Lynch Interview


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by pixiegirl
I have personally known several people who have joined the service because it was the ONLY way they could possibly get somewhere in life. What do you do when you're from small town WV without a lot of money after highschool. Let's say you're average or even slightly above average, that's not enough for colleges to be throwing scholarships down your throat, especially not full rides, mom and dad never made enough money to pay for your school, you're not even near enough a place with decent enough jobs to start at entry level. You go into the military with hopes of making something of yourself.

Hello, that was me you just wrote about above 11 years ago. And I knew what the risks were and chose to accept them. If you choose to ignore the risks just to make a buck for college, you need to suck it up when things don't work out the way you hoped. The military is no free ride, period. If you think it is, you need a harder shell before you go to boot camp because you are in for ONE BIG HUGE RUDE AWAKENING.

True you go in knowing you could go to war. But even if that happens what are your chances of getting killed in that war? Pretty slim I'd say. How many people are in our nations military opposed to how many people are killed. Besides even if you take the war/death thing into consideration do you really thing people think about "Oh my God what if we go to war and I get captured and tortured?" I think considering war and death is a lot more common and reasonable then capture. That being said, if she was killed then none of this would be happening. I guess you'd rather that?

If a person goes into the service WITHOUT thinking about those things, they are making an uninformed, not-well-thought-out decision, PERIOD. There are risks with everything. Just because you didn't think it would happen to you doesn't give you the right to complain about it when you accepted those risks going in. Kinda like getting knocked up off a one-night stand. :rolleyes:

And no, I don't think it'd been better to have Pvt. Lynch die on the field, Christ. :duh: I do think, however, it'd be better to see her back out of the limelight that she supposedly didn't seem to want.
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But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Getting squished by a semi is possible once you decide to drive your car, however we still feel sympathy when it happens.


Sympathy, yes. I feel sorry for anyone who wears a uniform and is injured/killed while defending my freedoms.

But the thread wasn't about sympathy. It's about her future in the media frenzy and how she allows herself to be portrayed as a hero when in reality, she earned a couple medals for sustaining injuries on the battlefield, plain and simple.

I have friends who were injured in Khobar Towers who didn't get book deals, ABC interviews, etc. Why is this any different?


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by crabcake
Hello, that was me you just wrote about above 11 years ago. And I knew what the risks were and chose to accept them. If you choose to ignore the risks just to make a buck for college, you need to suck it up when things don't work out the way you hoped. The military is no free ride, period. If you think it is, you need a harder shell before you go to boot camp because you are in for ONE BIG HUGE RUDE AWAKENING.

If a person goes into the service WITHOUT thinking about those things, they are making an uninformed, not-well-thought-out decision, PERIOD. There are risks with everything. Just because you didn't think it would happen to you doesn't give you the right to complain about it when you accepted those risks going in. Kinda like getting knocked up off a one-night stand. :rolleyes:

And no, I don't think it'd been better to have Pvt. Lynch die on the field, Christ. :duh: I do think, however, it'd be better to see her back out of the limelight that she supposedly didn't seem to want.

I never said the military was a free ride or that she was doing it for a free ride. Some people such as yourself do it to actually get somewhere in life that they wouldn't get otherwise that was the point I was making.

I'd consider myself very intelligent (matter of fact have the grades and SAT scores to prove it), I was alive during the Gulf War but was how old? 11 maybe? Had I joined the service I'd of taken that as my real life experence of war. What was the death toll? It wasn't terribly high if I recall correctly. How many POWs? Not enough that I even remember now. So had I joined up straight out of high school I'd of thought my chances of #1 war were pretty slim #2 death or capture were slim to none.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Crab (and I mean that), I haven't seen this girl give a single interview since she got uncaptured. Her family gave a brief statement and that's it. So why do you say she's "seeking" the limelight? Maybe she agreed to this one interview (that the hounds have been fighting to the death over, btw) to get them off her back. Maybe she wants to take the opportunity to give props to all of her comrades. You're just assuming that she wants to :diva:.

I'll watch - I'm interested in hearing the story direct from her.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by crabcake
I don't need "a grip" but thanks. Yes, I agree she was a victim. She was injured during the war (won't get into why she was captured, though.) I didn't say she hailed herself as a hero, but she's willingly riding the wave. Sure it's good to get advice on things. And if I were her PR manager, I'd advise her that it'd be in her best interest to share the spotlight she is obviously continuing to seek with those who shared the events of the capture with her to prevent from casting the very appearance she has with this POA.

Gulf War was only 13 years ago. :shrug: And she wanted to be a teacher, so I would hope she was at least somewhat familiar with history. If she didn't familiarize herself with what she could expect joining the service, too bad so sad. I did, so deployments, MREs, PT, and sleeping in the woods wasn't much of a secret. Neither was the possibility of war or capture. :ohwell:

I didn't say that. When you are in a unit, it's an "all for one" effort (even though the army slogan is "army of one" :duh:. It's not one person's fault their unit failed. It's the unit's fault and the leader's fault they were lost. Period.

This time I quoted your post, so this time I AM responding to you. Get a grip wasn't really about you. And no you didn't say she hailed herself a hero, you said she was selling herself as a hero...guess that's different.

I'd love to live in your world, you have all the answers. I'm can have the last word.:rolleyes:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by pixiegirl
So had I joined up straight out of high school I'd of thought my chances of #1 war were pretty slim #2 death or capture were slim to none.

but you knew there were 'chances' these things might happen ... that's my point. And so does every other servicemember.

