MadCow - Hot Takes and Clueless Commentary


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Rachel Maddow to take a temporary break from her MSNBC show to work on movie and podcast projects

Maddow is taking time off to work on a Focus Features movie based on her book and podcast, "Bag Man," about a political bribery scandal. It will be directed by Ben Stiller and Maddow will be an executive producer. The influential anchor is also developing a new podcast.

Maddow's break to reenergize and set up her new outside projects will be temporary, however, and she plans to continue her prime-time show five nights a week upon her return, one of the sources confirmed. The source said that Maddow wouldn't disappear from the network entirely and would be back for special-event coverage during this hiatus.

does anyone think she is returning after the ' break '

Didn't she just get a new contract .? And the Olympics will be on for the next month. Is bag man the story of George Soro's money men . :sshrug:


PREMO Member

Now that Biden is in power, Nazi terms are becoming the norm once again, but there needs a degree of accuracy still and on Rachel Maddow's show, with guest host Ali Velshi in her chair, some rake-stepping took place. Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia under Barack Obama Michael McFaul was a guest, and he fumbled as he tried to explain Hitler and ethnic Germans, and really he should have backed away. Also, that applies to the producers. On the Twitter account for the show, they paraphrased McFaul, and then the deleted tweets began.

- "One difference between Putin and Hitler is that Hitler didn't kill ethnic Germans, German-speaking people. Putin slaughters the very people he said he has come to liberate."

McFaul later tried to clarify things for the record, and he bungled that as well, leading to him deleting THAT tweet as well. Considering that Gina Carano was removed from the cast of "The Mandalorian" over far more innocuous content, this should tell you just how bad this whole episode became.



Power with Control
Funny, while sitting in my bed after cervical fusion Monday evening I was surfing the few channels (premium package hadn't kicked in yet) and came across the first few minutes of this and turned the channel. As I understand it.

1. There was no coverage in that area.
2. Ukraine asked SpaceX to turn it on just for this.
3. Someone, not sure who, had concerns that if any of those vessels had nukes, it could spark a wider war or place SpaceX into a pretty bad legal place.
4. Evidently, nobody is saying if State or some other part of the US government stepped in and advised.


PREMO Member

Forget Hamas! Sharpton Asks Maddow to Explain How Trumpism Looks Like Fascism

MSNBC may have benched its al-Jazeera veterans as hosts, but they left Rev. Al Sharpton, whose inflammatory remarks against "white interloper" Jews live in New York infamy. On Saturday's Politics Nation, Sharpton brought on fellow MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to promote her book Prequel, which draws a strong line between American Nazi sympathizers in the World War II period and Trump supporters, especially the election-denying rioters.

The liberal book reviewers at Kirkus touted the thesis: “America beat fascism once. Maddow’s timely study of enemies on the homefront urges that we can do so again.” But Maddow played coy on Saturday when the analogy was Trump and Hitler. October 7 makes this whole thesis a little dicey.


PREMO Member

Dominick Mastrangelo writes:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow warned a second stint in the White House for former President Trump could be dangerous for the free press, going as far to say Trump wants to “execute us.”
“He wants to cancel the news, so they’re done,” Sara Haines, a co-host of “The View” said as Maddow appeared on the weekday table talk program Wednesday.
“He wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so he can execute us,” Maddow responded.



PREMO Member

Lord of the Rings is FAR RIGHT According to Rachel Maddow...​

JD Vance Likes Lord of the Rings and Knows Peter Thiel - LorT is ALT Right and Nazi

Does the Left Really Want to Argue That Enjoying Lord of the Rings Is ‘Far-Right’?

This week, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow welcomed J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy epic The Lord of the Rings to the fellowship of things, such as patriotic flags and, uh . . . physical fitness, that are now bad because the “far right” likes them. Maddow reacted to Donald Trump’s selection of J. D. Vance as his running mate by noting Vance’s connections to tech billionaire Peter Thiel, and finding fault in their affinity for Tolkien’s work:

Mr. Thiel . . . has named his companies after things in the Lord of the Rings series of J. R. R. Tolkien books. Lord of the Rings is a sort of favorite cosmos for naming things and cultural references for a lot of far-right and alt-right figures both in Europe and the United States. Peter Thiel names all of his things after Tolkien figures, like his company Palantir, for example. Like his mentor, like Peter Thiel, who had given him all his jobs in the world, Mr. Vance also when he founded his own venture-capital firm with help from Peter Thiel named it after a Lord of the Rings thing. He called it Narya, N-A-R-Y-A, which you can remember because it’s “Aryan” but you move the “N” to the front. Apparently that word has something to do with elves and rings from the Lord of the Rings series. I don’t know.

Maddow’s snide rant towers to such absurd heights as to resist being taken seriously. But let’s try. It is true that Thiel, like some of his professional peers, enjoys naming things after The Lord of the Rings (even though, in his case, he appears not to understand the text). But do you know who else likes The Lord of the Rings? Basically everyone. Exact figures are hard to pin down, but at least 150 million copies of the work (divided into three entries) have been sold; it has been translated into more than 40 languages. Works in the same legendarium, such as The Hobbit and The Silmarillion, have also sold astonishingly well. And Peter Jackson’s two trilogies of movies based on Tolkien’s work (the first of which is a true theatrical delight) have made about $6 billion in box-office receipts worldwide.

That level of success is difficult to achieve with a narrowly cast partisan appeal. Yes, there are conservative fans of Tolkien. He wrote in a letter to a priest discussing emerging affection for the work among Catholics that The Lord of the Rings “is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision.” But there are fans of Tolkien on the left as well. In fact, in the ’60s and ’70s, the emerging counterculture found much to love in The Lord of the Rings (much to Tolkien’s supposed bemusement). Tolkien’s work deals in transcendent and timeless themes — heroism, good vs. evil, resistance to false authority, corruption, friendship, the importance of nature — that need not have a partisan valence.

Tolkien would also scoff at Maddow’s apparent contention that “Narya,” the elvish ring of power after which Vance named a venture-capital firm, has some connection to Aryan racial mythology. In 1938, Tolkien entered discussions for The Hobbit to be published in German. The German publisher he was working with wondered whether he was “Aryan.” Speaking to his English publisher, Tolkien wondered whether the country’s “lunatic laws” required confirmation that he was, and, if so, preferred no German translation appear at all if it meant “giving any colour to the notion” that he “subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine.”

He also wrote directly to the Germans. A portion of his reply is worth quoting at length:

I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject – which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.