Maryland on lockdown?


Resident PIA
Today's update:

Top U.S. health officials are "looking very closely at" reports that a much higher percentage of younger Americans are needing hospitalization as a result of contracting the novel coronavirus than expected, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Sunday.

Fauci was responding to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which, after studying more than 4,000 cases in the U.S., showed that about 40 percent of those who were hospitalized for the virus as of March 16 were between ages 20 and 54. Among the most critical cases, 12 percent of ICU admissions were among those ages 20 to 44 while 36 percent were for those between 45 and 64.
Because the dipshits don't practice good hygiene, they think they know it all and are some sort of super race.
Just super dumb.

Yes, I know, when I was a teen, that's what older folks probably thought of my generation as well. I think we all brought you free love, STDs and AIDS.
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Resident PIA

Maximum age dropped again in Italy. No heroics for those over 60 now.

For those blaming Trump, this is more a reflection of Obamacare and the move to socialized medicine.
If any of you were around, a decade a go, I believe it was Paris Glendening put floated a proposal for a single payer, state run healthcare program.
Glendening Signals Push for Social Change

In his vision there would be regional medical centers, St. Mary's Hospital would be an 8 to 8 ambulatory care center.
They toyed with the idea of no overnight stays, no major surgery, no MRI, CT or other expensive equipment.
Basically a big urgent care / ER. Serious case would be transported by ambulance to the regional medical center.

The idea, get the maximum use out of your resources, don't spend money on specialists, equipment and beds were they don't provide maximum return. These regional centers would be in the major urban areas.

Don't forget, his other pet program was smart growth, don't build a road or people will come - we see how well that worked

But that's what socialism is all about. Not everybody gets to see the doctor today. You might have to travel an hour to get to your appointment.


Well-Known Member
The good news of the day: The daily 10AM update was 288 cases, which is rather lower than an exponential increase (which would have been about 310 cases). So the last couple days have seen a slowing in the rate of increase. In my mind, that means we're seeing a positive reaction to the social distancing measures that have been put in place.

The killer fact, however, is that as long as the worldwide infection count is greater than zero, this thing can come roaring back just as quickly. Our only hope is that we keep the rate low enough that the hospitals can keep up with the treatments required for the seriously ill. So at some level, I think we'll have to get used to certain social distancing restrictions staying in place for a very long time.