May be apples and oranges, but worth noting...


Well-Known Member
Might as well change subjects. This thread began as a weird criticism of US SecState John Kerry visiting Israel in an effort to quell the uptick in violence between Israel and Palestine. It then changed course with an anonymous forum poster, who admits to never having been in combat, calling Vietnam veteran John Kerry, a Silver Star and Bronze Star recipient, a coward.

There are thousands of Veterans who never served in combat. Only an idiot like you would believe that makes them undeserving of an opinion based on fact.


Well-Known Member
HOLD UP! YOU never saw combat but have the AUDACITY to call someone who did a coward? You are the worst piece of human slime there is. I'll say again, I do not like John Kerry's politics, but at least he did his duty. For a person who has never served in a combat mission to call another person who has a coward is to me sir, very cowardly!

There is little sense in me arguing that I have a right to an opinion as do you. You have expressed yours I am fine with it.
You just go right ahead and love the man who maligned our military in front of Congress, who dealt with the Viet Cong in Paris, who lied about tossing away his medals, who got 3 wounds one of them a rice ricochet, and used them to leave Viet nam.

I am happy that you like him. Me? I like real men like Netanyahu.Chris Kyle. I suppose you really like Beau Bergdahl.