... And I've never gone back.RoseRed said:Petruzzi's is non smoking.
... And I've never gone back.RoseRed said:Petruzzi's is non smoking.
Without personal knowledge of the person speaking and without the ability to see facial expression, sarcasm does not work, hence, we have theGo G-Men said:Making Tobacco Illegal suggestion was actually sarcasm as was the rest of the post.... Please people...
Horrible counterpoint. You can't inhale Guiness from a distance.ylexot said:The available facilities is up to the establishment. How about "all bars should have Guinness on tap because I want to have Guinness when I go to an establishment"?
I do not "obviously" go to smoking establishments. I rarely go to them.vraiblonde said:There are plenty of places you can go without having to smell smoke. But you obviously go to smoking establishments....why? Because your friends are there, right? So if your friends are sitting in a sealed smoking section, are you going to stay away from them and still sit in non-smoking?
Or do you not have any friends that smoke?
My idea is that the NON-smokers should have to sit in a hermetically sealed environment - then they won't have to smell ANYTHING.
Mikeinsmd said:Horrible counterpoint. You can't inhale Guiness from a distance.
I was commenting about you wanting the government to mandate facilities.Mikeinsmd said:Horrible counterpoint. You can't inhale Guiness from a distance.
You are perfectly free to do so. You want a hermetically sealed environment? Find someone willing to provide you with one or make one yourself. You just can't force other people to create a hermetically sealed environment for you.Mikeinsmd said:I am asking the we non-smokers be able to sit in a hermetically sealed environment.![]()
I know and it pisses me off.ylexot said:You are perfectly free to do so. You want a hermetically sealed environment? Find someone willing to provide you with one or make one yourself. You just can't force other people to create a hermetically sealed environment for you.
Who said anything even remotely similar to that?SmallTown said:Going by the people on this board, the place should be deserted without the smokers. And surely the ones there won't be enjoying themselves.
Vraiblonde 10-06-2006
Quitting smoking is overrated. I like to smoke. I like people who smoke. I enjoy sitting with friends in a bar, smoking and drinking beer. I hate non-smokers who want to bolt their meal and immediately leave the restaurant because they don;t know how to chill.
We're in Delaware for Easter. Yesterday, we went to Appleby's and we were able to sit at the bar and not have to smell the smoke. It was great. In Maryland, I would never sit at the bar in Appleby's because of that. That's the way capitalism works: accomodate your customers or loose business. I encourage all you anti smoker types to speak with your wallets - don't go to places that allow smoking if it bothers you. If you find a non-smoker friendly place, go there and speak with your wallet. The idea that we need the Government to protect us is ridiculous.
MMDad 4-16-2006
My guess is that non-smokers don't have that powerful of wallets when it comes to drinking and dining. I don't know the stats on who eats out more or hangs out in bars more often, but I would have to guess it's smokers. Otherwise bars and restaurants would have catered to their non-smoking clientele long before the state had to legislate a ban.
Vraiblonde 4-16-2006
What I love is when non smokers come into bars, and then start complaining about it being so smokey when its crowded... it makes me just wanna um a few times..
Softballkid 2-16-2006
Im not trying to be an a$, or be mean to you, but I am just stating, there are just as many if not more smokers than non smokers, so why should we have to please the non smokers.. Smokers bring more money to bars than non smokers...they get drinking, they smoke more, buy cigs. and a bar makes a killing off of that...
Implying that it must be a huge downer to NOT smoke while drinking/eating.The reason that it is almost impossible to find a non-smoking bar is the 2 go hand in hand. Many people will have a smoke when they drink.
The other argument I've heard before is that it's actually more profitable when an establishment goes non-smoking. They even cite the increased revenues in Montgomery County. What they don't point out is that revenue and profit do not go hand in hand. These places make a lot more money on alcohol than they do food. Several of these National Chains have the data to prove it. Since they can compare the performance of their restaurants in California and Delaware to before and after smoking bans, they know how these ban hurt their bottom line. If it ended up being a more profitable solution, wouldn't at least one of the national chains tried to roll this policy out nationwide?
Seemed hopping to me, don't know if the smokers stayed home, or suffered the whole night.Then non-smoking bars are not what the people want. This is really simple stuff folks.
Thank god not every place is like Hollywood, MD.I know, where Im from, which is Hollywood MD, St. Marys County, you make bars go to a non smoking bar, 95% of them will SHUT DOWN!!!
You know what I've noticed? That in every city, and I mean EVERY city, where there is a smoking ban, you see throngs of people outside smoking. Practically everyone walking down the street is smoking. Hordes of people standing in front of bars and restaurants smoking. In fact, when going to a new town, I can always tell if they have a smoking ban by observing how many people are smoking on the streets.
vraiblonde said:What? No comment about my Japan statistics? Let me point something else out to you:
The Japanese smoke like chimneys - all over the place because there are no laws prohibiting it. In fact, 50% of adult males in Japan smoke (you can look that up if you don't believe me). They also enjoy a much higher health rate than the US - smoking "kills" Americans, but it doesn't kill Japanese.
The Japanese also have a significantly lower obesity rate than Americans. Now THAT is a hell of a coincidence and I'm sure has absolutely nothing to do with mortality rates. Right?
So you, what? Stood outside the whole time and monitored?SmallTown said:not a single person outside
Logic would tell you that this is obviously so, otherwise wouldn't bars/restaurants have gone non-smoking years ago, without government intervention? After all, there's NEVER been a law against being a non-smoking facility.My guess is that non-smokers don't have that powerful of wallets when it comes to drinking and dining. I don't know the stats on who eats out more or hangs out in bars more often, but I would have to guess it's smokers. Otherwise bars and restaurants would have catered to their non-smoking clientele long before the state had to legislate a ban.
Vraiblonde 4-16-2006
Don't think so
vraiblonde said:So you, what? Stood outside the whole time and monitored?
Logic would tell you that this is obviously so, otherwise wouldn't bars/restaurants have gone non-smoking years ago, without government intervention? After all, there's NEVER been a law against being a non-smoking facility.
I don't know where you're getting that from. It's pure common sense. If business owners thought they could make more money by going non-smoking, they'd do it on their own. I fail to see what is so "desperate" about that statement.SmallTown said:Now you just sound desperate with your arguments.
So you're saying that either A) everyone quit smoking; B) there were no smokers in Clyde's at that particular time; or C) the smokers just didn't smoke that evening.No, I didn't stand outside the whole time. When I went in, nobody was standng around. When we left, nobody was standing around. We were seated at the bar facing the door. Didn't see people going in and out all night for a smoke.
vraiblonde said:I don't know where you're getting that from. It's pure common sense. If business owners thought they could make more money by going non-smoking, they'd do it on their own. I fail to see what is so "desperate" about that statement.
So you're saying that either A) everyone quit smoking; B) there were no smokers in Clyde's at that particular time; or C) the smokers just didn't smoke that evening.
Which do you suppose it might be?
You didn't mention which Clyde's you were at, but I would guess that, if no one was smoking, that would be because the smokers were all at another restaurant - one that does allow smoking.