Media Corruption


PREMO Member

Here's Abramson's full post on Threads:

Not saying he is, but if Chris Rufo turned out to be a foreign agent linked to the Kremlin’s allies in Europe it would possibly be the least surprising thing that has happened in the last eight years given that his proudly self-declared scheme to undermine the United States by fomenting racial and ethnic and religious and gender and sexual orientation and sexual identity divisions domestically is the most effective anti-American plot we’ve seen deployed against this country in maybe a generation.

For context, Abramson was responding to a hit piece on Rufo published by the SPLC and reposted by NBC News' Ben Collins.



Well-Known Member
Not surprised. Didn't they accuse President Trump of the same thing.

While all the while Biden and his family were taking Chinese and Ukraine checks.?

If you want to know what the Democrats are doing watch and listen as they accuse others of doing it.


PREMO Member

Biden recalls attending funerals of cops killed on Jan 6 – crickets from ‘fact checkers’

January 7, 2024 | Chris Donaldson | Print Article

President Joe Biden delivered his big speech to mark the third anniversary of the January 6, 2021 chaos at the Capitol and as the teller of tall tales is prone to do, he embellished a key detail.

On Friday, the octogenarian demagogue uncorked his ugly rant for a small crowd near historic Valley Forge, PA, a location chosen for its Revolutionary War connection at a time when his regime is persecuting GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump and his supporters like England’s King George once did to American patriots.

During the 30 minute diatribe, Biden claimed that he and First Lady Jill Biden attended the funerals of police officers who were killed during the so-called “insurrection” against the government.


Well-Known Member
That's all that is needed - he never remembers anything.

But the case is often made of others - besides Sicknick - who committed suicide a few days, a week and a couple, six months later.
Aside from the fact that dealing with criminals and so forth are kind of part of the job of being a cop -

I am ALWAYS suspicious of someone who committed suicide when they are involved in a political situation.


PREMO Member

Former ESPN host Sage Steele also noticed something peculiar that her former employer did at the medal ceremony. The national anthem of the winning nation is played, which the Canadian broadcast showed but was omitted here in the States. It was a great moment: the team bellowed the verses of the Star Spangled Banner, something the women’s soccer team would never do. That got deep-sixed by ESPN.

Steele did not hold back in her post on Twitter.



PREMO Member

Speaker Johnson BUSTS CBS’s Brennan Mid-Question For Not Reading 2020 Texas Brief

When preparing to ask someone about a document that bears their name, such as a Supreme Court filing, before attempting to grill them on national TV over the aforementioned document, it is always a good idea to READ the document beforehand. But, alas, CBS’s Margaret Brennan did no such thing before attempting to grill Speaker Mike Johnson on the 2021 Texas amicus brief filed before the United States Supreme Court.

WATCH as Brennan cites the brief as a set-up to a broader point on questioning the 2020 election, and gets BUSTED:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Back in 2021, you were the lawmaker who circulated the legal briefing known as the Texas amicus brief challenging the 2020 election outcome in a number of states which, by CBS editorial standards, makes you an election denier. So…
BRENNAN: So, well, that- can I get you on the record on that?
JOHNSON: I've always been consistent on the record. Did you read the brief? Did you get a chance to read what we filed with the Supreme Court?
BRENNAN: Well- I… I have read extensively some criticisms of that.
JOHNSON: You’ve read commentary on the brief but not what we submitted to the Court.
BRENNAN: But you recognize that President Biden won the 2020 election. Can you just put that aside as an issue?
JOHNSON: President Biden was certified as the winner of the election, he took the Oath of Office, he's been the president for three years. What I -- the argument that we presented to the Court, which is our only avenue to do so, was that the Constitution was clearly violated in the 2020 election. It’s Article 2, Section 1, and anyone can Google and read it for themselves. The system by which you choose electors to elect the President of the United States must be done by the individual states and the system must be ratified by the state legislatures. That is language- plain language out of the constitution.
BRENNAN: So you have issues…
BRENNAN: …with the validity of the 2020 election?
JOHNSON: The Constitution was violated in the run up to the 2020 election. Not always in bad faith, but in the aftermath of Covid, many states changed their election laws in ways that violated that plain language. That's just a fact.

