Looks Like Someone's 15 minutes of Fame is Almost Up

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm puzzled by the idea that when you actually go to war, you're surprised by casualties and regard the situation as a failure for having them at all

I have zero problem understanding why Sheehan is upset; she lost her child.

Throughout history, one maxim seems to always hold true, no matter the culture; there is nothing worse than your child dying before you.

My issue with Sheehan is she is making her loss ever more likely to happen to another mom and another.

This war is signed, sealed and delivered. There is no doubt, no room for debate as to the legality and the rationale; Saddam had to go. End of story.

That does not remove anyones right to protest, throw #### fits, hold their breathe or otherwise.

That ALSO does not change the FACT that the oppositions one and ONLY hope is; Sheehan and Co.

The BG's understand how public opinion works in the US. They've learned, as did everyone else, the lessons of Viet Nam; You can beat the US if you can wear them out via public opinion. You will lsoe if we are united. Lose big.

So, Sheehan has every right to protest and feel as bad as she wants.

But she IS helping to kill other mothers sons by being that beacon of hope that the bad guys look to as times are bad. They hear her demand we withdraw right away. They hear hope for their cause in her if only they can kill enough to sway us as a people.

Sheehan is a threat to my kid and daughter in law; they're in the service.

That is where Sheehan is wrong. That is where she is evil.


Routinely Derailed
Yesterday in a hospital waiting room, they had the Communist News Network going, and they of course reminded viewers that we'd just met and passed a sad milestone in the war - 2,000 casualties. They did a whole story on how Army generals are getting burned out from attending each funeral for each casualty (stupid idea).

Last night on the History channel, they covered one of the battles after D-Day in WWII: 60,000 casualties in that one battle.

Now granted, even one casualty is a very sad thing. But in an effort (partially successful) to undermine public support for the War on Terror, the media is overblowing the issue, just as they are with everything else that can be used to undermine the current administration and its agenda/activities.

It angers me that the very serious work in progress over there is being used as a political weapon here at home. For fear of being caught in a position where they can be accused of not supporting our folks, they exaggerate and twist things, while trying to sound sympathetic to the troops.

This is nothing new; Goebbels did the same thing - the very same tactics - against the Allies in WWII, trying to undermine the strength of the Alliance of Britain, the U.S., and the Russians.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's nothing new...

...for any army. The point is demoralizing a stronger opponent is one way to win.

Another fact left untold by our beloved media is that not all 2,000 deaths are combat related as they would have us believe in order to support the story. Some 400-500 are everything from suicides to heart attacks to accidents.

BUt, I'm crass for mentioning that. THEY, ever noble, only care about the troops.


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
...for any army. The point is demoralizing a stronger opponent is one way to win.

Another fact left untold by our beloved media is that not all 2,000 deaths are combat related as they would have us believe in order to support the story. Some 400-500 are everything from suicides to heart attacks to accidents.

BUt, I'm crass for mentioning that. THEY, ever noble, only care about the troops.
While I was reading the last 4 or 5 post replies Larry, this was going through my mind as well. I don't know if you can Google this question, or if you can get the breakdown of casualties, but I'd bet you're close to the reality here.

All of those troops went over to do a job, so my hat goes off to them. :patriot:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I'm all for bringing the troops home as I'm sure every single person in this forum is, but there's a "but". Wether the war was justified or not, wether the prisident lied or not, even if Haliburton, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati are running the country, that is all irrelevant. What people need to understand is that we cannot bring them home because Iraq will fall into anarchy and the future leader will be worse than Sadaam ever was because he will have the ambition greater than Sadaam ever had. Right or wrong, whatever your belief is, the job has to be finished or we get worse than we had before. What would have happened if we had liberated Europe in 1945 and turned around at the borders of Germany? Nothing good I can tell you that. The troops want to come home too, but only when the job is done.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I applaud...

Bustem' Down said:
I'm all for bringing the troops home as I'm sure every single person in this forum is, but there's a "but". Wether the war was justified or not, wether the prisident lied or not, even if Haliburton, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati are running the country, that is all irrelevant. What people need to understand is that we cannot bring them home because Iraq will fall into anarchy and the future leader will be worse than Sadaam ever was because he will have the ambition greater than Sadaam ever had. Right or wrong, whatever your belief is, the job has to be finished or we get worse than we had before. What would have happened if we had liberated Europe in 1945 and turned around at the borders of Germany? Nothing good I can tell you that. The troops want to come home too, but only when the job is done.

...your understanding how simple this is.

Need more like you.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...your understanding how simple this is.

Need more like you.
Simple is how I like to keep things. When I deployed in Jan. 2003 for this thing, I told my friends on the boat that we would be there a minimum of 5 years. Rome wasn't built in a day. The only thing that suprised me was Bush's declearation of the end of major combat operations, I thought that was a bit early, but whatever.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I'm all for bringing the troops home as I'm sure every single person in this forum is, but there's a "but". Wether the war was justified or not, wether the prisident lied or not, even if Haliburton, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati are running the country, that is all irrelevant. What people need to understand is that we cannot bring them home because Iraq will fall into anarchy and the future leader will be worse than Sadaam ever was because he will have the ambition greater than Sadaam ever had. Right or wrong, whatever your belief is, the job has to be finished or we get worse than we had before. What would have happened if we had liberated Europe in 1945 and turned around at the borders of Germany? Nothing good I can tell you that. The troops want to come home too, but only when the job is done.