No one goes into a war planning to lose (no one of sound mind, anyway), but stuff happens and plans sometimes go astray, and units, unfortunately, sometimes lose their sense of direction.

Personally, if it were me, I'd be too embarrassed at my own unit's mistakes/failures to want to drag them and the deceased members of it (and their surviving family members) into the limelight so I could make a buck or two, but that's just me. :ohwell:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by crabcake

Personally, if it were me, I'd be too embarrassed at my own unit's mistakes/failures to want to drag them and the deceased members of it (and their surviving family members) into the limelight so I could make a buck or two, but that's just me. :ohwell:

But it's not you it's her. Besides that she hasn't done or said anything yet. Who's to say she doesn't do great selfless things with a lot of the money and come on tv and give credit/remorse to not just her unit but everyone else in the service.

Or it could be the total opposite. She could be a real wench about it. Hoard all her money and soak up the lime light.

But we don't know. It hasn't happened yet and it's unfair to cast dispersions on someone/something we know nothing about.
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But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
So why do you say she's "seeking" the limelight? Maybe she agreed to this one interview (that the hounds have been fighting to the death over, btw) to get them off her back. Maybe she wants to take the opportunity to give props to all of her comrades. You're just assuming that she wants to :diva:.

I'll watch - I'm interested in hearing the story direct from her.

I guess I am assuming she want's to be a :diva: by agreeing to the interview (and don't forget the book deal). Personally, if I wanted to be left alone on the matter, I'd continue with "no comment" or provide a simple statement saying I do not wish to discuss the matter in any way, shape or form out of respect for my fallen comrades/soldiers/airmen/etc. (but I have a PR background so I would think about that). If she hired someone to manage her media issues, they won't make much money off advising her to issue one statement and be done with it. Guess that's the difference. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by pixiegirl
But it's not you it's her. Besides that she hasn't done or said anything yet. Who's to say she doesn't do great selfless things with a lot of the money and come on tv and give credit/remorese to not just her unit but everyone else in the service.

Or it could be the total opposite. She could be a real wench about it. Hoard all her money and soak up the lime light.

But we don't know. It hasn't happened yet and it's unfair to cast dispersions on someone/something we know nothing about.

You are right, it's not me, it's her. I could have written my own book on things I saw/dealt with/etc. when I was in the military that garnered national media attention. But I didn't join the service to get rich and write a book, and I felt it was wrong to capitalize on the losses of others. What Lynch does with her "earnings" will determine her character, in that respect, I guess.

If she does good things with the money (i.e., makes donations to her fellow soldiers families, DVA, sets up some sort of memorial fund for the children of her dead unit members, etc.) great, she'll score points. If she doesn't, then my opinion of her stands, not that she'll care.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
ASSume. Get it?

someone who agrees to a million-dollar book deal and a major media outlet interview is obviously not shying away from the attention of the media ... get it?


New Member
"If she hired someone to manage her media issues, they won't make much money off advising her to issue one statement and be done with it. Guess that's the difference."

I completely agree. You people act as if she is some 12 year old orphan deaf-mute retard that needs money for multiple-sclerosis treatment and a triple heart bypass.

Her author to which she is splitting $1 million dollars with is a Pulitzer Prize winning ex-NY Times writer who got fired for not revealing sources and giving writers their citations. (And she gets all the profits)

The publisher is Random-House.

Her agent is Amanda Urban, who runs one of the most prominent management firms in the world and is a world renown journalist who has written in everything from Esquire to National Geographic and has represented everyone from James Dean to Brittney Spears.

She is nothing but a money-making pawn with a boring story that you all will figure out after chapter 3 and starting whining because you spent $40 on the hardcover. I bet the last book you just bought was Chief Moose "I hepped catch da sniper wif dee best of mee and mi departmints abiwity". And you all already had lived through the story and all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
someone who agrees to a million-dollar book deal and a major media outlet interview is obviously not shying away from the attention of the media ... get it?
I get it fine. But I don't think she's a bad person for not shying away from the media, even though she's been doing a pretty good job of it all these months.

Are you trying to tell me that if all the major news shows were clamoring for an interview with you, offering you all kinds of money to do it, you'd say "no thanks"? You'd just go back to your shack in the holler, maybe put up a moat to keep them away?


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by http
I bet the last book you just bought was Chief Moose "I hepped catch da sniper wif dee best of mee and mi departmints abiwity".

Careful, HTTP, your sensitive side is showing.:rolleyes:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I get it fine. But I don't think she's a bad person for not shying away from the media, even though she's been doing a pretty good job of it all these months.
hiring the right agency takes time, vrai :wink:

Are you trying to tell me that if all the major news shows were clamoring for an interview with you, offering you all kinds of money to do it, you'd say "no thanks"? You'd just go back to your shack in the holler, maybe put up a moat to keep them away?
I have been asked for interviews about things I had to deal with/experience/work, etc while I was in that weren't pretty. And no, I didn't accept them. A component of the AF motto was Integrity and mine wouldn't allow me to sell someone else out for a buck, but that's me.


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Staff member
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
A component of the AF motto was Integrity and mine wouldn't allow me to sell someone else out for a buck, but that's me.
Just who, exactly, is she "selling out" - considering you haven't even seen the interview or read the book yet?