Ultimately, Brennan wanted to use the Texas brief as a means with which to tie Speaker Johnson to the January 6th Capitol Riot. Make him an “insurrectionist”, if you will. By first asking Brennan whether she read the brief, Johnson nullified any intended effectiveness the question may have had.

Brennan, caught off guard, was instead reduced to sheepishly admitting that she read “extensively some criticisms of that”. Johnson proceeds to calmly explain the substance of the brief and why there was a sense that the Constitution had been violated.


What a fuking clown shoe .... I read the criticisms


PREMO Member

Watch this extraordinary exchange wherein Brianna Keilar, sitting in for Kaitlan Collins, and her guest, who is a retired judge, talk about the alleged threats against the Colorado justices:

BRIANNA KEILAR: Are you worried- and this may be a separate issue- that that kind of thing could actually have a chilling effect on judges, on people involved in the legal process, or do you think they just tune it out?
JUDGE LADORIS HAZZARD CORDELL (RET.): Brianna, you have really hit the major issue. I believe -- let me put it this way. Imagine what the U.S. Supreme Court justices would think if they were inclined to affirm the Colorado Supreme Court's decision. I’ll tell you what they think. They’d think, good Lord, threats and violence against me are going to ramp up. So why put myself and my family in harm's way, even if it's the right thing to do and even if it's the constitutional thing to do? So when that happens, when it's no longer fear of God but fear of mob, when judges’ fears trumps their oath to the Constitution, our judiciary and our democracy, it just -- it's almost on its deathbed. So, yes, in fact, these threats of violence -- these are human beings in black robes. These threats of violence absolutely go to the core of their very being. And of course, they're going to react to it. They are not just going to slough it off and say, no big deal. And this is happening to judges on the federal courts, but all throughout the country on the state courts as well. That's my concern.

Absolutely fascinating.

I don’t need to imagine the judge’s hypothetical because we went through this very real scenario during the summer of 2022, when the Dobbs draft was leaked and the left organized a pressure campaign which included illegal marches in front of the conservative justices’ homes. There was also the matter of the arrest of a man who had flown across the country, dressed in black (including a mask) and packing rope and a knife in order to do God-knows-what to Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family. These was very real threats against the judiciary, incited in part by the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. The guest, a retired judge, even goes so far as to acknowledge that Congress legislated protections for families of Supreme Court justices! And yet, somehow, those threats go completely unmentioned in this entire segment on threats against the judiciary.

As our colleague Bill D’Agostino noted, there is no evidence to support the existence of such threats. That doesn’t matter. Only The Narrative matters.

And in furtherance of The Narrative, the non-specific threats against the Colorado Supreme Court must be given a level of coverage commensurate to that which was denied to actual threats and actual intimidation against the conservative justices of the United States Supreme Court.

CNN Reporter Debunks Her Own Story About CO Judges: ‘No Specific Threats’ Made

CNN’s reporting on this non-story was reminiscent of those clickbait pieces where the actual body of the article itself debunks the intentionally eye-catching headline. During the 11 a.m. Eastern hour of CNN News Central, for example, co-anchor Sara Sidner teased Polantz’s report like this:

And still ahead, the serious threats that are being made against the Colorado justices who ruled last week that Donald Trump could not be on Colorado's state ballot. Now, the FBI is stepping into the fray.

Wow, serious threats? Into the fray? Sounds like a bloodbath. Then came the actual report:

That [court decision] led to what we understand, on Thursday, was a situation where the Denver Police had to go to one of the Justices’ homes because of what they call a ‘hoax report’ that was made. And since then, there are the names of the Justices on the Colorado Supreme Court being discussed on far-right pro-Trump websites...

So, no specific threats at this time that are requiring law enforcement to make arrests that we know of.
But this is a climate where there are many, many people making general threats and using violent rhetoric around public officials.

So to summarize: there was a “hoax” threat according to law enforcement, there are websites where people are referring to the Justices by their actual names, and “no specific threats” have been found. Kind of different from what Sidner was selling us in the lead-up to the segment, when you think about it.

That was how it went every time: an overwrought teaser, followed by a report that failed to deliver the goods. Polantz did mention that some wing nut on an unnamed website (which the entire media are describing only as a “far-right pro-Trump website,” so probably 4chan), had written “All f— robed rats must f— hang.” Disturbing language, to be sure. But given the FBI are practically addicted to arresting right-wing internet tough guys, the lack of any arrests in this case is rather telling.

Who knows, it’s possible some idiot will try to “take things into his own hands,” like that Biden voter who flew across the country in the hopes of kidnapping and murder Justice Kavanaugh. But even if that does happen (though let’s pray it doesn’t), that will do nothing to vindicate Sidner’s disingenuous framing of this story.


PREMO Member

Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations

On Monday, multiple media outlets ran reports of Trump having been named in the latest Epstein documents, but failed to note in the lede of their articles that the accuser had actually retracted those allegations in 2019.

Court documents made available on Monday included Epstein victim Sarah Ransome’s 2016 emails to the New York Post suggesting that she had Epstein-related sex tapes involving half a dozen prominent people, including Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Sir Richard Branson.

Ransome, however, could not provide the tapes when asked, and no such footage has ever been uncovered.

Then in 2019, Ransome retracted her claims, according to the New Yorker, which reported that Ransome admitted to having “invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had ‘evidence that would come out if he harmed me.'”

Multiple media outlets nonetheless ran with the old — and retracted — news on Monday, burying the lede in their stories, which was that Ransome’s claims had already been retracted years ago.

“These baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit,” Steven Cheung, Trump spokesperson, said in a Monday statement.

A headline by Daily Mail read, “Donald Trump named in latest Epstein documents: Sarah Ransome said he had sex with ‘many girls’ in email where she also claimed pedophile had tapes of the ex-president, Richard Branson, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton.”

“She retracted all her claims, telling Callahan she wanted to ‘walk away from this’, citing fears for her family,” Daily Mail eventually acknowledges in its article — four paragraphs down from the headline.

Another headline by the New York Post read, “Epstein accuser claims pedophile had sex tapes of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson: new docs.”

“Ransome walked back the salacious allegations in an Oct. 23, 2016 email with a Post columnist, writing, ‘I would like to retract everything I have said to you and walk away from this,’ according to the filing,” the New York Post eventually admits in its article — also four paragraphs down from the headline.

Essentially, new salacious headlines were published by media outlets on Monday using old and retracted news from four years ago. That is the assessment of author and investigative reporter Vicky Ward, who first reported on Epstein in a profile piece for Vanity Fair in 2003.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations

Media outlets buried the revelation that an accuser of the late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein had retracted former President Donald Trump from her allegations.

On Monday, multiple media outlets ran reports of Trump having been named in the latest Epstein documents, but failed to note in the lede of their articles that the accuser had actually retracted those allegations in 2019.

Court documents made available on Monday included Epstein victim Sarah Ransome’s 2016 emails to the New York Post suggesting that she had Epstein-related sex tapes involving half a dozen prominent people, including Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Sir Richard Branson.

Another headline by the New York Post read, “Epstein accuser claims pedophile had sex tapes of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson: new docs.”

“Ransome walked back the salacious allegations in an Oct. 23, 2016 email with a Post columnist, writing, ‘I would like to retract everything I have said to you and walk away from this,’ according to the filing,” the New York Post eventually admits in its article — also four paragraphs down from the headline.



PREMO Member

Liberal Media SUPPRESS Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the White House

If an insurrection happened and no one reported on it, did it really happen? Can the perpetrators of violence escape accountability if it escaped the notice of the corporate media? These questions were put to the test as the corporate media conducted a virtual blackout of Saturday night’s violent protests outside the White House.

A short and sweet summary the day after, with broader coverage the night of on Fox News. In sum, a large anti-Israel protest ended up at the White House, which resulted in several arrests, a near-breach of the fence outside the White House, with media and non-essential White House personnel being evacuated.

The scene was eerily reminiscent of the attack on the White House during the fiery but mostly peaceful George Floyd riot in Washington, D.C., which resulted in President Donald Trump being evacuated to the White House bunker, and multiple injuries among Secret Service personnel and other law enforcement personnel.

How did the other networks cover the calls for an intifada outside the White House, you ask? Here’s a quick rundown.

