Looser Skins - Ha Ha Ha


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Fallen said:
"Looser" is actually spelled "loser"

You're welcome :huggy:

Thanks...I appreciate the help but the double O's were quite intentional. Seeing how I cannot put sound here...I used the miss spelling of the word to give the jeering sound effect i was desiring for everyone to hear.

So, instead of simply saying "loser"....I get to stress the sound of the o's - and making the O in loser sound similiar to the O's in the word "look" instead.

Hence "looser" :lmao:

To all those who were all to proud to give me red and not the courage to sign it. I have no problem getting the red - but its a pretty cheap not to take credit for your own words. Oh well...what ever...
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Big Wheelin'
just curious, what team from Texas won?

Proudly sporting the burgandy and gold today at work...whoop whoop whoop!


Nothing to see here
kom526 said:
dictionary.com is your friend...

I don't think he looked it up, kom.

Main Entry: loos·er
Pronunciation: 'lüü-z&r
Function: noun
1 : a person or thing that consistently gloats about another teams loss rather than their teams win.
2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint.

Nanny Pam

otter said:
I don't think he looked it up, kom.

Main Entry: loos·er
Pronunciation: 'lüü-z&r
Function: noun
1 : a person or thing that consistently gloats about another teams loss rather than their teams win.
2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint.

:lmao: :cheers:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
otter said:
I don't think he looked it up, kom.

Main Entry: loos·er
Pronunciation: 'lüü-z&r
Function: noun
1 : a person or thing that consistently gloats about another teams loss rather than their teams win.
2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint.
You make me proud to be an otterphile. :smile:


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn

27 - 10

Need I say any more??

now...if you are going to add to my red....at least have the balls to leave your name...


New Member
OK 'skins fans, 'splain it to me. I really want to cheer for the skins, I really do. I mean, I've been here for 3 years now, and will ALWAYS be a die-hard Eagles fan, as frustrating as that is year after year, but what the heck is going on with the 'skins? Is Gibbs Offense just too dang complicated for the number of newbie Skins that you've got? Is it the offensive coordinator that isn't calling the right plays? I mean, they looked horrible tonight from one end of the field to the other. And it wasn't that Dallas looked all that great. TO was pretty much shut down. Gotta hand it to the skins for doing that. And I'm being serious here, I'm not trying to rub salt in the wounds. I can be a fan of more than one team. I've been a Dolphins fan longer than I've been an Eagles fan. I've just never been a fan of the Skins. But I'm trying, I really am. I just can't figure out this organization.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Ponytail said:
OK 'skins fans, 'splain it to me. I really want to cheer for the skins, I really do. I mean, I've been here for 3 years now, and will ALWAYS be a die-hard Eagles fan, as frustrating as that is year after year, but what the heck is going on with the 'skins? Is Gibbs Offense just too dang complicated for the number of newbie Skins that you've got? Is it the offensive coordinator that isn't calling the right plays? I mean, they looked horrible tonight from one end of the field to the other. And it wasn't that Dallas looked all that great. TO was pretty much shut down. Gotta hand it to the skins for doing that. And I'm being serious here, I'm not trying to rub salt in the wounds. I can be a fan of more than one team. I've been a Dolphins fan longer than I've been an Eagles fan. I've just never been a fan of the Skins. But I'm trying, I really am. I just can't figure out this organization.
Gibbs does not call the plays anymore, Al Saunders "offensive guru" :sarcasm: calls the offense. Maybe Al Davis should be happy that Danny Boy wasted (er, I mean outbid) him when Saunders was job hunting last year. Brunell needs to find the bench with his ass, not the ball. If we are going to put up with a "rebuilding year" then we should rebuild with our future qb, not a has been and never will be.


No Longer the Kid
kom526 said:
Gibbs does not call the plays anymore, Al Saunders "offensive guru" :sarcasm: calls the offense. Maybe Al Davis should be happy that Danny Boy wasted (er, I mean outbid) him when Saunders was job hunting last year. Brunell needs to find the bench with his ass, not the ball. If we are going to put up with a "rebuilding year" then we should rebuild with our future qb, not a has been and never will be.