Strange, that this concept doesn't seem to hit those who ALSO bray "we should have gone in there last time and finished the job" or how criminal it was to encourage rebellion amongst the Kurds and Shiites, but left them twistin' in the wind. Somehow, those things were WRONG for us to do THEN, but *exactly* what they want NOW.


UrbanPancake said:
You don't think it's slightly embarrassing for our government to arrest a woman who is protesting against the war, and honoring her son’s death?

The whole world watched as the American government arrested peaceful demonstrators. Doesn't this sort of thing happen in the countries we invade...? Iraq...

We never arrest lawful protesters silly! If we did most of the state of California would be behind bars. It's the illegal ones that need to be arrested, and I mean really arrested. For example, if Joe the Bum disturbs the peace and gets arrested, do you think he gets to get fingerprinted and released? Hell no. He's going to sit in a cell until his arraignment, and if he's remanded for trial he's going to stay there 'till he sees the judge.

So why should celebrities like Sheehan, Martin Sheen, Al Sharpton and others who come to protests and perform illegal acts get a celebrity arrest that they wear like a medal? If Cindy Sheehan wants to stand on the sidewalk outside of the White House and carry a sign saying Bush is a dick or whatever, she has that right. She doesn't have the right to tie herself to the White House fence, get arrested, and then go back and do the same thing again - which is what she's vowing to do.

I think that if these celebrity protesters, and make no mistake... that's what Sheehan is all about, want to do things to get arrested in order to get noticed, then they should suffer the same fate as Joe the Bum.


UrbanPancake said:
Then what would be the purpose of protesting? If you don't get attention to your cause then what's the point?

Excellent point!!! :cheers: What is the point in these stupid protests? If Sheehan really wants to change the situation in Iraq she should quit wasting time chaining herself to fences, run for office, get elected, and change things. If she really does have all the support she suggests she has she'll be an easy win!


Bustem' Down said:
I'm all for bringing the troops home as I'm sure every single person in this forum is, but there's a "but". Wether the war was justified or not, wether the prisident lied or not, even if Haliburton, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati are running the country, that is all irrelevant. What people need to understand is that we cannot bring them home because Iraq will fall into anarchy and the future leader will be worse than Sadaam ever was because he will have the ambition greater than Sadaam ever had. Right or wrong, whatever your belief is, the job has to be finished or we get worse than we had before. What would have happened if we had liberated Europe in 1945 and turned around at the borders of Germany? Nothing good I can tell you that. The troops want to come home too, but only when the job is done.

I say, speaking for myself, that I do not want the troops to come home. We've invested a ton of peacekeeping money into that region since 1947, and we're now coming to a point where we're starting to do some real good over there, just as we did in post-WWII Europe and Japan. So why would we want to leave? What we should be doing is closing down our bases in Germany and Japan, and moving those troops to Iraq. That would send a real message to Tran and Syria that despite what the Democrats are saying, we're there to stay.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Bruzilla said:
I say, speaking for myself, that I do not want the troops to come home. We've invested a ton of peacekeeping money into that region since 1947, and we're now coming to a point where we're starting to do some real good over there, just as we did in post-WWII Europe and Japan. So why would we want to leave? What we should be doing is closing down our bases in Germany and Japan, and moving those troops to Iraq. That would send a real message to Tran and Syria that despite what the Democrats are saying, we're there to stay.

Okay, maybe I wasn't perfectly clear. I'm not saying all of the tropps by any means. We took Iraq, and people may not like to hear it, but it's ours dammit. When I say come home, I mean we move to a more normal state of affairs like we did with Germany. Definatly keep bases there, just not as many troops.


Baby blues
Bustem' Down said:
I'm all for bringing the troops home as I'm sure every single person in this forum is, but there's a "but". Wether the war was justified or not, wether the prisident lied or not, even if Haliburton, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati are running the country, that is all irrelevant. What people need to understand is that we cannot bring them home because Iraq will fall into anarchy and the future leader will be worse than Sadaam ever was because he will have the ambition greater than Sadaam ever had. Right or wrong, whatever your belief is, the job has to be finished or we get worse than we had before. What would have happened if we had liberated Europe in 1945 and turned around at the borders of Germany? Nothing good I can tell you that. The troops want to come home too, but only when the job is done.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bustem' Down again.


Bustem' Down said:
Okay, maybe I wasn't perfectly clear. I'm not saying all of the tropps by any means. We took Iraq, and people may not like to hear it, but it's ours dammit. When I say come home, I mean we move to a more normal state of affairs like we did with Germany. Definatly keep bases there, just not as many troops.

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately most folks think that bringing the troops home means we're bringing them all back.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bustem' Down said:
Simple is how I like to keep things. When I deployed in Jan. 2003 for this thing, I told my friends on the boat that we would be there a minimum of 5 years. Rome wasn't built in a day. The only thing that suprised me was Bush's declearation of the end of major combat operations, I thought that was a bit early, but whatever.

How about 50.



New Member
I saw that woman on the news the other day, laying on the ground with a bunch of people, some kind of symbolic death. She looks really rough, like she needs to go home and get some rest.