Media Corruption


PREMO Member
Racist, Deadspin bully Carron Phillips has not had the best week. Granted, he did it TO HIMSELF, but still. Ouch. Guess picking on a kid wearing face paint at a Kansas City Chiefs football game was in and of itself REALLY STUPID, but add to the equation that the kid in question is actually part Native American.



PREMO Member
Racist, Deadspin bully Carron Phillips has not had the best week. Granted, he did it TO HIMSELF, but still. Ouch. Guess picking on a kid wearing face paint at a Kansas City Chiefs football game was in and of itself REALLY STUPID, but add to the equation that the kid in question is actually part Native American.




PREMO Member

NBC's Kristen Welker Presses DeSantis SIX Times to Condemn Trump 'Vermin' Talk

On Sunday, NBC Meet the Press host Kristen Welker displayed an interview taped on Saturday with Gov. Ron DeSantis. She repeatedly demanded the candidate denounce Donald Trump for his use of the term "vermin" to describe communists, fascists, and "radical left thugs" in America. She asked six times to try and force an answer, implying Trump sounded like a Nazi. DeSantis said he wasn't playing the media game on this.

Welker began the interview by repeatedly pressing DeSantis on staying in the race, like she was pressuring him to get out. If these networks are so concerned with Donald Trump, why would they press Trump's opponents to get out of the primaries before anyone has voted?

Welker began the V-talk with this: "You bring up former President Trump. So, let me ask you about the GOP front-runner. Mr. Trump is campaigning on the idea of retribution. He's promising to jail his political enemies, if he's reelected. He's also referred to some of his political opponents as 'vermin,' language that people, frankly, across the political spectrum, say hearkens back to Nazi Germany. Do you think that kind of language is presidential?"


PREMO Member
The intro warns darkly:

A second Trump presidency won’t just mirror the first. It will be much worse. In The Atlantic’s January/February issue, two dozen writers warn what could happen if Donald Trump is re-elected, from destroying the rule of law to abandoning NATO and reshaping the international order.
This special issue aims to define the stakes of the coming election, lay out in detail the dangers to all aspects of American life, and, as staff writer Tom Nichols argues, ‘counteract the complacency - or fatalism-that comes when trying to think about threats of this magnitude.’

Got that? The Biden presidency, which has brought on not one but two wars, rampant inflation, and the weaponization of the Department of Justice and FBI? No problems there for the editors.

But a second Trump presidency? Where there were no wars in Israel and Ukraine, the economy hummed and the Justice Department was not prosecuting Trump’s opponents? O…M…G shrieks The Atlantic.

The list of hysteria driven writers includes David Frum arguing a Trump second term “would plunge the country into a constitutional crisis not seen since the Civil War.”

Barton Gellman frets about “what will happen if he again becomes the chief law-enforcement officer of the United States.”

And writer Jennifer Senior is frantic about, yes, “the daily psychic toll of another Trump term.” Really.

On and on- and on and on - goes this massive display of Trump Derangement Syndrome. There will be “unchecked misogyny” (this from an American Left that launched an all out political freak-out over the nomination to the Supreme Court of Amy Coney Barrett), a “MAGA version of U.S. history,” and, but of course, “a judiciary more loyal to Trump than to the Constitution.” (This would be as opposed to left-wing judges more loyal to leftism and Presidents Obama and Biden then the Constitution.)



Well-Known Member
The intro warns darkly:

Got that? The Biden presidency, which has brought on not one but two wars, rampant inflation, and the weaponization of the Department of Justice and FBI? No problems there for the editors.

But a second Trump presidency? Where there were no wars in Israel and Ukraine, the economy hummed and the Justice Department was not prosecuting Trump’s opponents? O…M…G shrieks The Atlantic.

The list of hysteria driven writers includes David Frum arguing a Trump second term “would plunge the country into a constitutional crisis not seen since the Civil War.”

Barton Gellman frets about “what will happen if he again becomes the chief law-enforcement officer of the United States.”

And writer Jennifer Senior is frantic about, yes, “the daily psychic toll of another Trump term.” Really.

On and on- and on and on - goes this massive display of Trump Derangement Syndrome. There will be “unchecked misogyny” (this from an American Left that launched an all out political freak-out over the nomination to the Supreme Court of Amy Coney Barrett), a “MAGA version of U.S. history,” and, but of course, “a judiciary more loyal to Trump than to the Constitution.” (This would be as opposed to left-wing judges more loyal to leftism and Presidents Obama and Biden then the Constitution.)

Save our democracy is already the major theme. If that doesn't cause a stir abortion will.