But Gibbs did have something to do with this offensive strategy last night, he said no matter what, we were going to run the ball alot more... My thing is, why have all the talent in recievers, if we can't get them the ball :shrug: And with Springs out, our young corners aren't catching up to speed as fast as they need to.
But getting back to the offense, it does make a big difference not having Portis, thats just a plain out fact. But he should be back against the Texans... Hopefully Springs see's the field before his first start in week 4 (I'm hoping) *they say he should be back within a week or 2 now*...
They also said during the game last night, that it was Brunnell, Collins, Campbell.... but Campbell will NEVER be a #2 QB, when he is ready, they will jump him from 3 to 1.... I think if Brunnell doesnt get his accuracy down, play maker ability back up like, right quick and in a hurry, we will see young #17 here very soon.. I like how everytime they show him on the sidelines, or they do a camera on someone near him, he ALWAYS has his notes and play chart in his hands writing some down on his papers... whether its "I should be starting" or its defensive fronts, or schemes, or what Brunnel did wrong... Atleast he is doing it...

But, its week 2, there is a reason they play 16 games in the NFL...

Cowboys fans can "blahblah: all they want to, thats fine, I would be doing it if the score was the other way... But I do know 1 thing..

Your lil ### BOY T.O, out for 2-4 weeks with a BROKEN FINGER... A FINGER....:jameo: :killingme Parcells needs to bench his ass for an extra 2-4 weeks when he is heeled just for being a ###!!


New Member
TexasPride77 said:
LMFAO27 - 10Need I say any more??now...if you are going to add to my red....at least have the balls to leave your name...
Any bets on when the next cowboy will be arrested?? :bubble:


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Any bets on when the next cowboy will be arrested??
:poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's the deal..

Ponytail said:
but what the heck is going on with the 'skins?

...teams coalesce around a theme, take on an identity.

The Colts are the "Peyton's'; their identity is a killer offense. They struggle in real tight, high pressure games when they need a defensive stop even though Tony Dungy is a D coach by trade.

The Pats were a good all around team that was struck by lightning; Tom Brady coming in for an injured Bledsoe.

The Steelers are a solid all around team that has added a stud QB.

Philly is Donovan, defense and David Akers.

The Giants and their super D line have Eli maturing into a 'make a play' when you gotta have it.

Seattle has identifiable traits. Same with the Panthers. Chicago is gonna be there if Grossman stays healthy. The Ravens have just added the one thing they were missing with McNair. All they need is a few points when they gotta have them and their D goes insane.

The Washington Redskins identifiable trait is money. They buy everything and have built nothing. Unorganized spending tends to show these collections of shiny things that don't really go together; A shiny Lamborghini in Portis for an O line that is more pick up truck oriented and now just bought an O coach that is an SUV, toss/screen kinda guy.

We have a near all pro in Cooley and an identifiable attacking the flat way of using him the last two years and now, he's being thrown deep fades.

We have way more WR's than footballs. Is Brandon Lloyd playing? David Patten? We are now built to go downfield and flood zones or beat someone one on one with QB who is getting rid of the ball at 3 steps or taking off. Our protection seems to get beat somewhere on every play.

As Dallas proved on 4th and 1 on our goal line, there comes a time when play books and schemes and vanilla or chocolate don't matter; it comes down to beating the guy in front of you on one play or losing. THAT is football. We never do that. We are trying to be so damn smart that, frankly, we're not even giving ourselves a chance to compete. It's not a spelling bee.

The defense is so complicated that if one guy is down, Springs, it makes everything else vulnerable. We got another key guy Prielou, down as well. We've added a speed guy at end and gave up a starting safety, Clark, who could run and knew the system from last year for a guy, Archuletta, who is a tackler but new and a bit slow. Rogers is having a kinda tough sophomore slump.

In short, we're a coach oriented team with people far more interested in their systems/schemes and packages being right than in identifying and going with what we have personnel wise. It's a beautiful thing when it's all clicking, I'm sure.

And the last point is our QB is well past NFL expiration date supported by a head coach who is willing to, see last paragraph, sink or swim with that because it's his guy.

So, our identity is; old, ineffective QB, developing, unsettled offensive personality and a defense that is leaking oil with injuries. We have new coaches, players all coupled with a complete flip of the original plan; Gibbs II.

This may well all turn around and it's only two games but, Minnesota isn't anybody yet. We'll see if we got beat by an up and comer or a middle of the pack team when they play a playoff team. Dallas played a competitive game against Jacksonville and handed us our hat.

We're not even competitive at this point. We have no positive identity to lean on.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
In short, we're a coach oriented team with people far more interested in their systems/schemes and packages being right than in identifying and going with what we have personnel wise.
