MD. Constitution / Declaration of Rights.


In My Opinion
thakidistight said:
So what youre trying to say is, 250 new workers are being brought in for this new project? And that Each of these workers has a family? You mean none of these workers are single?
you forgot to add that out of all of the 250 positions, none will go to any residents that already live in the area and desire a better life.

I guess JPC thinks that anyone not working to their potential at this point is just too darned dumb to get a better job.

yep, growin corn and sittin on the front porch of Elmers General Store chawing tabacco and talking hog futures is WAYYYYYY better than making 70k or more a year, living in a nice home, PAYING YOUR CHILD SUPPORT driving a nice car and having a good retirement.


Lem Putt
He hasn't been on since 1:30. I wonder if he got arrested again? Last time, it took the jury less than 10 minutes to convict. He must have put on one hell of a defense. Maybe he's trying to break his speed conviction record?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
Please tell us how you will "stop it flat frozen". What legislation will you write? What code or rule changes will you propose? Since you feel so strongly about this, I assume you have written the bill so that you can present it on your first day in office? Please share.

:elaine: There does not need to be any new Legislation nor any new laws or Bills to stop the Navy Base expantion. An election mandate will be sufficient.

When I get elected then I do not just defeat Bohanan but it will brake apart the whole oligarchy. Like as my election to 29B will ruin Steny Hoyer politically whether he wins his re-election or not. His politics will be undermined and the rest of the oligarchy will have no way to maintain the incoming greed without their puppet in 29B.

It is the place of the Delegate for 29B to represent the problems in 29B but the sell-out that we have there now has given away our power. He is a weak Delegate and a timid Representative. That is not meant simply to be a personal attack on his character as he is probably an excellant employee, just a poor leader. It is the place of 29B to tell to the Federal representatives and not for the federals to be dictating to 29B. In America (and Maryland too) the people are to rule and not the other way around as in an oligarchy, but our representatives have sold us out to big business. We the people give them their power and position and when those representatives fail to protect our community then they are selling out our power that we entrust to them.

I do not need any new Legislation to stop anyone from bringing more harm and detriment to our community. The election will set the mandate and their greed will flee, and rightfully so. Any of the Representatives of our area in 29A, 29B, 29C, or 29, could have stopped it through their own possition but not one of them has the guts to stand hard up for the population and against the big business.

Roy Dyson, the Maryland Senator for District 29 did try to get some restraining Legislation put through but he let the oligarchy defy him. I did not like the Dyson Bill because it was weak and had no teeth to enforce it but at least he did try.

I have no intention of making a similar mistake and I will not deg nor plead any deal with the greed as I shall demand it to stop and it will stop. Might not stop instantaniously and might have to use the Courts and it will have a lot of hard work for me but the over run and inflation being forced onto District 29B will be stopped. We are not their servants and we can stop acting like timid spectators and it is time for 29B and all of St. Mary's County to have leaders that will defend the betterment of this area.

:war: ----------------- :war:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

thakidistight said:
So what youre trying to say is, 250 new workers are being brought in for this new project? And that Each of these workers has a family? You mean none of these workers are single?

:coffee: I do believe that the national average is still the same, that each family averages 2.5 children per household.

Thus some of the 250 new workers might be single and some might have a family of 5 children, so take the average and it comes out as 2.5 children per household.

The point being that the new workers coming to this area will bring their families with them and the average is 2.5 children and this will further overcrowd our already overcrowded schools.

:coffee: --------------- :whistle:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:elaine: There does not need to be any new Legislation nor any new laws or Bills to stop the Navy Base expantion. An election mandate will be sufficient.

When I get elected then I do not just defeat Bohanan but it will brake apart the whole oligarchy. Like as my election to 29B will ruin Steny Hoyer politically whether he wins his re-election or not. His politics will be undermined and the rest of the oligarchy will have no way to maintain the incoming greed without their puppet in 29B.

It is the place of the Delegate for 29B to represent the problems in 29B but the sell-out that we have there now has given away our power. He is a weak Delegate and a timid Representative. That is not meant simply to be a personal attack on his character as he is probably an excellant employee, just a poor leader. It is the place of 29B to tell to the Federal representatives and not for the federals to be dictating to 29B. In America (and Maryland too) the people are to rule and not the other way around as in an oligarchy, but our representatives have sold us out to big business. We the people give them their power and position and when those representatives fail to protect our community then they are selling out our power that we entrust to them.

I do not need any new Legislation to stop anyone from bringing more harm and detriment to our community. The election will set the mandate and their greed will flee, and rightfully so. Any of the Representatives of our area in 29A, 29B, 29C, or 29, could have stopped it through their own possition but not one of them has the guts to stand hard up for the population and against the big business.

Roy Dyson, the Maryland Senator for District 29 did try to get some restraining Legislation put through but he let the oligarchy defy him. I did not like the Dyson Bill because it was weak and had no teeth to enforce it but at least he did try.

