-available to the EMS people at the flick of a switch.
There are MANY ways to do this. I can do the engineering and FCC work, but we would need a group skilled in proposal writing and fund rasing to do the heavy lifting and politics in the community.
THANKS FOR THE PROPS-unixpirate said:Mo Ho in the morning and 98.3 need to go! They are NOT even in my channel sets. They out right suck!![]()
Noone rocks more than DC101..![]()
Good Luck!
HFS and DC101 are my grown children.
We are professionaly embarrased as engineers by the reliablitiy isses that we were powerless to addrees in our last tour of duty.
Look to my previous work- observe WHFS and DC101's "up time'. When was the last time DC101 was off the air?
With those two stations' facilities down time is measured in units of minutes per year, not hours per day. I was Chief Engineer of both of them serially as a youth.
I am still welcome there and I was hired as a consultant to supervise the DC101 move to Rockville a few years ago - almost 30 years after my official tour of duty ended with them in 1979.
But I was not good enough for this owner, I guess one cant please everyone.
We did our best and our best was not good enough-- never had that happen before.
I was working, doing very well, as an independant consultant and have some health issues. I got this fantastic offer of " become my employee and you will get the best health insurance". Also discussed were accomidartions for my health issues to include employing my wife who is also an engineer to asist me and assurances it was understood this offer was "a job till you retire".unixpirate said:What brings you to Southern Maryland![]()
IrishGal said:Check your PM'er
RadioCtrlDWife said:I was working, doing very well, as an independant consultant and have some health issues. I got this fantastic offer of " become my employee and you will get the best health insurance". Also discussed were accomidartions for my health issues to include employing my wife who is also an engineer to asist me and assurances it was understood this offer was "a job till you retire".
The rest of the details will have to wait for the proper venue to be aired.
Looks as if I am not alone with this senerio of blue sky and suden termination at will and whim of the moment.
We are not Moose, Mike or any other DJs.WE ARE ENGINEERSunixpirate said:Mike or Moose, not sure which one cause I don't listen to that poor excuse for a radio station, and your finally coming out of the closet to tell all :shrug:
RadioCtrlDWife said:Try the library.