MD. Constitution / Declaration of Rights.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: KK, got me there. I do like the link for info.

Perhaps I was thinking about the National average as 2.5 children per household and maybe St. Mary's County and Maryland is below the national average but I am not sure. So for now KK is here correct.
National average is 2.59 persons per household, which places us slightly above the national average.

:yay: But now back to the subject and back to the point that the new growth at the Pax Navy Base is overcrowding our entire area and infrastructure.

SEE, the Enterprise Friday January 27, 2006, (Yesterday's) page A-6 reports that the new contract for the Joint Strike Fighter project is to have about 700 workers when it gets fully staffed. (Plus their families of course). So this one project will have 700 workers and the other has 250 and they be coming here soon.

So if we use KK's calculations of 2.72 per household then well over 1750 new people coming here just on this one (1) project. If that averages out to only one child per household (700) then that one job for the Navy Base expantion with have enough children to fill up a 700 student school all by itself.

Plus they each (700) need one home each so our area must supply 700 more homes just for this Joint Strike Fighter project and I do not think those contractors will want to live in trailers (with an "e"). Nor will they fancy their children going to school in trailers because of overcrowding.

Also coming is the Presidential Helicopter with its own workforce, and the Multi-Mission Aircraft project, and much more as auxileries.

It is a greed attack against our home, and see Steny Hoyer in the picture background on page A-6, of that Enterprise report, because it is not a military need but done through the oligarchy greed.

:coffee: --------------- :popcorn:
Your assumptions are wrong as you neglected to consider what has been told to you before, many of the JSF, MMA, HXX positions will be filled by current employees working on other projects that are at the end of their cycle. For them there will be no new growth or expansion generated. You also fail to consider that many of what will be new employees will not actually live in St. Mary's but may take up residence or already have a residence in Charles, Calvert, PG, Virginia, or the DC Metro area and will commute to work down here.

You really need to educate yourself as to what is actually taking place and quit crying "wolf". Not only is it getting old but all you are doing is making yourself look like a much bigger idiot then what you have already demonstrated yourself to be.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

onebdzee said:
did you ever consider that these 950(approx.) new jobs that are being created will keep the unemployment rate in Southern Maryland down?....

AND....of these 950(approx.) new employees, the majority of them just might live in Southern Maryland already?

:yay: The contractors are bringing in new people to fill the jobs. Not local people but persons from accross the USA coming here.

The proof is in the overcrowding of the roads, schools, housing, water, jail, the whole infrastructure over loaded. That is the bottom line proof.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
National average is 2.59 persons per household, which places us slightly above the national average.

Your assumptions are wrong as you neglected to consider what has been told to you before, many of the JSF, MMA, HXX positions will be filled by current employees working on other projects that are at the end of their cycle. For them there will be no new growth or expansion generated. You also fail to consider that many of what will be new employees will not actually live in St. Mary's but may take up residence or already have a residence in Charles, Calvert, PG, Virginia, or the DC Metro area and will commute to work down here. ... ...

:yay: The bottom line proof is in the reality that the area is over loaded. The schools, roads, jail, water system, property prices, the entire infrastructure overloaded by the influx of more people to service the greed of the Navy Base growth.

Like I said before, Steny Hoyer behind the Enterprise picture page A-6 stating that 700 workers for this one new coming project and many more are coming. Bottom line. Persons per household at 2.59 does still mean that those 700 workers will really mean over 1750 people just for that one project. And they need more schools and more homes for these.


Super Genius
JPC said:
:elaine: Perhaps it is reasoned that Delegate 29B or other Delegates do not have that much power because we have weak and timid persons in those offices. I do not share their lackings.

The present representatives are sell-outs but our form of Government does indeed give a great power to its Representatives. Our form of Government is very deep and broad in its applications while the Representatives have notoriously been shallow and narrow. That is why the position only LOOKS like it has very little power.
No, the reason that representatives have little power is because the Maryland General Assembly has 141 Delegates and each of their votes is equal. Then you have 47 Senators and each of their votes is equal. A Senator's vote is slightly more powerful than a Delegate's vote simply because of the numbers. However, a single Senator is still very weak. Power will come from working with other Delagates/Senators and/or being convincing in your arguments (being able to sway opinions). So, you (if you can even get elected...which isn't going to happen) will be the weakest Delegate ever because you are unconvincing in your arguments and are insulting towards other Delegates/Senators. Instead of trying to work with them, you want to push them away.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:yay: The bottom line proof is in the reality that the area is over loaded. The schools, roads, jail, water system, property prices, the entire infrastructure overloaded by the influx of more people to service the greed of the Navy Base growth.
"Greed of the Navy Base growth"? What in the Hell are you talking about? The projects that come here are a service to our nation developing and improving the ability of our warfighters with better and more capable equipment. Sure some businesses and people will make money in the process but it has nothing to do with greed of the Navy Base.

And how are we overloaded? Are you waiting in line to use the library computer? Have you had to daily sit in a traffic jam for up to an hour like most commuting to the Metro area do? Do you seriously think that these professionals moving in to support these projects will further burden the jail? Facts are we are less populated than any of our surrounding counties and well below the population density average for the state.

As to the schools I had classes in trailers back in the 60s at Leonardtown Junior High (when it was still attached to the elementary school). There is never enough infrastructure as building new schools has always followed the growth and never been out in front of it.

Like I said before, Steny Hoyer behind the Enterprise picture page A-6 stating that 700 workers for this one new coming project and many more are coming. Bottom line. Persons per household at 2.59 does still mean that those 700 workers will really mean over 1750 people just for that one project. And they need more schools and more homes for these.
No, it does not as you ignorantly refuse to accept what are the facts that many, I say again, many, of these people are already here working on other projects that are ending and will be filling many of the new positions and they already have homes and are using the resources already. Thus that portion of any growth impact is negated.

And as to your writing style/mannerisms, If Steny Hoyer is in fact "behind the Enterprise picture page A-6" you couldn't see him, now could you?


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:elaine: Perhaps it is reasoned that Delegate 29B or other Delegates do not have that much power because we have weak and timid persons in those offices. I do not share their lackings.

The present representatives are sell-outs but our form of Government does indeed give a great power to its Representatives. Our form of Government is very deep and broad in its applications while the Representatives have notoriously been shallow and narrow. That is why the position only LOOKS like it has very little power.

Now I do use the term "power" loosely so perhaps it would be better understood by saying that it is all of the Representatives "duty" to stop the greed. Not their power but their duty. So it is not simply that they do have the power but the Representatives we have now are shirking their duty but promoting the big business and neglecting the inflation and the overpopulation to the detriment of our community.

When the school trailers burned down then not one of the oligarchy spoke up and it burned in 29B. The ones we have shirk their duty but I do not need new legislation to tell off cowardice nor to comfront their greed. Property prices super inflated, rent prices outrageous, roads and schools are not adiquate, Detention Center crammed full, water and sewer over taxed, the entire infrastructure over burdened to gratify the greed of a few at the expense of the population.

:popcorn: ---------------- :coffee:
Here's a unique concept: Answer a question.

If there is nothing wrong with the rules or code, and you won't write legislation, what will you do, specifically, AS A DELEGATE. Not as a candidate, but WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR YOUR CONSTITUENCY?


Lem Putt
Ken King said:
"Greed of the Navy Base growth"? What in the Hell are you talking about? The projects that come here are a service to our nation developing and improving the ability of our warfighters with better and more capable equipment. Sure some businesses and people will make money in the process but it has nothing to do with greed of the Navy Base.

And how are we overloaded? Are you waiting in line to use the library computer? Have you had to daily sit in a traffic jam for up to an hour like most commuting to the Metro area do? Do you seriously think that these professionals moving in to support these projects will further burden the jail? Facts are we are less populated than any of our surrounding counties and well below the population density average for the state.

As to the schools I had classes in trailers back in the 60s at Leonardtown Junior High (when it was still attached to the elementary school). There is never enough infrastructure as building new schools has always followed the growth and never been out in front of it.

No, it does not as you ignorantly refuse to accept what are the facts that many, I say again, many, of these people are already here working on other projects that are ending and will be filling many of the new positions and they already have homes and are using the resources already. Thus that portion of any growth impact is negated.

And as to your writing style/mannerisms, If Steny Hoyer is in fact "behind the Enterprise picture page A-6" you couldn't see him, now could you?

:yay: You know, if we look at the "growth" of the base, the reality is that the acreage has shrunk in the last five years as the Navy has given land to the state. Of course, we can't expect JPC to know this since it is a documented fact and not drug induced flashback.

He also does not know that both state and federal school funds cannot be spent to build schools based on future projections. They can only be used to build infrastructure with a proven need.

And last, he refuses to admit that his famous "trilors" were being used so that ths chool system coud tear down an old, decrepit, unsprinklered school and build a modern facility.

He insists that the "trailors" are being used because of overcrowding. He will not admit that next fall, when the carver kids have their nice new school, the "trailors" will no longer be used for that purpose.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
:yay: You know, if we look at the "growth" of the base, the reality is that the acreage has shrunk in the last five years as the Navy has given land to the state. Of course, we can't expect JPC to know this since it is a documented fact and not drug induced flashback.

He also does not know that both state and federal school funds cannot be spent to build schools based on future projections. They can only be used to build infrastructure with a proven need.

And last, he refuses to admit that his famous "trilors" were being used so that ths chool system coud tear down an old, decrepit, unsprinklered school and build a modern facility.

He insists that the "trailors" are being used because of overcrowding. He will not admit that next fall, when the carver kids have their nice new school, the "trailors" will no longer be used for that purpose.
Agreed, this candidate has serious flaws.

Regardless of the reason the trailers are in use it has been a typical practice in the county for well over 4 decades to use them while awaiting new more permanent facilities to be funded and built and I suspect that path will continue forever. Unless of course expansion of new programs are halted from the base and it is determined that Pax is of no great use any longer and becomes a loss of a future BRAC. Then there will be plenty of room in the schools as this area dwindles in to a no-employment zone and masses move away.


Lem Putt
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
How old do you have to be to run for positions in the Board of Education?

That's an education and intelligence issue, not age. You probably won't qualify.


Lem Putt
MMDad said:
That's an education and intelligence issue, not age. You probably won't qualify.

I guess I should add courage to the qualifications, asshat. The reason you wouldn't qualify is that you have neither the intelligence nor education to do the basic research. You would rather ask a bunch of bozos in some stupid forum, rather than taking the three minutes to find out for yourself.