Man 'poll'...

Do you talk in the pizzer?

  • Sure or at least say hey...

    Votes: 26 47.3%
  • No. It creeps me out and makes me think people are after my junk.

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • No. I can't do two things at once.

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Yes. I'm after peoples junk.

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
flomaster said:
I don't have a problem saying hey to the next guy over. Don't think its a biggy but have to get the stream going before I can chat! :lmao:
I take it the name "flowmaster" refers to mufflers.


Baby blues
I have to ask this... if you DO talk to others while emptying the wooter -- do you keep your eyes staight in front of you? I imagine you shouldn't glance anywhere but within your urinal space so that the other wooter owners don't think you're checking out their real estate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Tinkerbell said:
I have to ask this... if you DO talk to others while emptying the wooter -- do you keep your eyes staight in front of you? I imagine you shouldn't glance anywhere but within your urinal space so that the other wooter owners don't think you're checking out their real estate.'s not like we debate the relative merits of Aristole vs. Plato. It's just 'hey, how's it hanging'...'grunt' ready, aim, fire, comment about the band/chicks/food/the fart someone just busted, hawk, spit, zip, flush (don't even have to do that much anymore), retreat, nearly 1/2 of us wash our hands, C'yah.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bay_Kat said:
Kind of scary to know there is someone that voted who is after peoples junk. :yikes:

...there's 10 homophobes who think conversation means 'show and tell'. THAT surprises me far more than one true homosexual.

Now, that's kinda interesting; 1 gay can freak out 10 homophobes.


Lem Putt
Tinkerbell said:
I have to ask this... if you DO talk to others while emptying the wooter -- do you keep your eyes staight in front of you? I imagine you shouldn't glance anywhere but within your urinal space so that the other wooter owners don't think you're checking out their real estate.
There should never be talking in the restroom. There is no justification for your eyes wandering anywhere. If you leave the restroom you would have no idea how many other people were in there since you never talked to them or looked at them.

Anything else is a breech of manlaw and is cause for immediate revocation of man status. The only infraction worse than being chatty in the rest room is using a tissue to dab when finished.


Baby blues
MMDad said:
There should never be talking in the restroom. There is no justification for your eyes wandering anywhere. If you leave the restroom you would have no idea how many other people were in there since you never talked to them or looked at them.

Anything else is a breech of manlaw and is cause for immediate revocation of man status. The only infraction worse than being chatty in the rest room is using a tissue to dab when finished.

That's what I figured. I wouldn't expect it any other way! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let me guess...

MMDad said:
There should never be talking in the restroom. There is no justification for your eyes wandering anywhere. If you leave the restroom you would have no idea how many other people were in there since you never talked to them or looked at them.

Anything else is a breech of manlaw and is cause for immediate revocation of man status. The only infraction worse than being chatty in the rest room is using a tissue to dab when finished. junior high you never took showers in school after gym class.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said: junior high you never took showers in school after gym class.
Of course I did. I just don't know how many other people were in there with me since I never spoke to them or looked at them.

Same thing in the Navy. No speaking, no looking. The only ones that spoke or gazed were the Marines.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I bow...

MMDad said:
Of course I did. I just don't know how many other people were in there with me since I never spoke to them or looked at them.

Same thing in the Navy. No speaking, no looking. The only ones that spoke or gazed were the Marines. your service to our country. I would guess people crammed on a boat know where the line is better than I.



Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
I would guess people crammed on a boat know where the line is better than I.
You do know why we took Marines with us, don't you?

Sheep would be too obvious.


Highlander's MPD
Larry Gude said:
...quick snickering and bizz off, fems. This is for men only.

Talkin' and a' pizzin up a storm...

How else would Forestal get a date if he didn't strike up a conversation with the guy at the next urinal? I'll bet he's one of the few that voted for option #4.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is hilarious...



Not only red, but, of course, unsigned. So, we have at least one person who is not only petrified of speaking to a fellow swinging dick in the john but also afraid to sign the damn karma!

I think it is fair to say you've answered your own question, dontcha think?


In My Opinion
Now, I dont really care too much if someone says hey to me.

but when they start looking at mr winky, or they ask if I need assistance in holding him... we got us a very serious problem.

never, never stand in the stall next to the guy with parkinsons desease.