Me again...



BuddyLee said:
It was at the party. I believe Main Man brought your ruthless idiotic legacy to everyones attention.

Welcome back :smile:

Why did he bring up my idiotic legacy? l0l.....what was said about me?...


rideacowboy0107 said:
Thanks for welcoming me back...justhangn, who did I give my site to? I don't really remeber...that site is long gone, I have a picture trail now ( -if anyone wants to see it)
Anyways, hopefully I may be able to contribute to this mb, and hopefully I will not be looked down upon as a "little girl." :ohwell:
You look like the girl in the site an older abuser here was given..........:shrug:

After viewing your web's you with the rebel flag.

:shrug: Regardless, enjoy.


mind freak
rideacowboy0107 said:
Thanxx....yeah my call was not to go that path...I was just caught up in a sinner's haze, burnin' up the days...I was just another young woman who had lost her way...but for me, hell was just around the corner, and I was smart enough to see it and avoid it...boy am I glad I'm not goth...hey I'll post now-and-then-pixx...The 1st two are from a week ago, and the last two are from the time I was posting as Filth08xxx...last May I think...

hi there. I gotta know where you're coming from with the gothic thing. I was totally obsessed with Marilyn Manson back in the day. No looking back at it I laugh and realize how immature and stupid it was. I still listen to his music and goth music but it's not my entire world anymore. Just thought i'd say hello.


kelleymauck said:
hi there. I gotta know where you're coming from with the gothic thing. I was totally obsessed with Marilyn Manson back in the day. No looking back at it I laugh and realize how immature and stupid it was. I still listen to his music and goth music but it's not my entire world anymore. Just thought i'd say hello.

Exactly. I still listen to H.I.M. & Kittie and all, just not as much, and it's not my entire world. I'm mor einto country and dance/techno now...I do look back and just laugh, but I can't change the past, ya know. I really made a bad impression being the way I was...I was so pushy, obnoxious and rude...self-centered also. I've basically discovered country, hot cowboys and my more mellow side. I don't identify with today's kids...espeically those self-proclaimed-bisexual-goths- I'm so glad I didn't fall into the goth thing anymore, and am glad I didn't hang with that group...I'd be in so much trouble, pregnant, smoking, or drinking, who knows, glad I'm not finding out :)
Thanx for the hello's and welcomes and blasts fromt he past, I hope to post around more but I'm so busy with school and babysitting and trying to eat/sleep normally, so see yall around :) ~Sam


Football addict
rideacowboy0107 said:
Exactly. I still listen to H.I.M. & Kittie and all, just not as much, and it's not my entire world....I do look back and just laugh, but I can't change the past, ya know. I really made a bad impression being the way I was...I was so pushy, obnoxious and rude...self-centered also. I've basically discovered country, hot cowboys and my more mellow side. I don't identify with today's kids...espeically those self-proclaimed-bisexual-goths- I'm so glad I didn't fall into the goth thing anymore, and am glad I didn't hang with that group...I'd be in so much trouble, pregnant, smoking, or drinking, who knows, glad I'm not finding out :)
Thanx for the hello's and welcomes and blasts fromt he past, I hope to post around more but I'm so busy with school and babysitting and trying to eat/sleep normally, so see yall around :) ~Sam
I've basically discovered country, hot cowboys
:barf: Of all the possible things to discover.:duh:


New Member
Hi, my name is Sarah. i use to live n md. im just replyin to the chick who first started this whole forum. I just wanted you to know thats it a good thing that you decided to take the whole christian route. I mean i was the same way except i wasnt goth and i didnt give up all my rock music. Mostly bcuz alot of what i was listenin to that i thought was all hardcore n turned out to be christian rock bands. i always wondered why alot of em didnt curse. But anyways just thought id say you dont have to give up all your past bcuz your christian. I listen to punk, pop, country, rap, emo, techno, ect. pretty much anything ill give a try. So yea i guess just reply to me if ya want.


Football season!
BuddyLee said:
:barf: Of all the possible things to discover.:duh:
Don't worry. People tend to go through phases. Perhaps her next one will be a desire for skinny skater looking guys? :shrug:


I already went thru the skinny pale skater/goth guy phase...I have gorwn up a lot...I look through my old posts and wonder why I was the way I was...:ohwell: You know, I have known a lot of country/redneck people for a long while, they all live on farms back in Aquasco and they are some hardworking, gold-hearted people, and I admire them. I want to find more guys that actually do something with themselves, they know how to labor on the farm and have big hearts. They're simple, good, loving people.


You know, on the other hand, don't see why everytime I post, I get a bunch of sh!t. Just because I'm young doesn't mean you have to treat me that way. I am very mature and do not lieke being treated any less than I am. It dissappoints me to see the "veterans" of this mb to say and do the things they'd think they were nice and welcoming, but no, my past is held against me...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
rideacowboy0107 said:
You know, on the other hand, don't see why everytime I post, I get a bunch of sh!t. Just because I'm young doesn't mean you have to treat me that way. I am very mature and do not lieke being treated any less than I am. It dissappoints me to see the "veterans" of this mb to say and do the things they'd think they were nice and welcoming, but no, my past is held against me...

Spellcheck is your friend! :jet:


Football addict
rideacowboy0107 said:
You know, on the other hand, don't see why everytime I post, I get a bunch of sh!t. Just because I'm young doesn't mean you have to treat me that way. I am very mature and do not lieke being treated any less than I am. It dissappoints me to see the "veterans" of this mb to say and do the things they'd think they were nice and welcoming, but no, my past is held against me...
I'll give Kaz a call and tell him that your interested.:yay:
rideacowboy0107 said:
You know, on the other hand, don't see why everytime I post, I get a bunch of sh!t. Just because I'm young doesn't mean you have to treat me that way. I am very mature and do not lieke being treated any less than I am. It dissappoints me to see the "veterans" of this mb to say and do the things they'd think they were nice and welcoming, but no, my past is held against me...
Sweetie... simply saying you are very mature and have grown up doesn't make is so. You are young yet. You have quite a way to go. Just think... in a couple years you will look back on this phase of you and will see then what we see now...:wink:


rideacowboy0107 said:
and I never cared to pursue Wicca...never did anything for me so now I'm just a plain Christian

There is nothing wrong with being Wiccan. But if it's not the path for you then :) have fun on your new one
