Are you disputing my data or just trying to test me? How many survived the dotcom bubble burst? How many are still millionaires despite it? How many companies that survived the dotcom burst made out big because other companies failed? How many investors benefited from those companies?
I’m not saying the dotcom death didn’t have an impact on some lives. What I am saying is the whole thing was short-lived and we, as a country of investors, entrepreneurs and businesses, survived it. The impact on an individual basis probably was cataclysmic to some (mostly because they put all their apples in one basket); but to the market in general it was a blip on the radar. The economy recovered with booming affair. Heck, the stock market crash of 1921 was exponentially more cataclysmic than the dotcom and we survived that too.
You want to ignore the data on the charts and ignore the fact that our country’s economy has prospered in the long-term in spite of things like WWI, the 1921 crash, the Great Depression, WWII, Viet Nam, Katrina, 9-11, and our current wars, then you go right ahead. The dotcom fiasco was nothing compared these other events.