I have no intention of making a similar mistake and I will not deg nor plead any deal with the greed as I shall demand it to stop and it will stop. Might not stop instantaniously and might have to use the Courts and it will have a lot of hard work for me but the over run and inflation being forced onto District 29B will be stopped. We are not their servants and we can stop acting like timid spectators and it is time for 29B and all of St. Mary's County to have leaders that will defend the betterment of this area.

:war: ----------------- :war:

Do you have any idea what the job of a delegate is? They have very little power, and do not have a "bully pulpit". You think that winning an election would matter one iota?

The job of a delegate is to represent his constituency through voting on legislation. They also introduce legislation to correct shortcomings in the stated code or rules. Nothing more, nothing less.

If there is nothing wrong with the rules or code, and you won't write legislation, what will you do, specifically AS A DELEGATE. Not as a candidate, but WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR YOUR CONSTITUENCY?


mv = margaritaville
The why don't you build/get us NEW schools. The county has the money for it. Instead of worrying about "fireboxes" get us new schools then maybe you MIGHT have some small support....



This is fun right?
MMDad said:
Do you have any idea what the job of a delegate is? They have very little power, and do not have a "bully pulpit". You think that winning an election would matter one iota?

The job of a delegate is to represent his constituency through voting on legislation. They also introduce legislation to correct shortcomings in the stated code or rules. Nothing more, nothing less.

If there is nothing wrong with the rules or code, and you won't write legislation, what will you do, specifically AS A DELEGATE. Not as a candidate, but WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR YOUR CONSTITUENCY?

OH stop, you'll confuse him using that dangfangled common sense


Asperger's Poster Child
Ken King said:
They have failed to support their minor children which is a crime as determined by our elected representatives in the legislature. Maybe if they did that instead of stiffing their kids we would not have a need to enumerate the requirement in law. There is nothing innocent about their behavior, it is dastardly and by law criminal.
As a District 29B resident, I am aghast and appalled by the temerity of our elected representatives. How dare they force a man to financially support minor children, just because he fathered them.



Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

If you bothered to check your data (as provided by the US Census) you would find that the median household in St. Mary's County contains 2.72 persons, not children. So an increase of 250 employees would result in a population expansion no greater then 680 total persons with the projected estimate being about 180 children of which not all would be of school age. Even if they all were of school age it would average out to an increase of less than 7 additions to each of the county’s 27 schools.

On a side note I think it is relevant to mention that the dynamics of the work being done at Patuxent River is usually of a nature that incoming projects merely replace ending projects or those nearing their completion and results in mostly a realignment of the existing workforce and not a continued expansion of the labor force.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
The why don't you build/get us NEW schools. The county has the money for it. Instead of worrying about "fireboxes" get us new schools then maybe you MIGHT have some small support....


:yay: That makes sence. My compliments Princess.

They do have plans for new schools but the overpopulation will fill the new schools up if they were built today.

The next new school will not even start construction till next year and then it will take years before it gets finished and to start classes and we have overcrowding now - today.

In the mid time we are getting more and more relocatable trailers for the public school class rooms.

Plus, the new schools that are being planned are large double decker school buildings and a lot of acreage.

People who want to keep St. Mary's County as a rural paradise are going to be disappointed as we turn SMC into a suburb of Washington D.C.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:

If you bothered to check your data (as provided by the US Census) you would find that the median household in St. Mary's County contains 2.72 persons, not children. So an increase of 250 employees would result in a population expansion no greater then 680 total persons with the projected estimate being about 180 children of which not all would be of school age. Even if they all were of school age it would average out to an increase of less than 7 additions to each of the county’s 27 schools.

... ... ...

:flowers: You could be correct but I am not convinced as I do remember the saying as 2.5 children per household.

But even if your numbers are correct that still means a large increase in the population because of the growth at Pax Navy Base and the 250 workers are only from one (1) project coming here and there are many more others coming too. When I say greed then I really mean big time senseless GREED.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:flowers: You could be correct but I am not convinced as I do remember the saying as 2.5 children per household.

But even if your numbers are correct that still means a large increase in the population because of the growth at Pax Navy Base and the 250 workers are only from one (1) project coming here and there are many more others coming too. When I say greed then I really mean big time senseless GREED.
There is a guard there at the library, I believe. Go find him and ask him to escort you from the building. Please.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:flowers: You could be correct but I am not convinced as I do remember the saying as 2.5 children per household.

But even if your numbers are correct that still means a large increase in the population because of the growth at Pax Navy Base and the 250 workers are only from one (1) project coming here and there are many more others coming too. When I say greed then I really mean big time senseless GREED.

If you got a JOB and payed taxes, maybe there would be tax money to build more schools. Maybe lowlife, deadbeat, freeloaders are the problem, and not people who work for a living.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
There is a guard there at the library, I believe. Go find him and ask him to escort you from the building. Please.

:flowers: Okay, I am leaving.

Have fun without me. I will be thinking about you all, till tomorrow!!!

:flowers: Flowers BS Gal :flowers: :flowers:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:flowers: You could be correct but I am not convinced as I do remember the saying as 2.5 children per household.
Could be correct? Follow this link which shows the latest data from 2000 and look for the line titled "Persons per household" about 2/3 of the way down the page. I don't need to make "facts" up or rely upon a "saying" and a prospective representative shouldn't either.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
Could be correct? Follow this link which shows the latest data from 2000 and look for the line titled "Persons per household" about 2/3 of the way down the page. I don't need to make "facts" up or rely upon a "saying" and a prospective representative shouldn't either.

:popcorn: KK, got me there. I do like the link for info.

Perhaps I was thinking about the National average as 2.5 children per household and maybe St. Mary's County and Maryland is below the national average but I am not sure. So for now KK is here correct.

:yay: But now back to the subject and back to the point that the new growth at the Pax Navy Base is overcrowding our entire area and infrastructure.

SEE, the Enterprise Friday January 27, 2006, (Yesterday's) page A-6 reports that the new contract for the Joint Strike Fighter project is to have about 700 workers when it gets fully staffed. (Plus their families of course). So this one project will have 700 workers and the other has 250 and they be coming here soon.

So if we use KK's calculations of 2.72 per household then well over 1750 new people coming here just on this one (1) project. If that averages out to only one child per household (700) then that one job for the Navy Base expantion with have enough children to fill up a 700 student school all by itself.

Plus they each (700) need one home each so our area must supply 700 more homes just for this Joint Strike Fighter project and I do not think those contractors will want to live in trailers (with an "e"). Nor will they fancy their children going to school in trailers because of overcrowding.

Also coming is the Presidential Helicopter with its own workforce, and the Multi-Mission Aircraft project, and much more as auxileries.

It is a greed attack against our home, and see Steny Hoyer in the picture background on page A-6, of that Enterprise report, because it is not a military need but done through the oligarchy greed.

:coffee: --------------- :popcorn:


off the shelf
JPC said:
:popcorn: KK, got me there. I do like the link for info.

Perhaps I was thinking about the National average as 2.5 children per household and maybe St. Mary's County and Maryland is below the national average but I am not sure. So for now KK is here correct.

:yay: But now back to the subject and back to the point that the new growth at the Pax Navy Base is overcrowding our entire area and infrastructure.

SEE, the Enterprise Friday January 27, 2006, (Yesterday's) page A-6 reports that the new contract for the Joint Strike Fighter project is to have about 700 workers when it gets fully staffed. (Plus their families of course). So this one project will have 700 workers and the other has 250 and they be coming here soon.

So if we use KK's calculations of 2.72 per household then well over 1750 new people coming here just on this one (1) project. If that averages out to only one child per household (700) then that one job for the Navy Base expantion with have enough children to fill up a 700 student school all by itself.

Plus they each (700) need one home each so our area must supply 700 more homes just for this Joint Strike Fighter project and I do not think those contractors will want to live in trailers (with an "e"). Nor will they fancy their children going to school in trailers because of overcrowding.

Also coming is the Presidential Helicopter with its own workforce, and the Multi-Mission Aircraft project, and much more as auxileries.

It is a greed attack against our home, and see Steny Hoyer in the picture background on page A-6, of that Enterprise report, because it is not a military need but done through the oligarchy greed.

:coffee: --------------- :popcorn:

did you ever consider that these 950(approx.) new jobs that are being created will keep the unemployment rate in Southern Maryland down?....

AND....of these 950(approx.) new employees, the majority of them just might live in Southern Maryland already?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
Do you have any idea what the job of a delegate is? They have very little power, and do not have a "bully pulpit". You think that winning an election would matter one iota?

The job of a delegate is to represent his constituency through voting on legislation. They also introduce legislation to correct shortcomings in the stated code or rules. Nothing more, nothing less.

If there is nothing wrong with the rules or code, and you won't write legislation, what will you do, specifically AS A DELEGATE. Not as a candidate, but WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR YOUR CONSTITUENCY?

:elaine: Perhaps it is reasoned that Delegate 29B or other Delegates do not have that much power because we have weak and timid persons in those offices. I do not share their lackings.

The present representatives are sell-outs but our form of Government does indeed give a great power to its Representatives. Our form of Government is very deep and broad in its applications while the Representatives have notoriously been shallow and narrow. That is why the position only LOOKS like it has very little power.

Now I do use the term "power" loosely so perhaps it would be better understood by saying that it is all of the Representatives "duty" to stop the greed. Not their power but their duty. So it is not simply that they do have the power but the Representatives we have now are shirking their duty but promoting the big business and neglecting the inflation and the overpopulation to the detriment of our community.

When the school trailers burned down then not one of the oligarchy spoke up and it burned in 29B. The ones we have shirk their duty but I do not need new legislation to tell off cowardice nor to comfront their greed. Property prices super inflated, rent prices outrageous, roads and schools are not adiquate, Detention Center crammed full, water and sewer over taxed, the entire infrastructure over burdened to gratify the greed of a few at the expense of the population.

:popcorn: ---------------- :coffee: