Loveville Leather -Elams son fell from deer stand


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Some of you may know, but I havent seen a thread on this in the public horse forum...Rubin fell from his deer stand less than a week ago. He broke his neck, pelis in 2 places and ruptured his splean (sp). He was flown to PG. he is now home and in a body brace.

As we know they the family does not have any conventional health insurance and is personally liable for the shock trama, life flight and regular hospital bills.

The gals at Persimmon Creek Farm have made mention of donations put together in a card for Elams family. I know that others in the Manu Bin are working on just that also. That sounds good to me. I have a special fondness for Elam and his boys in the shop.

OMG, sorry to hear this. If there is any way to help pull something together, just let me know.


New Member
I was there yesterday... his other son said nothing about this... wish I had seen this thread earlier so I could have offered my condolances... count me in on whatever help is needed!


New Member
Percy and I are discussing what SMTR can do for Rubin. We have an upcoming ride and will try to figure out someway to incorporate raising donations for the family.
I think all that would be needed are some pledge sheets for the riders to collect donations. Also If you want to put one in the my store, Horse folks that dont ride would like to make donations towards this fund raiser, but dont ride.
I have had many calls already. I told them to please wait till we get a pledge sheet here.


Animal Poor!
Some of you may know, but I havent seen a thread on this in the public horse forum...Rubin fell from his deer stand less than a week ago. He broke his neck, pelis in 2 places and ruptured his splean (sp). He was flown to PG. he is now home and in a body brace.

As we know they the family does not have any conventional health insurance and is personally liable for the shock trama, life flight and regular hospital bills.

The gals at Persimmon Creek Farm have made mention of donations put together in a card for Elams family. I know that others in the Manu Bin are working on just that also. That sounds good to me. I have a special fondness for Elam and his boys in the shop.

I'm in!!! We just need to figure out what, where, and when..


Cowgirl Up
I think all that would be needed are some pledge sheets for the riders to collect donations. Also If you want to put one in the my store, Horse folks that dont ride would like to make donations towards this fund raiser, but dont ride.
I have had many calls already. I told them to please wait till we get a pledge sheet here.

That is a great idea and I am sure thats the least that we will do.


Low & Slow
Hey, I'm going trail riding and camping on Assateague Island this weekend. If someone would get a pledge sheet together I will take it with and get pledges for that ride. It could be a start.


New Member
Quarter Mom...count me in for $25 pledge for your ride!! email me what you want as far as a pledge sheet and I can do it up and take it over to robins house this evening if you want....


New Member
THis is why horse people are wonderful. :yahoo:

My prayers go out to this family and the young man who was hurt. Please keep updating here so that I can do something from my end too.


New Member
ohhh no, that is soo sad. My mother ADORES Elam and his family. Like everyone else has said they are such nice people and so willing to help everyone else. Def. in on a trail!!! Please post when it is decided!!


New Member
Even though I am not in that area anymore, I miss Elam and the store! What a super guy. I would love to donate, keep us informed as to where we could send a check! I hope that we can all help to bless them in this time of need. Thanks for posting! C in Va.


Persimmon Creek Farm
Benefit ride hosted by MAHA

Our ride on Sunday will be to benefit Elam Stauffer and his family, who own Loveville Leather. Elam donates much to our club, as he also does for other horse groups. Those of us from Southern Maryland know his is the only place to take our tack etc. for repairs.

Elam's eldest son, Reuben was seriously injured when he fell 30 feet from his tree stand. His neck and pelvis were broken and his spleen ruptured. Reuben was very lucky to survive the fall and drag himself 3/4 of a mile to get help. He was flown to shock trauma and is now home again in a body brace.

Most of us familiar with the Amish and Mennonite Communities understand they never ask or look for a hand out when tragedy strikes, and they do not have health insurance.

One of the members of our horse community spoke to Elam, and told him that we really wanted to do something to help them. He said that he would never ask for anything and that no one owed him anything. He was told that we knew that, but he has done so much for our horse community that we want to show him how much we care and the only thing we could think of was monetary and prayers. He was told that we might all do a trail ride, and that the funds would help with the expenses. He said "I certainly wouldn't misuse the money and I wouldn't PROHIBIT it." We take that as a "yes" that we can do it.

Please share this flyer with anyone you think would be interested in coming to the ride. Thank you, in advance, for participating and helping this family!


Persimmon Creek Farm
I cant get the flier to load. But it is this Sun at Greenwell Park. Registration starts at 11AM ride out at 12-1. Bring coggins and a side dish-this is their potluck ride.


Ahhhh Florida!
Can someone tell me about the trail ride again or at least what number thread it is in? I am tired of looking.:whistle: