Looser Skins - Ha Ha Ha


New Member
That's pretty much what I saw last night Larry, but I'm not familiar enough with Gibbs' teams to figure it out. I know that there is talent on the team. I agree that his reluctance to use the talent where it suits the team instead of trying to get the team to work with his plan is going to be the ultimate killer of this team. The only team that I can compare them to is the Eagles. Donovan has had a different go-to guy nearly every year for his NFL career. He has had to juggle centers, linebackers, and even wit his own play making abilities and it seems every time the Eagles develop a Pro-Bowl Defensive lineman, we lose him to a trade the following year. But the Eagles still are able to work with what the get, year after year. Last year was a mess. TO was only part of the problem. Our offensive line a defensive line were both suffering badly from injuries and on more than one occasion were using 3rd stringers and bringing guys up from the practice squad, just so they could play the game. But aside from that year, the Eagles have been able to develop a team that could not be taken for granted on any given Sunday, based on the talent that shows up for training camp.

I'll keep watching the 'skins with that glimmer of hope that the play makers are able to start making plays. The talent is there. And it's not difficult to see that when the gears start to mesh properly, the skins are going to be a very exciting team to watch.

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's the thing...

Ponytail said:
are going to be a very exciting team to watch.:yay:

...with all the problems you list; everyone has them and everyone has a different way of dealing with them. We fans aren't part of the real deal; seeing game film where you can actually evaluate who did what right or wrong. Who made bad calls and good plays. Who made good calls and bad plays and so forth.

All we get is the stupid TV which shows so little of what 22 people are up to, so, we're stuck being announcers; a good play was good, all the way around simply because it worked, never mind what was supposed to happen. A bad play, just the opposite.

We got to see Moss on one deep route replay where he was mad Brunell didn't throw it. Mark had time to take the shot but he would have had to be commited to it. Instead, he pulled it down and got sacked. Was Moss right or was the safety in position? Was Mark supposed to look to Moss or was he too far down the progression to get to him before pressure came?

You guys, the Eagles, even suffering a tough loss like yesterday, still have a going, consistent thing; Reid, McNabb, Dawkins, Westbrook, Akers and Jim Johnson. You were winning against a real good team, dominating for awhile really, you did plenty right and have plenty of reason to be interested each week.

We have Gibbs and Co. telling us how GREAT practice goes, how preseason was actually not showing how well we were actually doing, vanilla again, all the stuff already mentioned and a poor game against Minny and a near no show against our most intense rival.

We're all messed up right now.


It was a miserable spectacle to watch. The skins pretty much failed to accomplish anything.

On O
Brunnel had no time, he was fleeing for his hobbled life 90% of the night. The only time he wasn't pressured is when Dallas didn't try because they knew his accuracy was so stinking bad everyone dropped back in coverage to wait for the dead quail throw.

I don't think anyone was stopped form penetrating. The line was horrible. The only reason they didn't have 20 sacks is because Brunnel ditched the ball so fast out of fear.

The D got one sack, other than that they didn't pressure Bledsoe much. The secondary hit hard all night but they played was soft on coverage. How many yards after the catch did the Dallas receivers get. Seemed like alot.

Granted Brunnel was ditching the ball pretty quick but they never even tried throwing the ball over 15 yards did they? Randle El, Moss, a couple catches, Cooley not even heard from except he was the intended when Brunnel, in a total panic threw the interception on the 1.

Special teams looked good, defensive secondary looked good, O line, D line looked bad. Brunnel is just happy he escaped with his life. He NEVER looked like a leader, or comfortable, or like he expected anything to work. Most of the night I saw a cartoon bubble over his head that said "Lets get this over with"

Betts looked good both catching and running. I doubt Portis could have done any better when there was a Cowboy standing 8 inches away from the handoff point because they penetrated at will.

Unless something changes it is going to be a long miserable year. Oh, and how many personal fouls can 1 team have before they make them sit in the corner of the stadium in time out?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Last night was so bad...

Pete said:
Oh, and how many personal fouls can 1 team have before they make them sit in the corner of the stadium in time out?

...we haven't even gotten around to that yet!

Flag day. Night effing mare.


Set Trippin
Pete said:
Cooley not even heard from except he was the intended when Brunnel, in a total panic threw the interception on the 1.
Correction, wasn't he flagged twice last night for false starts? :ohwell:


Larry Gude said:
...we haven't even gotten around to that yet!

Flag day. Night effing mare.
I think one of the line judges is going in for elbow surgery because of an injury he received throwing so many flags.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

mainman said:
Correction, wasn't he flagged twice last night for false starts? :ohwell:

...he looks lost, out of sync. He had 71 catches last year and 7 TD's.

