Looks Like Someone's 15 minutes of Fame is Almost Up



And she's desperately trying to get another 15 minutes...


"I'm going to go to Washington, D.C. and I'm going to give a speech at the White House, and after I do, I'm going to tie myself to the fence and refuse to leave until they agree to bring our troops home," Sheehan said in a telephone interview last week as the milestone approached.

"And I'll probably get arrested, and when I get out, I'll go back and do the same thing," she said."

That's the part I love... the sense of self-sacrifice, laying it all on the line and getting arrested when you know the worst that's going to happen is you're going to pay a fine and spend no time in jail. Getting arrested at these events is like getting a merit badge to these people. I wish the DC police and DA would say "you're a repeat offender and you're remanded to custody until your hearing." Then put her in a cell with the Butch squad.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hope so...

I'm going to tie myself to the fence and refuse to leave until they agree to bring our troops home

Then, when she dies of exposure her son can explain to her in no uncertain terms that she has destroyed all he ever meant to stand for.


It'll be interesting to see how much press she gets. I would bet she's hoping to be within camera range when the 2000th kill gets reported, otherwise I think her wave of attention has passed. The Dems got behind her because they thought, wrongly, that they could amass some great anti-war movement. It didn't work, and like most of their failures she will be politely ignored. Maybe Gore can pick her as a running mate in 2008.


New Member
She is completely discrediting everything her son stood and fought for. Its so frustrating. I understand she has freedom of speech but seriously, the woman needs to give it a rest. :lalala:


Bruzilla said:
And she's desperately trying to get another 15 minutes...


"I'm going to go to Washington, D.C. and I'm going to give a speech at the White House, and after I do, I'm going to tie myself to the fence and refuse to leave until they agree to bring our troops home," Sheehan said in a telephone interview last week as the milestone approached.

"And I'll probably get arrested, and when I get out, I'll go back and do the same thing," she said."

That's the part I love... the sense of self-sacrifice, laying it all on the line and getting arrested when you know the worst that's going to happen is you're going to pay a fine and spend no time in jail. Getting arrested at these events is like getting a merit badge to these people. I wish the DC police and DA would say "you're a repeat offender and you're remanded to custody until your hearing." Then put her in a cell with the Butch squad.

You don't think it's slightly embarrassing for our government to arrest a woman who is protesting against the war, and honoring her son’s death?

The whole world watched as the American government arrested peaceful demonstrators. Doesn't this sort of thing happen in the countries we invade...? Iraq...


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UrbanPancake said:
You don't think it's slightly embarrassing for our government to arrest a woman who is protesting against the war, and honoring her son’s death?...
She seems to be bent on provoking for the expressed purpose of being arrested - to be seen on TV. If no one was watching, she wouldn't be doing it.

Bear in mind it's always ok to protest the White House - and publicly, so long as you obtain the proper permits. It's not ok to do it in an illegal manner, for the simple purpose of getting attention from the press.

And she is not "honoring" his death by her silly provocative gestures (and some of her more ridiculous pronouncements, such as our use of nuclear weapons in Iraq). She's alienated her family with her antics.

Watch her star to fade quickly, since she clearly opposes the most powerful member of the Democratic party, and its most likely candidate in '08. Her opposition to Hillary is going to sink her chances of getting much attention from Democratic and liberal groups who are against the war - because they don't give a crap about the war as much as they do about gaining political ground.

The whole world watched as the American government arrested peaceful demonstrators. Doesn't this sort of thing happen in the countries we invade...? Iraq...
We don't arrest peaceful demonstrators - we arrest lawbreakers.


Dancing Up A Storm
Bruzilla said:
And she's desperately trying to get another 15 minutes...

"And I'll probably get arrested, and when I get out, I'll go back and do the same thing," she said."

I wish the DC police and DA would say "you're a repeat offender and you're remanded to custody until your hearing."
I would seriously like to see this happen. Maybe the lightbulb would illuminate above her warped head. :twitch:

As long the DC police simply slap her on the wrists, she'll keep on doing it. What about being a public nuisance? Can't that land you some time in a jailcell?


