

Cleopatra Jones
Nickel said:
Right, but they're talking about being able to eat afterwards. By chance I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast the day I went into labor, and he was born 21 hours later. I was starved. :lmao:

With #1 I went into the hospital in the middle of the afternoon to have an AFI and non-stress test. "You're having this baby by tomorrow morning, you're in labor and your fluid is low..." I'm certain I hadn't even eaten lunch yet. Cervadil or whathaveyou was started at 6 pm and Pitocin was supposed to be started at 6am on Friday. I had him at 5 something in the morning, was hungry by probably 9 or 10. I made the ex husband sneak me some food around lunch time. It all came back up anyway. :lmao:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
Did ya miss the part where I said baby #1 was an emergency and that with baby #2 they had to take out the scar tissue from the first? #1 was an emergency and so much so that I was cut HIP to HIP, my baby came out coding, was whisked away and I was not allowed to see him for 12 hours until he was stabalized enough to bring him to me.

You baby up in your intestines outside of the womb?
And hip to hip is the region of the bladder..
Too dangerous to cut into nick and bowel amtter floods the cavity..nasty infection!!

Actually I really dont care about how you had your hoots done and had 2 C's done and what all happened..I really don't want to continue this debate with you any longer...

This thread is about beast cancer/post op options.
Something no woman has 100% control over like getting pregnant or getting "hoots" done.
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curiouser and curiouser
cattitude said:
Sure it is. :lmao:
No seriously, it is. :lol: Ask my mother, she was there. She even called my dad to tell him I never broke a sweat. :lmao: I was in labor for a long time before the contractions started hurting. When they did, I asked for an epidural, got it within ten minutes, and had him about 2 hours later. I was in labor when I went in for an appointment and didn't even know it. :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
Owltree said:
You baby up in your intestines outside of the womb?
And hip to hip is the region of the bladder..
Too dangerous to cut into nick and bowel amtter floods the cavity..nasty infection!!

Actually I really dont care about how you had your hoots done and had 2 C's done and what all happened..I really done want to continue this debate with you any longer...

This thread is about beast cancer/post op options.
Something no woman has 100% control over like getting pregnant or getting "hoots" done.

You need not argue with me. There are plenty of people here that have personally seen my scar and I don't need to explain my surgery or complications thereof to some know it all. You didn't need to argue in the first place but you did. I'm glad that you don't care about my births or boobs; stop talking about them like you were there. :yay: If you go back and read for actual content I'm all in favor of women getting aditional time in the hospital if for no other reason than their emotional wellbeing.


Baby blues
Owltree said:
Breast Cancer Mastectomy thread... :yay:


My husband's Aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She has to do chemotherapy first, then the mastectomy, then the radiation. :whew:

She has SUCH a long road ahead of her.

I have written my letters to the Senators.

Here's their names (in case you don't know):

Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin

both of them have the same addresses:

509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

It took me 5 minutes to put together a letter to both of them. Printed it, signed it, now all I have to do is stuff it in an envelope, write out the address, stamp it and in the mailbox. 10 minutes of my times to help women fighting for thier lives. God forbid, I hope I never have to be one of them.


Tinkerbell said:

My husband's Aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She has to do chemotherapy first, then the mastectomy, then the radiation. :whew:

She has SUCH a long road ahead of her.

I have written my letters to the Senators.

Here's their names (in case you don't know):

Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin

both of them have the same addresses:

509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

It took me 5 minutes to put together a letter to both of them. Printed it, signed it, now all I have to do is stuff it in an envelope, write out the address, stamp it and in the mailbox. 10 minutes of my times to help women fighting for thier lives. God forbid, I hope I never have to be one of them.

:clap: Good job! :clap: I will do the same.


New Member
Tinkerbell said:

My husband's Aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She has to do chemotherapy first, then the mastectomy, then the radiation. :whew:

She has SUCH a long road ahead of her.

I have written my letters to the Senators.

Here's their names (in case you don't know):

Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin

both of them have the same addresses:

509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

It took me 5 minutes to put together a letter to both of them. Printed it, signed it, now all I have to do is stuff it in an envelope, write out the address, stamp it and in the mailbox. 10 minutes of my times to help women fighting for thier lives. God forbid, I hope I never have to be one of them.

For you Aunt ( in-law) :flowers:
Thanks for sending the letters..I will do the same now.


Main Streeter
pixiegirl said:
Will you shut the hell up and stop acting like you were there. The first nurse TOLD me I could not eat because my intestines had been taken out and moved all around and it would take time for them to readjust. With the second baby, the daddy looked over the sheet and was very certain of what he saw. :yay:

My bf had a spinal block when he had knee surgery. I'll have to ask him if he was denied food for 24 hours. I doubt it.

I was present for my daughter's birth by c-section. I saw them pull my wife's intestines out and lay them right above the incision. Afterwards we were told that her intestines would need time to readjust because they’d been moved like that. This was in 1984 so it’s quite possible they do this differently now.


New Member
Meanwhile, back to the topic of Breast Cancer masectomies...
Evenone up to date on thier mammograms?
Everyone (guys too) do their monthly breast exams?