Mark McGwire admits steroid use

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I One thing most experts agree on is that they are growing more and more dangerous....maybe more should be done to stop this process.

Really? I am under the impression that they are getting safer. I mean, we don't have the Lyle Alzado's anymore or the Romanowski's cooking concoctions up in their kitchen.


Really? I am under the impression that they are getting safer. I mean, we don't have the Lyle Alzado's anymore or the Romanowski's cooking concoctions up in their kitchen.

Steroids have grown much safer....they have been exhaustively studied and cleaned up to take alot of the impurities and unhealthy things out....these however are still illegal and not accessible to the vast majority.

What are legal are the designer synthetic prohormones that are sold at GNC,, etc etc that like I said haven't been tested. Scientist at these companies use things that haven't been tested to know side effects, negatives, etc. They are pushing it out the door before the FDA can ban it. Its really jacking peoples chemical balances people gyno, estrogen imbalances, etc.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What are legal are the designer synthetic prohormones that are sold at GNC,, etc etc that like I said haven't been tested. Scientist at these companies use things that haven't been tested to know side effects, negatives, etc. They are pushing it out the door before the FDA can ban it. Its really jacking peoples chemical balances people gyno, estrogen imbalances, etc.

Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


he's saying that you only ignore the steroid era, while being OK with eras where there was other corruption in baseball but not nearly as much media coverage.

But ball was hardball.... back in the day.......


They are pushing it out the door before the FDA can ban it. Its really jacking peoples chemical balances people gyno, estrogen imbalances, etc.

I started taking some stuff recently. I stopped taking it when I went blind in my left eye, my hands became the size of baseball mitts, and my huevos started hanging out of my pants-leg.

It wouldn't have been so bad, but they were long pants.

The vision in my left eye has come back, but I can still pick my kids up by their head with one hand and I still keep blocking the drain in the bath-tub.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I started taking some stuff recently. I stopped taking it when I went blind in my left eye, my hands became the size of baseball mitts, and my huevos started hanging out of my pants-leg.

It wouldn't have been so bad, but they were long pants.

The vision in my left eye has come back, but I can still pick my kids up by their head with one hand and I still keep blocking the drain in the bath-tub.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress.

I started taking some stuff recently. I stopped taking it when I went blind in my left eye, my hands became the size of baseball mitts, and my huevos started hanging out of my pants-leg.

It wouldn't have been so bad, but they were long pants.

The vision in my left eye has come back, but I can still pick my kids up by their head with one hand and I still keep blocking the drain in the bath-tub.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress.

It's hamma time...:faint:


But ball was hardball.... back in the day.......

what Beta said..

yeah you know they have had to change the composition of the ball and the bat many times since the golden era because the ball speed coming off the bat kept going up...if todays players had used the old school equipment they would have decimated the records, without PEDs...

I can't rememeber what they said the average old timers bat weighed..but it was ungodly compared to todays swinging a tree...

I will say that people like Lou and Ted are a lost breed......athletes today minus Pat Tillman and a few others wouldn't leave their sport, go to war become and Ace, then come home and pick up where they left off.


I eat red meat
I can't rememeber what they said the average old timers bat weighed..but it was ungodly compared to todays swinging a tree...
Don't know the average but The Babe used a 42 ouncer. I remember back around 1970 at an All Star game they had a demonstration of the current players swinging one of the Babe's bat and boy were their swings slow.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen the interview at all. My point is that his body didn't change all that much visually from his rookie year to retirement. And he has always been injury prone, believe I heard a blurb on the news where McGwire said most of his steroid use was to recover from injuries.

With no testing for 10 yrs or so after the ban of steroids in 91, anyone that played during that period is suspect. Much ado about nothing to me..How many hits/home runs did McGwire/bonds/sosa/..etc get off of juiced pitchers?? The argument can go on and on..

Don't know what you were looking at Otter but I looked at jpegs of his early years with the "Bash Brothers" and then when he lit up the wall at Fenway in the All-Star game and Chris Berman nearly had a stroke. It's like looking at the old "before and after" Charles Atlas pics on the back of the Spidey comics


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what Beta said..

yeah you know they have had to change the composition of the ball and the bat many times since the golden era because the ball speed coming off the bat kept going up...if todays players had used the old school equipment they would have decimated the records, without PEDs...

I can't rememeber what they said the average old timers bat weighed..but it was ungodly compared to todays swinging a tree...

I will say that people like Lou and Ted are a lost breed......athletes today minus Pat Tillman and a few others wouldn't leave their sport, go to war become and Ace, then come home and pick up where they left off.

You forget that todays game has lowered pitcher's mounds and all the parks are band boxes now.....put most of the players of todays game back in the day and only a few would be good....Good pitching beats good hitting, always...jmo.


You forget that todays game has lowered pitcher's mounds and all the parks are band boxes now.....put most of the players of todays game back in the day and only a few would be good....Good pitching beats good hitting, always...jmo.

They had to lower the mounds because guys were throwing faster and faster.....I hate to disagree with you but I say it's the opposite....I hate to say it but put Sabathia, Lee, Lincecum....any of them would tear through the 1954 Yankees....but that's just my opinion...


They had to lower the mounds because guys were throwing faster and faster.....I hate to disagree with you but I say it's the opposite....I hate to say it but put Sabathia, Lee, Lincecum....any of them would tear through the 1954 Yankees....but that's just my opinion...

Agree to disagree.....:buddies:


Well-Known Member
They had to lower the mounds because guys were throwing faster and faster.....I hate to disagree with you but I say it's the opposite....I hate to say it but put Sabathia, Lee, Lincecum....any of them would tear through the 1954 Yankees....but that's just my opinion...

I don't think that your statement is just an opinion. While I am not conversant enough in the mathematical formulae necessary to prove it, it can be postulated that the top tier of today's pitching would "blow by" the likes of Helton, Ortiz, Pujols et al.
Any "Charlie Eppes'" in the audience wanna take a shot?

Now to put that in words that Top will understand(j/k) If you gave the pitchers back the 6" that was taken away in '68; Sabathia, Beckett, Halladay
and the rest would knock Pujols below the "Mendoza line".