Maid of Honor


Little ol' Me
How did you ask: is there a proper way?

Just called and asked
Did something special (tell me about it)


Little ol' Me
I was thinking about getting a little gift box (something small, inexpensive) when she opens the box have a little card inside that says will you be my Maid of Honor or I thought of send her a ediable fruit basket and having the card say Would you be my Maid of Honor.

Any thoughts?


loving life
I was thinking about getting a little gift box (something small, inexpensive) when she opens the box have a little card inside that says will you be my Maid of Honor or I thought of send her a ediable fruit basket and having the card say Would you be my Maid of Honor.

Any thoughts?

Both are great ideas. Don't go overboard, save the money for the wedding. A true friend only needs to be asked, not be spoiled or bought:diva:

Good Luck on your wedding and planning it.


Little ol' Me
Both are great ideas. Don't go overboard, save the money for the wedding. A true friend only needs to be asked, not be spoiled or bought:diva:

Good Luck on your wedding and planning it.

That's exactly it I do not want to spend alot or go over bosrd, but want to make it special for her as well.
I thought the girls would have some more ideas for me ...


aka Mrs. Giant
That's exactly it I do not want to spend alot or go over bosrd, but want to make it special for her as well.
I thought the girls would have some more ideas for me ...

You are going to wind up buying her a gift after the wedding. Save your present until then. For now, I like the idea of taking her to lunch and asking.


Did you guys ever check out Greenwell?

I guess it depends on who you are asking to be your Maid of Honor. It was just a given that my sister would be so I don't think the subject ever came up. I like the fruit arrangement. Those things look so good on TV. If you can afford the little splurge, I'm sure it will really put a smile on her face.


Little ol' Me
Did you guys ever check out Greenwell?

I guess it depends on who you are asking to be your Maid of Honor. It was just a given that my sister would be so I don't think the subject ever came up. I like the fruit arrangement. Those things look so good on TV. If you can afford the little splurge, I'm sure it will really put a smile on her face.

Yes we did, Greenwell is awesome
However we are waiting on one more place in Cobb Island on the water (to see the cost) before deciding to go through with Greenwell.

The baskets are as pretty in real life as they are in person, my SO got me one about 4 months back at it was amazing and tasted wonderful too.

That was my thought to do something different than just hey will you be my Maid of Honor, but didn't wanna go over the top.


Little ol' Me
You are going to wind up buying her a gift after the wedding. Save your present until then. For now, I like the idea of taking her to lunch and asking.

What kind gifts do you get your Maid of Honor and Briadsmaids
Examples please


Well-Known Member
I don't really see the need for making it special. :shrug: I was my sister's, but I think she'd asked me to be long before she was engaged. My sister will be mine, and I'm pretty sure she already knows. :lmao:


If it's important, do it face to face.
anything else makes it impersonal

I don't agree. I think it would be awesome to get flowers or that fruit arrangement with a note asking to be someone's Maid of Honor. I don't find that impersonal at all.