Man made global warming...

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
I always thought that was something the wingnuts made up to make liberals look like nutties, but the other day I actually heard someone say this planet would be a lot better off if all the humans became extinct. Then he enumerated the reasons why he felt that way, which all boiled down to a better life for the future generation.


The front guy and I guess creator was some old therorist who I suppose is well past his age for any further glory in life and now complelled to spew that earth would be better off without humans once he has passed away. Spoken like a true liberal ellitist.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The hottest temperature ever recorded in Key West was 97 °F (36.1 °C) on July 19, 1880, and on August 26, 1956.[24]

I offer this simply as a piece of data to be considered. Given the ocean currents that are such an integral part of the Key's and global warming hysteria, especially that stupid flash freeze movie, there's no drama to be found in the Key's.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I offer this simply as a piece of data to be considered. Given the ocean currents that are such an integral part of the Key's and global warming hysteria, especially that stupid flash freeze movie, there's no drama to be found in the Key's.

...the Key's also seem to not be drowning due to melting glaciers.


I watched the trailer for that show and noted the glee in the creators voice describing a world with no humans. At that point I refused to watch it.

yeah and i gag ion the show that HC has about the environment, that Man Made Global Warming is fact, not still up for debate .....

they do a good show on Alt Energy on Modern Marvels though ....

99.5% of the HC stuff is top notch, but the UFO Crap is getting on my nerves as well - they have def Jumped the Shark there