SamSpade said:
She seems to be bent on provoking for the expressed purpose of being arrested - to be seen on TV. If no one was watching, she wouldn't be doing it.

Then what would be the purpose of protesting? If you don't get attention to your cause then what's the point?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
You don't think it's slightly embarrassing for our government to arrest a woman who is protesting against the war, and honoring her son’s death?

The whole world watched as the American government arrested peaceful demonstrators. Doesn't this sort of thing happen in the countries we invade...? Iraq...
I have missed you soooo much! Promise me you'll never leave again, k? :huggy:


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UrbanPancake said:
Then what would be the purpose of protesting? If you don't get attention to your cause then what's the point?
You can't be serious. If you have to have TV coverage of your protest in order for it to have any buy-in, it's not worth anything.

It's part of why I don't bother with any kind of public protest - in centuries past, it was necessary because it was the only means of disseminating dissident opinion - you did it because the mob protected you from reprisals, after a fashion, although it took considerable bravery to do it. It's no longer necessary - today's protests are preaching to the choir. If you want to protest something, there's a book on every counter, a blog on every server, a channel for your voice. Public demonstrations no longer have the "weight" they once had, at least, not in THIS country.

The only time I'd bother with public protest is to express my *personal* disapproval of something - whereupon I'd be willing to do it ALONE if necessary, and unnoticed.

I don't trust the motives of media whores - if you're not committed to doing it without the notice of cameras, you're not doing it from conviction.


SamSpade said:
You can't be serious. If you have to have TV coverage of your protest in order for it to have any buy-in, it's not worth anything.

It's part of why I don't bother with any kind of public protest - in centuries past, it was necessary because it was the only means of disseminating dissident opinion - you did it because the mob protected you from reprisals, after a fashion, although it took considerable bravery to do it. It's no longer necessary - today's protests are preaching to the choir. If you want to protest something, there's a book on every counter, a blog on every server, a channel for your voice. Public demonstrations no longer have the "weight" they once had, at least, not in THIS country.

The only time I'd bother with public protest is to express my *personal* disapproval of something - whereupon I'd be willing to do it ALONE if necessary, and unnoticed.

I don't trust the motives of media whores - if you're not committed to doing it without the notice of cameras, you're not doing it from conviction.

It's not her fault the media is paying attention to her. The media follows what the public is truly interested in, and from looking at current polls most people agree that we shouldn't have went to war, and that the current situation in Iraq is a death trap for our brave young men and women over there. If someone protests in the privacy of their own bedroom then who the heck will hear it or even care about that issue?

Disregarding everything else Sheehan deeply believes in what she is doing and I respect that. She is exercising her right to protest. Is there anything more American than exercising your constitutional rights and disagreeing with a government that you don't believe is heading in the right direction?


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UrbanPancake said:
The media follows what the public is truly interested in, and from looking at current polls most people agree that we shouldn't have went to war,
I don't know if that is what the polls are saying - people aren't pleased with how the war is going - but I haven't seen ANY poll that says a majority now think we should not have *gone*. Even conservatives think it's not going well, but that's because they REALLY think we should go into these terrorist enclaves guns a blazin'. They're FOR the war, but not crazy about the manner in which it's being conducted.

That being said - I could give a rat's azz about what the 'public' believes. I'm not one to form my opinion based on what the public thinks this week or the next.

In any case - look for Cindy's press to drop. She's yesterday's new. Without a lot of media attention, her 'conviction' will sag.

and that the current situation in Iraq is a death trap for our brave young men and women over there. If someone protests in the privacy of their own bedroom then who the heck will hear it or even care about that issue?
Who says anything about protesting in your bedroom? All I'm saying is, protesting in the street no longer has the power it once had. But I'll STILL do it even if nobody is listening, IF I *personally* believe in it.