PREMO Member

‘Corporate media is DONE!’ Social media goes NUTS when Tucker announces launch of new website

Former cable host Tucker Carlson announced on Saturday morning the launch of his new website, one that is certain to complete his phoenix-like rise out of the ashes that remain of Fox News.

For the price of $72 per year, is a new streaming platform that promises subscribers “hours of exclusive members-only content hosted by Tucker Carlson.”

Carlson took to X to deliver the news.

“We’ve been out of work for seven or eight months now,” he began. “Hard to know. Time flies when you’re unemployed.”

“But actually, we have been working in secret and producing an awful lot of material for months now,” he continued. “Interviews, et cetera. And all of it has now found its way to”

“We’re launching a brand new thing very soon,” Carlson told his followers, “and we’d love for you to see it.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Missouri’s standout Attorney General — lead plaintiff in the seminal Missouri v. Biden First Amendment lawsuit — waded into the Media Matters pool, (ironically) with a snappy tweet crisply announcing a brand new investigation of the deplorable activist group, drafting right behind Elon Musk’s federal lawsuit against what he calls an “evil” activist group (he’s not wrong). The Missouri AG alleged fraud:

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Even more curious than calling X (Twitter) “the last platform dedicated to free speech in America” was the absolute absence of any protest over that label from the other large platforms. I guess Facebook is shamefacedly acquiescing into being a captive, non-free-speech platform, and Missouri’s AG handily smeared the other big platforms while complimenting Twitter.

Yesterday’s announcement attached a no-nonsense letter sent to Media Matters by the Show Me state’s AG, which suggested the Neo-marxist front-group may have committed crimes, specifically fraud, or maybe broke consumer protection laws:

You appear to have used this coordinated, inauthentic activity to solicit charitable donations from consumers across the country. I have reason to believe that your firm's alleged actions may have violated Missouri consumer protection laws, including laws that prohibit nonprofit entities from soliciting funds under false pretenses. E.g., Mo. Rev. Stat. § 407.020.1.

The AG’s letter then demanded Media Matters preserve all the evidence, including all internal communications related to its project of persuading big advertisers to purge Twitter, by generating false impressions that Twitter routinely promotes antisemitic content. Among other categories of evidence, Missouri would also like to see everything Media Matters ever said to anybody about “Project X”:

Communications with third parties regarding your strategy to target advertisers on X, formerly known as Twitter, and your efforts to manipulate those advertisers into pulling their ads from the platform… Be advised that any failure to preserve documents of probative value to this case, even if inadvertent, will constitute spoliation of evidence and may result in a finding of contempt from the court or in sanctions.

[Suing Media Matters For America ]
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PREMO Member

Sen Ron Johnson gets the last word after Kaitlan Collins sets him up in ambush-style interview




PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Missouri’s standout Attorney General — lead plaintiff in the seminal Missouri v. Biden First Amendment lawsuit — waded into the Media Matters pool, (ironically) with a snappy tweet crisply announcing a brand new investigation of the deplorable activist group, drafting right behind Elon Musk’s federal lawsuit against what he calls an “evil” activist group (he’s not wrong). The Missouri AG alleged fraud:

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Rumble Suing Two Individuals Connected With Media Matters for Trying to Silence the Right


PREMO Member

Media Launches Attacks On Tesla In Apparent Bid To Damage Elon Musk

A report from The New York Times was emblematic of the way that the media covered the story as the newspaper claimed that Tesla’s “reputation for making technologically advanced cars suffered a blow” as a result of the recall.

It wasn’t until deep in the Times’ report that the newspaper informed readers that the “recall” was not really a recall in the traditional sense, i.e. customers have to schedule a time to bring their vehicle to a Tesla facility to be serviced.

Instead, the world’s leading electric car manufacturer is automatically sending out wireless updates to all of its cars through cellular networks that will include updates that will hopefully satisfy regulators, including new warnings and checks to ensure that drivers are paying attention on the road.


Another example of the media distorting facts to attack Tesla can be found in an NBC News report that was also published on Wednesday.

The report said that Tesla’s new cybertruck will be “deadlier” than other vehicles because it’s a “6,800-pound electric behemoth with sports-car acceleration that experts say will be lethal to pedestrians and occupants of lighter vehicles.”

The far-left news organization cited “experts” to back up the narrative the report was promoting, but key information was excluded from the report, mainly that the Cybertruck is perhaps the lightest weight electric truck to be produced.

