Marines driven out of UAW lot


Lovin' being Texican
by Lt Col Joe Rutledge, commanding officer

Lt. Col. Joe Rutledge, commanding officer of the battalion's active duty instructors, told The Detroit News for a Sunday story that no conditions were set when the Marines were first allowed to park in the lot.

"You either support the Marines or you don't," Rutledge said. "I'm telling my Marines that they're no longer parking there." That'll show them!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UAW can stick it. My Toyota was built in the US, as are most "foreign" cars. And while the company itself may be Japanese owned, even the R&D and design for Toyota is done in California and Michigan. The parts for my vehicle are manufactured in the US as well.

So. R&D, manufacturing, sales and parts are all done in the US by US workers. In my mind, that makes it American-made.
vraiblonde said:
UAW can stick it. My Toyota was built in the US, as are most "foreign" cars. And while the company itself may be Japanese owned, even the R&D and design for Toyota is done in California and Michigan. The parts for my vehicle are manufactured in the US as well.

So. R&D, manufacturing, sales and parts are all done in the US by US workers. In my mind, that makes it American-made.


aka Mrs. Giant
huntr1 said:
:yeahthat: My 'yota was built in KY and is serviced locally. All after market parts that I have seen to date were made in the USA.

I would have NEVER bought "foreign" if I hadn't consistently been screwed by poorly made UAW cars - including Saturn and Dodge (never ever ever buy dodge).


Lovin' being Texican
vraiblonde said:
UAW can stick it. My Toyota was built in the US, as are most "foreign" cars. And while the company itself may be Japanese owned, even the R&D and design for Toyota is done in California and Michigan. The parts for my vehicle are manufactured in the US as well.

So. R&D, manufacturing, sales and parts are all done in the US by US workers. In my mind, that makes it American-made.

Which is the only thing the UAW is normally concerned about. Do the workers have jobs and can they pay their dues? As far as the labor unions are concerned the owners can pound sand as long as they provide jobs and dues money (and more and more expensive benefits). Why all of a sudden is the UAW changing its tune? Because they see W as the cause for globalization and the offshore outsourcing of American jobs.

I know, I know, outsourcing and globalization started long ago (I believe Al Gore invented it) but the liberals have never been known to be sticklers for facts.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here you go

It appears that many "foreign made" vehicles are actually made my UAW members.

So this is just more loony Left bullshit. I think the objection to Bush stickers was the dead giveaway.


vraiblonde said:
Here you go

It appears that many "foreign made" vehicles are actually made my UAW members.

So this is just more loony Left bullshit. I think the objection to Bush stickers was the dead giveaway.
So you can park a Toyota Carolla but not a Honda Civic. I am sure the Honda plants have some sort of union, must be they don't pay dues to UAW. So it seems the limus test of a decent job is narrowing from "no union = sweatshop and bad" to "not paying dues to UAW= bad job"

Oh yea my uncle works for Fisher Body in Lansing Michigan. Been there 27 years and does nothing but drive a forklift delivering stock to the line and makes over $25 an hour, medical, dental, life, 2 weeks paid vacation for use anytime, 3 weeks paid when they do changeover to new body style. GM purchase plan for a new vehicles, first crack at program cars deeply discounted. No degree, no advance training, nothing just him and his forklift.


Super Genius
UPDATE: Marines snub UAW olive branch
"I talked to Ron; I let him know that I understand he has rescinded his decision," said Lt. Col. Joe Rutledge, a top-ranking officer at the reserve infantry rifle battalion. "However, I've made my decision -- either you support the Marines or you don't."
:cheers: I love the picture/caption on the article..."Tony Camilleri of Dearborn Heights covered up the Chevrolet logo on his Silverado with a Toyota sign as a tribute to the Marines." You can also see a "Semper Fi" sticker, Bush/Cheney sticker, and a UAW sticker with a line through it. :killingme


This Space for Rent
Sparx said:
It's a shame. Other countries auto manufacturers are building here because we have cheaper labor, lower benefits, less unionization and they can fool all of you.

Wait! Countries are sending their labor here?!?! I thought we were outsourcing all our labor to those cheap labor, lower benefits, less unionized countries!! :killingme


"Fill your hands you SOB!
For Release: Monday, March 14, 2005

Statement by UAW President Gettelfinger on Marine reservists parking at UAW headquarters

“I have reconsidered and reversed my decision not to allow Marine reservists to park non-union made vehicles or vehicles displaying Bush stickers at Solidarity House on weekends.

“Some people may have thought my orginal decision reflected a lack of support for the Marine Corps and the service of Marine reservists.

“That certainly was not my intention. Having served in the Marine Corps Reserves myself, I fully appreciate the sacrifices and contributions made by America’s reservists, National Guard members and active duty military personnel and their families.

“That said, I made the wrong call on the parking issue, and I have notified the Marine Corps that all reservists are welcome to park at Solidarity House as they have for the past 10 years.

“I regret that the controversy over this decision has overshadowed the many good things the UAW and our members are doing to support and express our appreciation to America’s service men and women and veterans.”


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sparx
It's a shame. Other countries auto manufacturers are building here because we have cheaper labor, lower benefits, less unionization and they can fool all of you.

Sparx said:
We are, it depends on the country. Are they higher or lower than U.S standards?
Intersting read here:,00.html
Did you just say they are building here because it's cheaper then tell us to read an article that says the U.S.A. is expensive? Who's a fool?


"Fill your hands you SOB!
willie said:
Originally Posted by Sparx

Did you just say they are building here because it's cheaper then tell us to read an article that says the U.S.A. is expensive? Who's a fool?
Sparx will ALWAYS be the's a given....


New Member
willie said:
Originally Posted by Sparx
It's a shame. Other countries auto manufacturers are building here because we have cheaper labor, lower benefits, less unionization and they can fool all of you.

Did you just say they are building here because it's cheaper then tell us to read an article that says the U.S.A. is expensive? Who's a fool?

I didn't figure you'd get it. I don't know why I waste my time


Lovin' being Texican
Sparx said:
I didn't figure you'd get it. I don't know why I waste my time

Wouldn't get it? Wouldn't get it? How can we miss it when you post two contrary positions in the same post? I don't know why you waste your time.