Looks like Bush has lost most of the gay vote for sure.


Football addict

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Calling language in the Republican Party's platform "vicious and mean-spirited," a group of gay and lesbian Republicans launched a television ad Monday aimed at challenging national convention delegates to change the party's direction.

The party's platform, adopted in advance of the convention, rejects not only same-sex marriage but also benefits for same-sex couples. It also rejects letting openly gay people serve in the military, and does not offer a "unity plank," which would encourage respect for Republicans who disagree with the party majority on social issues. (Special report: America Votes 2004, the Republican convention)

Noting that the 1 million gay and lesbian votes President Bush received in 2000, according to exit polls, could be vital for the president's re-election, Guerriero said the platform will drive away "fair-minded voters."


Well-Known Member
Sorry Tonio...I don't want my party to be "unified" with a plague.

Anyway, they are not long time voters anyway...they burn out by the time they hit their forties, have higher mortality rates etc. I would'nt lose any sleep over "lost gay votes."


Asperger's Poster Child
Hessian said:
Sorry Tonio...I don't want my party to be "unified" with a plague.

You don't see anything wrong with accusing gays of deliberately trying to MURDER children? That's hideous. If I had a gay brother and he babysat my kids, I should expect to come home and find my kids dismembered with a chainsaw?


staring into the abyss
Remeber, according to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, the gays made God mad so he blew up the Twin Towers.

I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'

:twitch: Sorry, the gays AND the feminists AND the American Civil Liberties Union.

Just to point out some facts.
1- The life expectancy reports that argue that homosexual males die in their 40's has been discredited. There are no accurate reports concerning homosexual versus heterosexual life expectancies. You can imagine that finding statistics might not be easy.
2- AIDS, or the "plague", as you put it, in the US and Western Europe affects 1.5 million people. The primary transmission source is sex, heterosexual OR homosexual, and then IV drug use.
3- The largest AIDS problem is in sub-sahara Africa with 35 million infected. HETEROsexual transmission is, by far, the main source of transmission. Women are the most at risk. 3.5 million people are infected each year.

AIDS is not a gay problem. Its a disease and labelling it as a homosexual plague is just making a horrible problem worse.
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Rapture Man

New Member
But one must look at the *rate* at which homosexuals are afflicted with AIDS versus the rate at which heterosexuals are. Homosexuals comprise but a small percentage of the population.


Enjoying life!
Rapture Man said:
Homosexuals comprise but a small percentage of the population.

You are correct. I just looked it up and the male homosexuality rate is about 3-5% of the population in the US. The female homosexuality rate is about 65-70%, with the rest just waiting for "the right experience". :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
What does AIDS have to do with Donnie McClurkin's hateful comment? In that interview he didn't mention the disease at all.


staring into the abyss
I was responding to Hessian's association of gays with the "plague" of AIDS and the misrepresentation of life expectancies. I admit its a bit off-topic from the original post, but follows a theme of homophobia. Labelling gays as child killers is absurd in the extreme.

As for the facts about AIDS infection rates:

- More than 95% of new HIV infections occur in the developing world, with a global infection rate of 15,000 per day or 440,000 per month. 90% of those infected are not aware of their status. (GSK)
- Avert.org: In 1999 rates for heterosexual transmission overtook homosexual transmission in the UK.
- The largest number of AIDS cases and highest rates are in Sub-Saharan Africa. The largest transmission rate is among heterosexual women. The largest means of transmission is heterosexual sex.
- Indonesia is next for rates. There, needle-sharing is the largest, although these stats are skewed because the total number of cases is small, so fewer numbers are needed to result in large change percentages.
- In the United States, the largest increase in rates for a minority group was in African-Americans. (UNAIDS)
- Gay and bisexual men in several Western European countries and Australia account for the majority of new infections in those countries.
- Of new infections among men in the United States, CDC estimates that approximately 60 percent of men were infected through homosexual sex, 25 percent through injection drug use, and 15 percent through heterosexual sex. Of newly infected men, approximately 50 percent are black, 30 percent are white, 20 percent are Hispanic, and a small percentage are members of other racial/ethnic groups (CDC)
-Of new infections among women in the United States, CDC estimates that approximately 75 percent of women were infected through heterosexual sex and 25 percent through injection drug use. Of newly infected women, approximately 64 percent are black, 18 percent are white, 18 percent are Hispanic, and a small percentage are members of other racial/ethnic groups.(CDC)
-Men who have sex with men account for 5-10% of all HIV cases worldwide. (UNAIDS)

So the rates depend on the area. Globally, homosexual sex is not the highest means of transmission, due in large part to the massive epidemic in Africa, where heterosexual sex accounts for the majority. In the West, homosexual transmission rates are higher. The point, again, is that labelling AIDS as a gay disease is not helping to treat or eliminate it.
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New Member
Steve said:
You are correct. I just looked it up and the male homosexuality rate is about 3-5% of the population in the US. The female homosexuality rate is about 65-70%, with the rest just waiting for "the right experience". :yay:
You mean, 65%-70% of females are lesbians?


New Member
Tonio said:
What does AIDS have to do with Donnie McClurkin's hateful comment? In that interview he didn't mention the disease at all.
Are you a homophob-aphobe. You seem really touchy about homos.


Asperger's Poster Child
Stiffler said:
Are you a homophob-aphobe. You seem really touchy about homos.

Well, I do have a sore spot about people judging the worth of others as human beings.

Plus, the SoMd area often seems like the joke in the movie Heathers: "This is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."


New Member
Tonio said:
Well, I do have a sore spot about people judging the worth of others as human beings.

Plus, the SoMd area often seems like the joke in the movie Heathers: "This is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."
You were classed a sissyboy in school weren't you?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Gooseneck said:
I don't think that Bush was ever courting the gay vote.

Finally, some said it. I've been waiting for that reply since I saw the title of this thread.


Asperger's Poster Child
Stiffler said:
Are you a homophob-aphobe. You seem really touchy about homos.

Besides, one doesn't have to be a homophob-aphobe to oppose the idea of murder accusations as a political tactic.
Sharon said:
Finally, some said it. I've been waiting for that reply since I saw the title of this thread.
:yeahthat: the VAST majority of gays are liberal democraps, therefore, THEY WON"T BE VOTING FOR BUSH NO MATTER WHAT!