"Lost" season 2


Well-Known Member
Locke is going for a walk...where?
Sayiid is on to Michael's betrayal....(shadow the group Sayiid!)
Casual little sail boat appears in the last few frames...cool.
Previews for season finale look very good!


builder eppy.

LOVE that sayid is on to michael. LOVE it.

what was up with 'sad sawyer'? puhleeze.


Locke's headed to the hatch to break the computer...

I'm waiting for Syiad to turn a gun on Michael... he deserves it... he's betraying them for a son he doesn't know... fake POS...

Hurley's snapped... told you... Now Dave's gonna come back and they're gonna eat peanut butter until they can use Hurley as a raft...

The boat... WTH!?!?!?

Was it just me or was Desmond running through the forest??!! AWESOME!

So, with Eko not talking about Pearl, will Locke? Will he go back and see what else is there?? And WTH is Charlie's problem? Getting all pissy? "Get your own stuff" STUPID HOBBIT!

but, in a way, Eko has lost his faith in God, and now places it on the island... Locke has lost his faith in the island, will his God centered faith return? Him and Eko are polar opposites, thru and thru... have they now switched?


I think the Ecko/Locke thing goes back to white/black references in season one.

There was also a comment made by Walt that the others are lying about who they are and aren't as they appear.

Charlie and Claire are apparently getting back together.

They had a new website address on the commerical last night, but ti was so clobbered we couldn't get on.


click the 180... it brings you to a folder tree... nothing much, except a link to Hanso's site and some empty folders, but under two of the folders there are Mail folders with scaned in letters... looks like from Hanso to Jeep requesting quote on 23 Jeeo Compasses... as well as Jeep telling Hanso to F off because of something happening... there's also an email header with binary as the title, or something, and when converted it says The Mouth Piece... weird...

oh, and something struck me as odd... the Others gave back Kate only to have Michael get her back? what was the point of that? They could of used Michael as bait and kept Kate... why give back Kate and use Michael? They could of showed Michael Kate then returned him to the group only for him to go "They have Kate" and then a hunt begins... they gave Kate up without much of a fight and now want her back... something weird there...
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my guess is no 'hottie' kate to be seen on the show for a while means loss of viewers. but i dunno - she doesn't do it for me, personally.

but then again it could be some weird plot twist that i'm not smaht enuff to figure out. :whistle:


maylinduplantis said:
oh, and something struck me as odd... the Others gave back Kate only to have Michael get her back? what was the point of that? They could of used Michael as bait and kept Kate... why give back Kate and use Michael? They could of showed Michael Kate then returned him to the group only for him to go "They have Kate" and then a hunt begins... they gave Kate up without much of a fight and now want her back... something weird there...

They gave back Kate in order to get the guns from the group and force them to turn back. Remember that Jack wasn't backing down until they brought Kate out and the guy with beard said "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this"? They had to give up Kate to get away with Michael and not be followed.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I recorded Lost while watching Idol so C_Jo and I just started watching it. Are we supposed to know who Desmond is? :confused: