McCain unaware of the price of gas



... the general problem with politics in America. These aren't normal people. Most congressmen are people from rich families and rich background who went to Harvard and spend more money in a day than most of us will ever have in a lifetime.



'95 ZX6R
Forestool must be feeling depressed today. All his posts are about class envy. Get your GED and a better job than being a government custodial worker and you might not feel so depressed.

hey without class envy why would anyone try any harder in life than just flipping burgers?

heck if i could make as much pumping gas in jersey as a doctor who payed his way through 8 years of schooling or an entreprenuer who came up with an idea and risked it all to start a successful company. why do anything at all?


hey without class envy why would anyone try any harder in life than just flipping burgers?

heck if i could make as much pumping gas in jersey as a doctor who payed his way through 8 years of schooling or an entreprenuer who came up with an idea and risked it all to start a successful company. why do anything at all?

hey I think my son is getting tired of making buritios @ Moes in lusby ... he is talking about going to skool for Computer Tech ...


Loyalty, Friendship, Love

Prove it.

I met Mr. Hoyer at Hunan Star in La Plata, and he never had SS protection there. :shrug:

Mensa's :blahblah: out of his :moon:
:yeahthat: Only I saw him in McKay's in the produce section. I think he was buying arugula.

He doesn't qualify for Secret Service protection.