Maryland is Kerry's biggest supporter?


2ndAmendment said:
Absolutely right. The founders were pretty smart guys. Too bad the current generation has no idea what they actually said or stood for. Modern public education is such a failure. English must not be taught judging from the spelling, punctuation, and grammar I see from the younger generation of high school graduates. American history and the Constitution must not be taught judging from the lack of understanding I see demonstrated by even the most conservative of politicians. Math skills are not taught; counting on your fingers is not OK.

I have hopes for the Constitution party. They are just getting started. I hope they make an impact soon.

You only like it because Republicans usually lose the popular vote. Maybe if right-wingers would try to meet in the middle they could win more of the popular vote. The electoral college has to go. I'm tired of places like Alabama controlling our country. I mean Canada is more progressive then American's. It should be the other way around since we are the "richest" and most powerful country on the planet. Backwoods stick people shouldn't control our country. It should be whoever wins the popular vote is President.


2ndAmendment said:
Absolutely right. The founders were pretty smart guys. Too bad the current generation has no idea what they actually said or stood for. Modern public education is such a failure. English must not be taught judging from the spelling, punctuation, and grammar I see from the younger generation of high school graduates. American history and the Constitution must not be taught judging from the lack of understanding I see demonstrated by even the most conservative of politicians. Math skills are not taught; counting on your fingers is not OK.

I have hopes for the Constitution party. They are just getting started. I hope they make an impact soon.

The Constitution party is going to steal some of Bush's votes. Yeah.....


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
You only like it because Republicans usually lose the popular vote.
It's amazing how stupid you are. In the vast majority of Presidential elections, the winner won both the popular and electoral votes.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
:yeahthat: Winning only the electoral vote has happened 4 times.

President John Quincy Adams won the presidency but did not win the largest popular vote, which was won by Andrew Jackson in 1824.

President Rutherford Birchard Hayes won the presidency but did not win the largest popular vote, which was won by Samuel J. Tilden in 1876.

President Benjamin Harrison won the presidency but did not win the largest popular vote, which was won by Grover Cleveland in 1888.

President George W. Bush won the presidency but did not win the largest popular vote, which was won by Al Gore in 2000.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
You only like it because Republicans usually lose the popular vote.

Do you get up in the morning and practice being stupid? Or do you take "stupid" classes?

You're wrong, of course. Why do you bother to make stuff like this up?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I mean, I really should just take this one at a time.

"I'm tired of places like Alabama controlling our country."

Aside from the fact that that is utterly stupid, what, should New York or California "control" the country?

"I mean Canada is more progressive then American's."

Your point being? What, being "progressive" is automatically preferable? Hardly. They have no military to speak of - they depend on US to do it for them. (Their military is about the size of the NYPD). Their health care system is dreadful if you are seriously ill. They tax their people practically to death. Forget constitutional rights - they have no constitution. And it's the most PC nation on the planet. But hey, if that's your bag, please, go MOVE there. Why change the US when you can just move your OWN azz up north?

"It should be the other way around since we are the "richest" and most powerful country on the planet."

I haven't the faintest idea where the logic of this statement comes from. It's not only a non-sequitur, it doesn't even stand on its own as a logical statement.

"Backwoods stick people shouldn't control our country."

Still don't know where it comes from, but - I have a guess. You think that persons who live in rural areas are "backwoods stick people" right? You mean, like Southern Maryland, which went for Bush last time?

"It should be whoever wins the popular vote is President."

Well, then change the Constitution nitwit. That's the law. Don't like it? Change it. But don't darken my sky with your sob story about how unfair it is. It's the law.


It may change. In Colorado they're voting for a proposition that would split the electoral college votes, acording to the popular vote in that state.


Southern Maryland may have went to Bush, but they sure do love Hoyer, Mikulski, and all the other Maryland Democrats that run this state.:)
UrbanPancake said:
Southern Maryland may have went to Bush, but they sure do love Hoyer, Mikulski, and all the other Maryland Democrats that run this state.:)
I don't believe I have seen a SINGLE sign for Babs the B'more Troll in southern MD.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
UrbanPancake said:
You only like it because Republicans usually lose the popular vote. Maybe if right-wingers would try to meet in the middle they could win more of the popular vote. The electoral college has to go. I'm tired of places like Alabama controlling our country. I mean Canada is more progressive then American's. It should be the other way around since we are the "richest" and most powerful country on the planet. Backwoods stick people shouldn't control our country. It should be whoever wins the popular vote is President.
Why do you suppose we're the richest? :confused:


huntr1 said:
I don't believe I have seen a SINGLE sign for Babs the B'more Troll in southern MD.

