Larry Gude
Strung Out
I have zero problem understanding why Sheehan is upset; she lost her child.
Throughout history, one maxim seems to always hold true, no matter the culture; there is nothing worse than your child dying before you.
My issue with Sheehan is she is making her loss ever more likely to happen to another mom and another.
This war is signed, sealed and delivered. There is no doubt, no room for debate as to the legality and the rationale; Saddam had to go. End of story.
That does not remove anyones right to protest, throw #### fits, hold their breathe or otherwise.
That ALSO does not change the FACT that the oppositions one and ONLY hope is; Sheehan and Co.
The BG's understand how public opinion works in the US. They've learned, as did everyone else, the lessons of Viet Nam; You can beat the US if you can wear them out via public opinion. You will lsoe if we are united. Lose big.
So, Sheehan has every right to protest and feel as bad as she wants.
But she IS helping to kill other mothers sons by being that beacon of hope that the bad guys look to as times are bad. They hear her demand we withdraw right away. They hear hope for their cause in her if only they can kill enough to sway us as a people.
Sheehan is a threat to my kid and daughter in law; they're in the service.
That is where Sheehan is wrong. That is where she is evil.
I'm puzzled by the idea that when you actually go to war, you're surprised by casualties and regard the situation as a failure for having them at all
I have zero problem understanding why Sheehan is upset; she lost her child.
Throughout history, one maxim seems to always hold true, no matter the culture; there is nothing worse than your child dying before you.
My issue with Sheehan is she is making her loss ever more likely to happen to another mom and another.
This war is signed, sealed and delivered. There is no doubt, no room for debate as to the legality and the rationale; Saddam had to go. End of story.
That does not remove anyones right to protest, throw #### fits, hold their breathe or otherwise.
That ALSO does not change the FACT that the oppositions one and ONLY hope is; Sheehan and Co.
The BG's understand how public opinion works in the US. They've learned, as did everyone else, the lessons of Viet Nam; You can beat the US if you can wear them out via public opinion. You will lsoe if we are united. Lose big.
So, Sheehan has every right to protest and feel as bad as she wants.
But she IS helping to kill other mothers sons by being that beacon of hope that the bad guys look to as times are bad. They hear her demand we withdraw right away. They hear hope for their cause in her if only they can kill enough to sway us as a people.
Sheehan is a threat to my kid and daughter in law; they're in the service.
That is where Sheehan is wrong. That is where she is evil.