2ndAmendment said:Absolutely right. The founders were pretty smart guys. Too bad the current generation has no idea what they actually said or stood for. Modern public education is such a failure. English must not be taught judging from the spelling, punctuation, and grammar I see from the younger generation of high school graduates. American history and the Constitution must not be taught judging from the lack of understanding I see demonstrated by even the most conservative of politicians. Math skills are not taught; counting on your fingers is not OK.
I have hopes for the Constitution party. They are just getting started. I hope they make an impact soon.
You only like it because Republicans usually lose the popular vote. Maybe if right-wingers would try to meet in the middle they could win more of the popular vote. The electoral college has to go. I'm tired of places like Alabama controlling our country. I mean Canada is more progressive then American's. It should be the other way around since we are the "richest" and most powerful country on the planet. Backwoods stick people shouldn't control our country. It should be whoever wins the popular vote is President.