LOST season 3


Go Braves!
I thought the show was very interesting and can't wait for next weeks episode!

And I'm with Kwillia, there were way too many commercials!
CMC122 said:
I thought the show was very interesting and can't wait for next weeks episode!

And I'm with Kwillia, there were way too many commercials!
We were robbed. They broke every 10 minutes for lengthy commercials. If you add up the actual story time... it amounted to next to nothing. I will be super pizzed if they do this every week.


Well-Known Member
According to the preview in the paper yesterday; "The first five minutes of the show are going to be an eye opener".
Since I haven't watched the show in some time, were the first five minutes indeed "eye opening"? What was the significance?


Airgasm said:
According to the preview in the paper yesterday; "The first five minutes of the show are going to be an eye opener".
Since I haven't watched the show in some time, were the first five minutes indeed "eye opening"? What was the significance?

well I don't want to spoil it for those that tivo'd it and haven't watched it yet. But they did show the others and how they live.
Airgasm said:
According to the preview in the paper yesterday; "The first five minutes of the show are going to be an eye opener".
Since I haven't watched the show in some time, were the first five minutes indeed "eye opening"? What was the significance?
Most definately! It was a HUGE twist in the story!


Go Braves!
kwillia said:
We were robbed. They broke every 10 minutes for lengthy commercials. If you add up the actual story time... it amounted to next to nothing. I will be super pizzed if they do this every week.
I know:huggy: The sad part is that even though I'll get mad at every commercial break I'm still going to watch:lol: I'm so addicted!


Active Member
Airgasm said:
According to the preview in the paper yesterday; "The first five minutes of the show are going to be an eye opener".
Since I haven't watched the show in some time, were the first five minutes indeed "eye opening"? What was the significance?
Yeah, it showed us about the others' living conditions. They looked like a Wisteria Lane type of living, with the book club and bantering over which book was going to be discussed (very wisteria-like) and then what we think is an earthquake, only to turn out to be the moment that the "button" wasn't pushed by Desmond resulting in the plane crashing. Everyone went outside and looked up, only to see the actual plane pulling apart overhead. Can you imagine??????? I thought it was good, but didn't even catch the hint of the 'Bears only took two hours to figure it out", quote. Man, now I feel lame. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member

Has it come out why the "others" are so bent on making the "lost" characters lives so miserable? Or is this yet to come?
Airgasm said:
Has it come out why the "others" are so bent on making the "lost" characters lives so miserable? Or is this yet to come?
This reminds me... the jaw dropping line for me last night was when Henry Gale told Kate "I want you have have these comforting memories to hold onto as the next two weeks will be very..." :yikes:


Im wondering what happened to kate in between the breakfast and being put in the cage. She seemed really upset and the condition her wrists were in looked like there was a struggle. And she was hungry enough to eat a fish biscuit which means that she didn't eat the breakfast - right?

Also, I wonder why the 2 week period was given to Kate. (About them going to be unpleasant). I wonder why? are they going to try to brain wash them and turn them into "others" , etc??

Ben is obviously the leader, but what is the deal with blonde chic (that's interviewing Jack ) giving him all those dirty looks?

And is it just me or does the dude under her house fixing her plumbing wearing different clothes then the dude that ended up coming out from under her house after the "earthquake"? :confused: I don't have Tivo so I can't verify-but that bugged me enough to think it was 2 different guys. But maybe I'm just expecting to many twists because thats the way it usually is. :lol:
nomoney said:
Also, I wonder why the 2 week period was given to Kate. (About them going to be unpleasant). I wonder why? are they going to try to brain wash them and turn them into "others" , etc??
I'm wondering if that comment has anything to do with the shot they were obviously given. Were they injected with something that will make them violently ill?


Active Member
nomoney said:
Im wondering what happened to kate in between the breakfast and being put in the cage. She seemed really upset and the condition her wrists were in looked like there was a struggle. And she was hungry enough to eat a fish biscuit which means that she didn't eat the breakfast - right?

Also, I wonder why the 2 week period was given to Kate. (About them going to be unpleasant). I wonder why? are they going to try to brain wash them and turn them into "others" , etc??

Ben is obviously the leader, but what is the deal with blonde chic (that's interviewing Jack ) giving him all those dirty looks?

And is it just me or does the dude under her house fixing her plumbing wearing different clothes then the dude that ended up coming out from under her house after the "earthquake"? :confused: I don't have Tivo so I can't verify-but that bugged me enough to think it was 2 different guys. But maybe I'm just expecting to many twists because thats the way it usually is. :lol:

Not sure... I guess I'll have to watch it again on abc.go.com. You can go there and view it again w/out commercials, I think. High speed connection needed, i'm sure.


Active Member
what did that juliet character play in? (the one taking care of Jack) I can't place where I've seen her in. It's driving me nuts. Anyone recognize her from something else? TIA