McKays in Leonardtown- How long do you give it?


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
I was so excited when the Charlotte Hall store was being built. I hadn't lived in St. Mary's long and was thrilled I didn't have to stop in Waldorf to grocery shop on my home from work.
We are so alike Mitzi! I'm thrilled whenever I can avoid stopping in Waldorf too. I get so excited I pee myself a little, but the Doc says my prostate is slightly enlarged so it might be that too. Let me know if you ever need anything from Waldorf, I'd be happy to pick it up for you.:huggy:


Well-Known Member
But you know you see that here in all types of business. People say they want locally owned businesses but then won't patronize the ones that there are, instead they go to a chain.

I was at a Calvert P and Z hearing one time about having Home Depot/Lowe's come to the County. One attendee stood up and said that he was tired of living in a County that he had to leave to buy a hammer. Dave Sneade was sitting a couple rows ahead of him and the meeting was chaired by Maurice Lusby.

I also had one new resident here complain about the same thing a few years ago. I asked him how he got to work. He'd been driving by Sneade's Hardware in Owings for a couple years, he thought it was a restaurant (even with the lumberyard in back).

Or the ones that complain about not having a good seafood place. When you tell them about several they then tell you something on the order of, "No, I mean like a Red Lobster".
City people are used to the city type of food like Red Lobster. They wouldn't know what to think about a local Crab House.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
I could tell you are shy, more so with you posting you have a enlarged prostate.
I could tell you are shy? WTF, Did you learn grammar from a retarded chimpanzee? I'd tell you to go back to school but I bet money the restraining order is still in effect. Why don't you read 'Grammar for Dummies' while you're trolling for dates at Walmart. After all, it does have your name on the cover.

black dog

Free America
I could tell you are shy? WTF, Did you learn grammar from a retarded chimpanzee? I'd tell you to go back to school but I bet money the restraining order is still in effect. Why don't you read 'Grammar for Dummies' while you're trolling for dates at Walmart. After all, it does have your name on the cover.
Thats your game Buckwheat?
Years ago I was shopping at Walmart, when I was loading the truck with groceries I was approached by a lot lizard. She said her name was Katherine James and she was short on cash and had two boys in the back of her hooptie that were hungry.
Shortly she learned two things, what a Dirty Sanchez was, and that she did have a gag reflex.
At least you and your brother got Happy Meals for dinner.


Well-Known Member
Thats your game Buckwheat?
Years ago I was shopping at Walmart, when I was loading the truck with groceries I was approached by a lot lizard. She said her name was Katherine James and she was short on cash and had two boys in the back of her hooptie that were hungry.
Shortly she learned two things, what a Dirty Sanchez was, and that she did have a gag reflex.
At least you and your brother got Happy Meals for dinner.
I guess she could have learned what a chili dog was.


Well-Known Member
LOL... Dont go to Capt Billys, half of PG county will be there.

I was at there probably over 20 years. A couple was seated behind us. They were very overdressed to be at a crabhouse. Obviously not from the area. We almost choked on our food when I heard the man ask "how many crabs do you get when you order the dozen".


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
City people are used to the city type of food like Red Lobster. They wouldn't know what to think about a local Crab House.
I wouldn't bet the farm on that. You'd be hard pressed to find a Red Lobster in many large American cities - but you could probably CERTAINLY find some elitist, expensive, five star seafood place in places like NYC, San Francisco or Chicago. And when I lived in New England - I'm not sure I ever SAW a Red Lobster, since EVERYONE knew of some local seafood place. The Union Oyster House in Boston is the oldest continuously run restaurant in the nation.

That said - I wouldn't knock Red Lobster. They have quite a lot of food that's damned hard to beat, like their cheesy biscuits.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
One of my fellow Norwich Alums has owned that restaurant for the past 1/4 century.
Cool. I've never been inside, but I've passed it. I think the only seafood place IN Boston I've ever been to was Legal Seafoods. Every other seafood place I'd visited was much further out, usually along the shore somewhere.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Cool. I've never been inside, but I've passed it. I think the only seafood place IN Boston I've ever been to was Legal Seafoods. Every other seafood place I'd visited was much further out, usually along the shore somewhere.
Better prices further out.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
hulk hogan 80s GIF
Aw look, you're such a disappointment to your Mom and Dad.
b&w horror GIF