ABC: Absolutely nothing on Saturday night. Nothing on Good Morning America, ABC This Week, or World News Tonight.

CBS: A brief report on the daytime (less violent) portion of the march, replete with overhead shots on Saturday’s Weekend News. Nothing on Sunday Morning, Face The Nation, or Sunday Weekend News.

NBC: Nothing on the Nightly News or Meet The Press.

Absolute zero on the networks.


PREMO Member

Emmy scandal reeks of widespread ESPN shadiness

Thus last week’s tale of ESPN, the self-destructive Disney sports network, winning sports Emmys for 13 years based on submitting fabricated names came as a shock — only in that it took so long to have its cover blown off. After all, once a secret is shared — and this con had to be shared by plenty — it’s no longer a secret.

Consider the path this couldn’t-end-well scam traveled, from the submission of phony names of imagined production staffers to those assigned to scratch off those fabricated from the statuettes and replace them with on-air talent, nearly 40 of them, from Kirk Herbstreit to Desmond Howard.

None even knew they’d been nominated? None asked for exactly what they’d been nominated or who they beat out to win? NATAS, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, took ESPN’s word for it for 13 years, never even slightly curious as to who all those nonexistent production folks are? Never even asked for a bio, even if it was bogus?

Or weren’t you allowed to ask questions?

Naturally, and presumably transparently, ESPN’s oblivious hierarchy was caught totally unaware — until the day last week when ESPN was caught at something it had little chance to contain. Heck, 13 years of bogus acclaim and purloined honor is a pretty good run, thus a damned good try.

The sports Emmys have always reeked of insider trading in service to egos that don’t much care if the flattery is sincere or based on a lie.


PREMO Member
🔥 NBC ran an unintentionally hilarious and overheated story yesterday headlined, “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House.” Democrats are now painfully fretting about how mad Trump might be after all these horrible lawsuits are over, and what the former President might do once in office if he gets re-elected.

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I know what you’re going to say. The democrats are just projecting again. True, but it’s funny how they are so tone-deaf. Behold this heroic description of a group of budding democrat insurrectionists conspiring to “interfere with an official proceeding”:

Bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs. The aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one.​

Participants include Democracy Forward, an organization that took the Trump administration to court more than 100 times. “We are preparing to use every tool in the toolbox to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” said Skye Perryman, president of Democracy Forward. “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy and it’s incumbent on everybody to do their part.”​

Skye unfortunately said, “fight back.” She should be more careful. Those are very violent words that could get you 36 to 72 months if uttered on the Capitol plaza. It’s also pretty rich for a woke activist to invoke “an existential moment for American democracy” while simultaneously suing to prevent candidates from appearing on both parties’ ballots.

So much for democracy, which I guess is now just a convenient buzzword along the way to a full-on communist dictatorship. You’d think they’d have a better sense of its meaning; the word is right in their party’s name.

But the best part was when NBC got down to brass tacks, describing it real fear — being hoisted on its own moronic tactics:

Among the least-understood tools available to a president is the Insurrection Act. Vaguely worded, it gives a president considerable discretion in deciding what constitutes an uprising and when it is OK to deploy active-duty military in response, experts say.

Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill worry that Trump might invoke the act to involve the armed forces in the face of domestic protests or if the midterm elections don’t go his way. “There are an array of horrors that could result from Donald Trump’s unrestricted use of the Insurrection Act,” (Senator Dick) Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in an interview. “A malignantly motivated president could use it in a vast variety of dictatorial ways unless at some point the military itself resisted what they deemed to be an unlawful order. But that places a very heavy burden on the military.”

It gives a president considerable discretion in deciding what constitutes an uprising. You don’t say. Like, could unarmed Capitol Protests be considered an uprising? Just asking.

It’s so weird! I wonder how NBC might have got the idea that Trump could use the Insurrection Act? I mean, nobody’s used that dusty old law in over a hundred… oh, wait. That’s right. The democrats have invoked the Insurrection Act about ten billion times in the last three years since January 6th, 2021. Democrats have called every Republican they could find an “insurrectionist,” both in and out of court.

