Looks Like Someone's 15 minutes of Fame is Almost Up

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's be honest here...

Bustem' Down said:
Oh, I just meant fighting. Occupation will be permanent.

...how many ar 'fighting'?

Zero. Unless an operation gets launched. They're all walking a beat. Thay are all operating in an occupation attitude; be visible, show force. They're acting like a gang crash squad where they leap into action on the odd chance something happens.

I can't speak to Japan and Germany, but the kids on the DMZ in Korea are ON the DMZ, locked and loaded and S. Korea, sure as hell has all the capability they need to do the job without us.

We will have armed and ready military forces in Iraq for quite some time.

This is another of the mis-calculations of the 'insurgents' be they Iranian backed, or Syria or whomever. The actions they are taking to get us to leave, the 'Sheenhan' tactic, so to speak, is exactly the one that guarantees we ain't going anywhere.

If they had a lick of sense, purely from a strategic sense, they'd not raise their heads for a month or two or 6 or a year. One we've actually withdrawn divisions and the means to support them, then they can look to running the show.


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
This is another of the mis-calculations of the 'insurgents' be they Iranian backed, or Syria or whomever. The actions they are taking to get us to leave, the 'Sheenhan' tactic, so to speak, is exactly the one that guarantees we ain't going anywhere.

If they had a lick of sense, purely from a strategic sense, they'd not raise their heads for a month or two or 6 or a year. One we've actually withdrawn divisions and the means to support them, then they can look to running the show.
:yeahthat: If they had stayed low and just positioned their forces without taking any action, most of our troops would probably be gone now and the Iraqi forces would not have been trained to the level they are now. So, Iraq would be ripe for the picking right now if the "insurgents" had stayed under the radar.

However, that is from a purely military strategic standpoint. There is also the perception standpoint. If the insurgents had followed that tactic, the US would look better in the eyes of the "Arab Street" because we probably would be looked upon as liberators. This would be bad for the insurgents and they know it. They don't want control of Iraq. They want control of the Arab world (and eventually the entire world). They have to do that through perception until their numbers are sufficient.


ylexot said:
They want control of the Arab world (and eventually the entire world). They have to do that through perception until their numbers are sufficient.

That's a good point. Aside from Iran, how many Islamic/Arab governments in the Middle East do you hear calling for the US to leave Iraq? The answer is zero, and that's because they know that these insurgents are a bigger threat than the US.