He's got 3...3 catches this year.

It seems Saunders wasn't brought in to improve upon what we were doing; he was brought in to do it his way which means starting over for everybody.


mainman said:
Correction, wasn't he flagged twice last night for false starts? :ohwell:
I don't remember. I remember a couple of linemen getting called for false start. Wasn't Cooley the one called for illegal procedure? Motion violation.

I can almost understand a fasle start. In Dallas, 3rd and long, the crowd noise, those things happen. What sucks ass is when it is 3rd and 11, the Cowboys throw a 6 yard pass and they smother the guy to bring up 4th and 5 but the goober tackling him has a hand full of flagrant face mask.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was...

Pete said:
I think one of the line judges is going in for elbow surgery because of an injury he received throwing so many flags.

...the sum total of my entertainment last night; seeing how many flags would be thrown for the same infraction per play. I think Al Michaels said 5 was the unofficial record.


I was majorly impressed with the Safety, #40. that guy was EVERYWHERE. Excellent tackles all night long.


TexasPride77 said:
now...if you are going to add to my red....at least have the balls to leave your name...

A friend of mine - also a Ravens fan - and I were talking yesterday about how Redskins fans are oftentimes really obnoxious.

Thanks for reminding me that Redskins fans aren't 1/10 as obnoxious as Cowboy fans.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I am officially on Larry's "Get Brunell out of there" bandwagon. I was a quiet supporter during the run to the playoffs, even though he was hobbled by his knees. But after the sub par performances, happy feet-itis, and darts at the feet of his receivers, it is time for him to don the head set and help young Patrick er, I mean Jason along.

OBTW, since we are getting Brunell out of there, let's get Al Saunders "offensive guru":sarcasm: out of the booth and down on the field making adjustments.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In defense of Saunders offense...

kom526 said:
let's get Al Saunders "offensive guru":sarcasm: out of the booth and down on the field making adjustments.

...Al has got it done recently in KC, big time, from the booth and has earned some time to get this thing together. I would just love to have heard the QB debates between he and Gibbs.

Brunell looks exactly right now like he did at the beginning of last year, especially the game in Dallas. All anyone remembers is the two bombs. He played just like this for 55 minutes and the same against Seattle the following week. He then played OK against Denver and KC before having a big game against the 49'ers.

Mark's learning a new system, as is the whole team, and we look like it. We may well lose against the Texans because we will be pressing BIG TIME to win because hot on the heels of them is the Jags at home and Giants in NJ. We may be 1-4 at that point, at best.

After that, we have the Titans at home then Indy on the road and THEN Dallas here. We're looking at 2 wins, at Houston and Tennessee here, maybe, with 6 loses at the halfway point IF we suddenly find a way to play with middling to poor teams.

Throw in @ Eagles and Bucs, then home with Panthers, Falcons and Eagles to start the second half. At this point, away at the Rams and Saints are no more gimmees than the Vikings before finishing home with NY.

It's not reasonable to argue for even a .500 season at this point. So far, the Redskins seem to be believing the preseason press, that we're a playoff contender AND, worse, buying their own stuff they dribbled out all preseason about vanilla and how well things were actually going.

Offensive woes is kinda normal and to be expected given the new coach, his 700 pages and Portis hurting. This is still not what was envisioned adding the WR's we did AND having a healthy O line. Worse yet is how the D is playing. That was supposed to be the bulwark to hold us together until the O jelled.

We're in a lot of trouble right now.


Judging from what I saw last night I would be interested to see the line on Hou v WSH. I wonder if they will be favored? :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Read this...

Pete said:
Judging from what I saw last night I would be interested to see the line on Hou v WSH. I wonder if they will be favored? :lol:


and this

http://www.houstontexans.com/news/detail.php?PRKey=2888&section=N Latest News

I think Houston is a team doing some goods things, getting expected losses in the process and looking up.

We are the opposite.

Let's put it this way, if the line is anywhere from the Redskins giving up to Houston -7, it won't be my 5 point pick.

The Skins SHOULD have bugged Bledsoe to pieces. He picked us apart with what, 8 dropped balls including a TD to TO. They ran some on us. Not good.

Based on how we're playing right now, for two games, a Houston win will not be a surprise when we talk about this on next Monday.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

How about that Derrick Frost?

His punting sure has come around! He's averaging ovr 48 yards a punt and the net is up 2 yards per kick from last year to about 38.

Now, with 13 punts in two games, if his leg can just hold up, we got that part under control!