I have. Anyway my family is from southern Baltimore City. I can really relate with Mikulski. She grew working in her fathers store and helping the community. She continues this today in the Senate. As for Pipkin...he scares me. He looks like a Hog with those huge jowls of his, who's ready to adhere to a very conservative agenda that's geared to divide Marylanders rather than unite us. The only thing Pipkin has done is sell junk bonds to Marylanders, and then became rich off their backs. I don't want someone like that representing me. Pipkin parades his family and his marine service around like it means something. Big deal. Mikulski may not be married but she grew up in Baltimore within a hard working blue collar family. That is who I want representing me in Maryland. Hew views are more intune with progressive Marylanders.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
Southern Maryland may have went to Bush, but they sure do love Hoyer, Mikulski, and all the other Maryland Democrats that run this state.:)

We all love the democraps soooo much, two years ago we voted another one in as Governor.... Oh wait, NO we didn't!!!!

You have got to be "on the pipe" to be making the types of comments you have been!!! Hoyer, Mikulski and the other dems never win the vote in southern maryland. It's the liberal left in Montgomery, Baltimore, etc. that always pull into force to put these clowns back in office....

Do you ever pick up a newspaper to do read anything but the comics????

:confused: :confused: :confused:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
According to people that say they have worked with her (don't know - take them at their word) she cusses like a drunken sailor and has very little respect for those that work for her when she is not in public.


New Member
Did anyone see the AP poll published by the Baltimore Sun that showed Kerry leading Bush 56-39, Mikulski leading Pipkin 66-29, and O'Malley leading Ehrlich 51-44? Yeah, "we're going Republican." I think that you all live in a nonexsistent world complete with avoiding the facts on this issue.


UrbanPancake said:
I have. Anyway my family is from southern Baltimore City. I can really relate with Mikulski. She grew working in her fathers store and helping the community. She continues this today in the Senate. As for Pipkin...he scares me. He looks like a Hog with those huge jowls of his, who's ready to adhere to a very conservative agenda that's geared to divide Marylanders rather than unite us. The only thing Pipkin has done is sell junk bonds to Marylanders, and then became rich off their backs. I don't want someone like that representing me. Pipkin parades his family and his marine service around like it means something. Big deal. Mikulski may not be married but she grew up in Baltimore within a hard working blue collar family. That is who I want representing me in Maryland. Hew views are more intune with progressive Marylanders.

I was reading your post and my hypocrisy alert went off. I cut and pasted your words below and changed the names. Amazing what you claim to want in one race is what you say you hate in another.

"The only thing Edwards has done is sue doctors for people, and then became rich off their backs. I don't want someone like that representing me. Kerry parades his family and his Navy service around like it means something. Big deal.


rraley said:
Did anyone see the AP poll published by the Baltimore Sun that showed Kerry leading Bush 56-39, Mikulski leading Pipkin 66-29, and O'Malley leading Ehrlich 51-44? Yeah, "we're going Republican." I think that you all live in a nonexsistent world complete with avoiding the facts on this issue.
Until the flu pandemic Urbanwhatever keeps claiming is going like wildfire hits Baltimore city we will just have to live with the fact regenerating constituency the democrats have created in the inner cities will outnumber us.


New Member
You didn't read the thread!!!

rraley said:
Did anyone see the AP poll published by the Baltimore Sun that showed Kerry leading Bush 56-39, Mikulski leading Pipkin 66-29, and O'Malley leading Ehrlich 51-44? Yeah, "we're going Republican." I think that you all live in a nonexsistent world complete with avoiding the facts on this issue.

Urban Pancake said that "SOUTHERN MARYLAND" loved the democraps... You are comparing aples and oranges. I don't have a doubt that Mikulski is ahead in the polls. It just shows that the polls are being taking in the north end of the state (as I mentioned in my earlier post to this thread).

Look at the past elections for Hoyer and each time "Spend"-denning got elected. They never carry St. Mary's, Charles or Calvert...

More :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: from the dem's that are still pi$$ed that Kennedy-Townsend didn't get the vote!!!


Football season!
Cletus_Vandam said:
Look at the past elections for Hoyer and each time "Spend"-denning got elected. They never carry St. Mary's, Charles or Calvert...
Yep. The last time a democratic governor carried St. Marys and Calvert was 1990.


New Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
Urban Pancake said that "SOUTHERN MARYLAND" loved the democraps... You are comparing aples and oranges. It just shows that the polls are being taking in the north end of the state (as I mentioned in my earlier post to this thread).

Look at the past elections for Hoyer and each time "Spend"-denning got elected. They never carry St. Mary's, Charles or Calvert...

St. Mary's County has supported Rep. Hoyer in every election since his 1992 Election, the first time that he ran here. Senator Mikulski has also won the county every time. They do not win with the same margins as other parts of the states, but it is still pretty substantial.