Maryland is Kerry's biggest supporter?


Hairy Harry
Gooseneck said:
:yeahthat: What do you think the odds are that UP will be a no-show today?

Why would he bother? He accomplished his mission and got George W. Bush reelected!!!!!!!!!! Thanks UP!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
Everyone who believes that So. MD loves Kerry needs to check this site out:

Bush took every polling location with exception to the very last two on the list where Kerry won by a handful.

Yeah, we really love Kerry down here don't we!!!! :dance:

:yay: :yay: :yay:

Bush won every county in Maryland with the exception of Montgomery, Prince Georges, Baltimore City, Howard, Charles(2%) & Baltimore County(by a very small margin). The only problem is that these are the most populated areas. Maryland will go back to the Conservatives in 2008. :patriot:
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2ndAmendment said:
According to people that say they have worked with her (don't know - take them at their word) she cusses like a drunken sailor and has very little respect for those that work for her when she is not in public.

Well.... what would expect from a Baltimorean? I love her, but my family is from Baltimore, and there Irish.......


Cletus_Vandam said:
Urban Pancake said that "SOUTHERN MARYLAND" loved the democraps... You are comparing aples and oranges. I don't have a doubt that Mikulski is ahead in the polls. It just shows that the polls are being taking in the north end of the state (as I mentioned in my earlier post to this thread).

Look at the past elections for Hoyer and each time "Spend"-denning got elected. They never carry St. Mary's, Charles or Calvert...

More :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: from the dem's that are still pi$$ed that Kennedy-Townsend didn't get the vote!!!

Well, the funny thing is they both carried all of southern maryland. Yeah for Hoyer, and Mikulski!!! :patriot:


Sharon said:
Since Kerry lost the popular vote, what say you today? :really:

I think our electoral college should still be reformed. Both candidates focused only on certain regions of the country. I think they should have to campaign elsewhere, and not just the battleground states.
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New Member
UrbanPancake said:
I think our electoral college should still be reformed. Both candidates focused only on certain regions of the country. I think they should have to campaign elsewhere, and not just the battleground states.

I have to disagree with any re-working of the electorial system.

The system is in place to give the less populated states a say in the vote.

The population of NY city alone could be more than all of South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana combined. With all the liberals living in the heavy populated areas the rural state's vote would be useless...

If it an't broke, don't fix it.