What I *won't* do is violate the laws solely for the purpose of getting a camera on my protest. I'll protest based on my convictions; IF it gets attention, all the better.

Elsewhere on here, someone made the wry and possibly sarcastic remark that they would have liked to run over a bunch of pro-lifers - ironically, making their case for them. I'm not going to violate the law in an effort to dispute what the government itself is doing - thus invalidating my own point.

No one's carting law-abiding protesters to jail. Therefore, to gain attention, they break the law so they can p!ss and moan about it in front of a camera and make their opponents LOOK bad. They want to make their case by manipulation, rather than cogent, clear logic. It's pathetic. It's snake-oil salesman stuff.

Disregarding everything else Sheehan deeply believes in what she is doing and I respect that. She is exercising her right to protest. Is there anything more American than exercising your constitutional rights and disagreeing with a government that you don't believe is heading in the right direction?[/QUOTE]


Dancing Up A Storm
I've had "it" on ignore for (?) goshamighty, 8 months now maybe. I know haven't missed a thing! The Cindy Sheehan story only tells you more about the bias in the MSM; what other cause do they follow unceasingly?

Other than natural disasters, like hurricanes Katrina/Wilma, what else do they dwell on forever? Even then, they like to bash the administration for not acting quickly enough, or with enough manpower. Additionally, they stir the pot by bringing people like Al Franken, etal., on their shows for some more variety.

Uh-huh. :duh:


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Penn said:
I've had "it" on ignore for (?) goshamighty, 8 months now maybe. I know haven't missed a thing! The Cindy Sheehan story only tells you more about the bias in the MSM; what other cause do they follow unceasingly?

Other than natural disasters, like hurricanes Katrina/Wilma, what else do they dwell on forever? Even then, they like to bash the administration for not acting quickly enough, or with enough manpower. Additionally, they stir the pot by bringing people like Al Franken, etal., on their shows for some more variety.

Uh-huh. :duh:
Somehow, the disasters elsewhere in the world have run out of steam when it comes to reporting. They'd love to have had the quick response we had.

Let's face it, having a Democrat in the White House would not have changed one thing about what happened in New Orleans. But we'd all be told how great it was.


Dancing Up A Storm
SamSpade said:
Somehow, the disasters elsewhere in the world have run out of steam when it comes to reporting. They'd love to have had the quick response we had.

Let's face it, having a Democrat in the White House would not have changed one thing about what happened in New Orleans. But we'd all be told how great it was.
Yep, the mayor of New Orleans and the governor would have come out smelling like roses. What a fantastic job of saving/rescuing their people!

Somehow, although, I don't think you'd have heard any stories about how the Feds blew up the levees, wreaking havoc on the poor population.


Football addict
Two things...

Who else doesn't care about the mark of 2000? Shouldn't we care for 1, 5, 109, or 347? Who cares for this mark of 2000, someone please explain this?

Secondly, didn't Sheehan's own family members feel ashamed of her and what she's been doing? Didn't her husband leave her too?:duh:Sheesh.


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BuddyLee said:
Who else doesn't care about the mark of 2000? Shouldn't we care for 1, 5, 109, or 347? Who cares for this mark of 2000, someone please explain this?

Secondly, didn't Sheehan's own family members feel ashamed of her and what she's been doing? Didn't her husband leave her too?:duh:Sheesh.
Who knows? I'm puzzled by the idea that when you actually go to war, you're surprised by casualties and regard the situation as a failure for having them at all. When you go to war, you can *guarantee* there will be casualties, and we were told this emphatically at the beginning.

As long as we maintain the mentality that wars should be very *brief* with a bare minimum of casualties, we're going to be losing them in the long run.

I think somehow, because the battle for actually capturing Iraq from the former regime ended two years ago, there's a mindset that doesn't believe we are still actually at war. It's a mindset seemingly only held by those *here* in the U.S. who are opposed to the war - the insurgents KNOW they're at war.