LOST season 3

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Thank-You! :slightlyobsesssed:!

I think I just struck the Mother-Load!

Indeed you did. :wink: I love shows that have mysteries to solve, puzzle pieces to put together and challenge me to think. That or a hot chef to drool over, like "Dinner: Impossible." :robertirvinegroupie: :hot:


New Member
I was in this once, and low and behold, my TV found its way back...

Last I saw, the "Others" had control, that was it... How about a gracious, update?

totally out of touch, but intrigued...

The Others lost their margin of control when Hurley bowled through the beach camp and ran that last one over. :lmao: Now we have Jack and the gang trying to meet up with the supposed rescuers w/ Ben leashed behind Jack. Locke has separated from the main group with survivors who believe Charlie's message of "not Penny's boat" and are frightened of who the rescuers really are and what they really want. They plan to hide out in the barracks. Each group has picked up a 'rescuer' or two. Both groups are suspicious of them. Last episode ended with Ben declaring their real mission is to get him and rattles off facts on each of them. He ends by saying "I have one of mine planted on their boat".

I don't know how long they'll continue but they run last week's episode at 8 and the new at 9. Give you a way to catch up if you missed.


I kind of enjoyed last nights show. I think the people that landed on the Island work for a company that was in competition with the Dharma initiative. Whe really knows though? :shrug:


There is one guy on the show that seem like he never age at all. I forgot his 'fake' names. Last time I saw him .. he was talking to John Locke and handed him the red folder with background info on Sawyer so John could get Sawyer to kill John's father. Before that, that same creepy guy met Julie in USA, again the same creepy guy met Ben's father during hippies days on the dock at the island. The creepy guy are with the Others as far as I know.
Anyone know who the creepy guy I am talking about?

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
It was stated that there were no survivors of the Oceanic flight. So how are they alive? And going way back...why can John Locke walk when his legs were paralyzed before he fell to the island?


Go Braves!
How did the entire plane end up in the Indian Ocean when the cockpit is in the jungle on the island:jameo:
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There is one guy on the show that seem like he never age at all. I forgot his 'fake' names. Last time I saw him .. he was talking to John Locke and handed him the red folder with background info on Sawyer so John could get Sawyer to kill John's father. Before that, that same creepy guy met Julie in USA, again the same creepy guy met Ben's father during hippies days on the dock at the island. The creepy guy are with the Others as far as I know.
Anyone know who the creepy guy I am talking about?

I saw that too!


Well-Known Member
Not Rousseau!

That was a very creepy ending.
Did I see that the next episode is in two weeks and...a different time?