In other words, now that they’ve re-defined “insurrection” to include strolling into the Capitol at the invitation of police, democrats are starting to fret about what a Republican president might do with the very same laws they’ve been battering conservatives with for years. While all the many hand-wringing articles about Trump love to cite the George Floyd protests as an example of the kind of thing they worry Trump would crack down on, the reality is probably that every democrat involved in the “Russia Collusion” hoax is sweating worse than Kamala Harris in church.

I’ll say it: the “Russia Collusion” operation was an insurrection. And they know it, too.

Last edited:


PREMO Member

Axios Tries to Blame Trump for the Economic Woes of 2020... But People Remember What REALLY Happened

Following along hot on the heels of being scolded by various members of the mainstream media like Philip Bump (and former members of the mainstream media like Brian Stelter) about the importance of 'not doing your own research' and 'avoiding misinformation' comes the writers down at Axios. Through their choice of how to write a headline and how to report the news the Axios headline writers offer a timely reminder of the utmost importance of doing your own research so that you understand context... and that anyone in the 'mainstream' media is just as likely to lie to you as anyone else you're going to come across, if not perhaps moreso.

Let's see if you can spot the problem with this what Axios says here:

No matter your feelings about Donald Trump as a person or as a President, the way that the media attempts to obfuscate the facts about what exactly happened to the economy in 2020 to make it appear that it was due to some bumbling by Trump and not a global pandemic that caused worldwide economic problems is horrifying. Every time they do this they reenforce the idea that they (meaning the media and the powerful political and business interests they're often buttressed by) are indeed out to get the former President... a lesson that nobody in the mainstream media seems willing to learn in their haste to find a way to 'rid themselves of this turbulent man' to paraphrase Henry II.

But other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

How anyone writes these things with a straight face is honestly beyond us, and writes as members of roughly the same journalistic class that is, again, spending its time saying that people need to stop doing their own research and listen to their betters in the media and academia who surely 'know better' and would never lead them astray. Fortunately for us no matter how much these self-proclaimed informational 'shepherds' try to corral their unruly flock with these types of open lies and half-truths, the sheep have learned to see what's beyond the walls of the pen and aren't inclined to go back.

Them's the breaks for the once proud media establishment in the Internet Age.


PREMO Member

Philip Bump: Everybody Needs to Stop Doing Their Own Research and Start Listening to Philip Bump

If you've ever found yourself in a debate with anyone who's on the left on Twitter you've likely been told to 'educate yourself' or that 'it's not my job to do your research for you!' by your antagonist. Of course in many respects this isn't the worst advice in the world, having an informed opinion is always preferable, right? Our entire modern system of academia is based on this principle (... at least in theory), that it's better to have an educated and informed workforce and electorate than it is to not.

Of course the problem with people actually 'educating themself' and going off to do research on a topic to draw their own conclusion is that sometimes that conclusion doesn't sync up with the conclusion that your 'betters' in the major media outlets would prefer that you draw... and we can't have that! If people started thinking for themselves imagine all the harm it could cause!

Well don't worry, Philip Bump has arrived to inform everyone of the dangers of actually doing your own research on topics... Because of course it's Philip Bump who's out there White Knighting for just listening to journalists rather than looking into things for yourself. Bad things happen to Philip Bump when he's around people who think for themself and ask inconvenient questions.

The Washington Post has shown in the past that it agrees with Bump that he is beyond question, so they're clearly cool with this line of reasoning since they keep publishing Bump and fighting for him when people call him out for stuff. Shocking, right?

Don't question, never question. Philip Bump and the Washington Post know what's best for you, just trust them! Hey, where are you going?

There was a time in American history when the media was generally trusted, with CBS News host Walter Cronkite once having been considered 'the most trusted man in America'... but those days are long past. The rise to prominence of Fox News and CNN with their '24 Hours News' model debatably began the slow collapse of trust in the bite-sized news chunks during the nightly news hour as being the main source of information for most, and the rise of the internet the with a mass ability to do your own research most certainly rang the death knell for that, as well as for the dominance of the print media over the narrative. People like Philip Bump long for a time when their word, proclaimed from their high perch at one of the nations 'premier' media organizations, was the center around which the entire world seemed to circle... but that time is gone, in large part because people have learned that in many cases they had been being misled by them all along.

- Bump ran away from a live Podcast when he was challenged on the topic and could NOT back up his assertions