Car and Driver lists the current top electric trucks — all of which are fast — that are being delivered to customers as the Rivian R1T, 7,173 pounds; Ford F-150 Lightning, 6,855 pounds; Chevrolet Silverado EV, 8,500 pounds; and the GMC Hummer EV Pickup, 9,640 pounds.


PREMO Member

ABC FREAKS Over ‘No Evidence’ for Biden Impeachment, Implies It’s Illegal

As we saw on Wednesday morning and evening, ABC News was almost foaming on Thursday’s Good Morning America with a half-dozen shrieks of “no evidence” over House Republicans voting to formally launch an impeachment inquiry into President Biden and allegations he was enriched by foreign business dealings involving his corrupt son Hunter (and brother Jim). At one point, they even implied it might not even be constitutional.

Co-host and former Clinton tool George Stephanopoulos huffed in a tease that the GOP has “present[ed] no evidence of wrongdoing by the President”. In a chyron for the actual segment, ABC even made sure to include the line “No Evidence of Wrongdoing.”

Stephanopoulos had the setup there as well, seeming to imply the entire exercise could be legally dubious: “To Capitol Hill now where House Republicans voted last night to approve a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden despite presenting no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors, which is the constitutional standard for impeachment.”

With senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott busy advancing the cause of baby killing as “health care” and chief Biden apple polisher Mary Bruce covering for Team Biden on Israel, the task here fell to senior White House correspondent Selina Wang.

Wang clearly understood the assignment:

[T]here is still no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden, but House Republicans say this is about strengthening their investigations while Democrats say this is a sham intended to help his Republican rival, Donald Trump. This morning, House Republicans are pushing ahead with an impeachment inquiry into President Biden despite finding no evidence of wrongdoing in nearly a year of investigations..

She made sure to keep Hunter’s life of ruin as esoteric as possible: “The inquiry is focused on allegations that the President abused his power to enrich his family and whether he made decisions while Vice President to boost his son Hunter’s businesses...[H]e has been under scrutiny by Republicans for his work with companies in Ukraine and China.”

Since it had been a few seconds, Wang again had to say the phrase: “So far, there’s no evidence of the President’s involvement.”

Wang did run soundbites from both Hunter Biden and two congressional Democrats plus three from Republicans (including two from House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer).

Her conclusion about President Biden’s formal reaction showed how in sync ABC is with the left:

President Biden issued a scathing statement, saying House Republicans are focused on attacking him with lies instead of making American lives better. Now, some Democratic lawmakers tell me that that contrast could even help the President’s re-election chances in 2024.

As for CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today, they varied in degrees of defense, indifference, and surprising fairness.

CBS co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King made sure to do her part in a tease: “House Republicans open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, despite a lack of evidence in connection to his son Hunter.”

The show’s “Eye Opener” usually ends with a late-night comedy show clip, so they naturally selected CBS’s Late Show host Stephen Colbert mocking Republicans.

Congressional correspondent Nikole Killion had the only network mention that the regime (via inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre) admitted “President Biden was familiar with what his son was going to say before he showed up here at the Capitol.”

Like she did on Wednesday morning, she stayed away from the hijinks and framed both sides (though only at a surface-level).



PREMO Member

Evening 'News' Echoes Biden Spin on Scandal: 'No Proof....Where Is The Evidence?'

Wednesday's evening shows all led with the House of Representatives authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Biden on a party-line vote. ABC, CBS, and NBC all echoed the preposterous "no evidence" claims of the White House. ABC spun for Biden the hardest, while NBC came closest to a middle-ground approach.

On ABC's World News Tonight, David Muir began the program: "Tonight, breaking news involving President Biden. The House voting moments ago to formally open the impeachment inquiry despite no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors. The president's response just in....Republicans voting to formalize the impeachment inquiry involving the president, but where is the evidence? And the stunning moment today the president's son Hunter Biden coming before the cameras."

Then he repeated it at the top story: "We do begin tonight with the breaking news from Capitol Hill just a short time ago. House Republicans voting to formalize the impeachment inquiry into president Biden despite providing no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors. They say they need the inquiry to find the evidence."

Then came reporter Mary Bruce: "For years, Republicans have tried to tie president Biden to his son's business dealings, but have found no concrete evidence of wrongdoing. Hunter Biden already indicted for failing to pay taxes he has since repaid, today insisting his father did nothing wrong."

After three soundbites of Hunter, Bruce repeated: "House Republicans have spent a year investigating the Bidens and have come up with nothing on the president." Then she added a Biden statement: "The president is calling this a baseless political stunt, not supported by facts. Biden saying instead of doing their jobs, House Republicans are focused on, quote, attacking me with lies."