May 24th Moslem Radical rally on Mall


Well-Known Member
Wahabism (sp-2)

I spent the weekend at a B&B and poured through a recent book outlining the evolution of this group and its lifeline to Saudi leadership.

This should be required reading by anyone wishing to hold a position on this issue!

Apparently, 80% of the mosques in America have been bullied into accepting Saudi $$ and rhetoric. The "Godfather:" of the movement openly prayed " Oh Allah, Destroy America"...(quoted directly from the book) the diet of hatred continues unabated and has dominated these so-called "civil rights" organizations. They apparently have learned a lot about the effects of terror from the Irish and to this day, they consult with various Irish organizations about legal protections and use of assets.

I failed to write the name of the Author but the Title ties the Saud government to the new age of Terror.
(It was late at night)

So...protest and use of our God-given rights is just one part of the ageda to demoralize, divide, confuse and eventually destroy America.
And they draw thousands of other Anti-American groups to them...

Alright boys, make every shot count...


New Member
Originally posted by Hessian
Apparently, 80% of the mosques in America have been bullied into accepting Saudi $$ and rhetoric. The "Godfather:" of the movement openly prayed " Oh Allah, Destroy America"...(quoted directly from the book)
By "Godfather" are you talking about the founder of Wahabism or are you talking about Saudi Arabia?