Media Corruption


PREMO Member
Predictably, these four words have caused left-wing media outlets, such as Slate, to panic as any appeal to God by government officials instantly sends leftists into hysterics about the rising threat of “Christian nationalism.”

According to Slate writer Molly Olmstead, the Pine Tree Flag has been divorced from its historical roots and now serves “as a symbol of the spiritual fight to push Christianity deeper into society and especially into politics.”

“The idea that the symbol is pulled from U.S. history could grant the flag a veneer of democratic legitimacy,” Olmstead continues, “but no one should confuse it for a contemporary democratic symbol. It’s a resurrected emblem, with a uniquely theocratic twist.”

In reality, Democrats are using the religious associations of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag as a flimsy pretext to further erode American history and silence dissent from conservatives — as other flags rooted in the American Revolution are now viewed as “symbols of the far-right.”

Conveniently for Democrats, due to the presence of historical flags like the Pine Tree Flag at the Jan. 6 demonstrations, anyone who pays tribute to America’s historical legacy can now be painted as a potential “insurrectionist.”

Of course, social justice symbols, such as the “pride” and BLM flags, which cultivate their own religious devotion, receive no such concern or pushback from the nation’s left-wing chattering class. These symbols not only are elevated to positions of prominence at the White House but receive special legal protections. For example, people have been charged with felonies for intentionally doing burnouts on painted LGBT “pride” crosswalks.



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Corrupt Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Celebrates Lawfare Trial Against Trump, Says He Has a “Man Crush” on Judge Merchan (VIDEO)

Judge Merchan is allowing the jurors to choose ONE of the three predicate crimes. Jurors do NOT have to unanimously agree on which of the three predicate crimes Trump committed.

Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark said mixing and matching crimes violates every principle of the Due Process Clause.

Weissmann celebrated the lawfare trial against Trump and said he has a “man crush” on Judge Merchan.

“With respect to Judge Merchan, I am like now, I have like a man crush on him,” Weissmann said.




PREMO Member

Because we are would be the reason.

Yeah, they fudge the metrics and make excuses for why we're not, but if you buy food, gas, or pay rent you know things are not good.

Here's some of the op-ed:

Reporters expressed some surprise at a recent Guardian-Harris poll revealing that 56 percent of those surveyed believe the country is in an economic recession, and that President Biden’s policies are to blame. And 49 percent believe the S&P 500 stock index is down for the year. Why doesn’t the public understand, reporters mused, that most of the macroeconomic numbers are really quite good? Biden, whose polling numbers are in the tank, has been wondering the same thing.
But average Americans, those who are not economists or vote-seeking politicians, tend to focus on a different set of numbers. Let’s call them personal economic indicators, the ones individuals and families confront daily. And those numbers tell them a different story. What are they saying?



PREMO Member

Media PUSHES HOAX That Trump Used Slur In DESPERATE Bid To Anger Black Voters, AI DEEPFAKE INCOMING​



PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, New York Magazine ran what might be the best post-Verdict analysis yet, in a remarkable story headlined, Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law.

image 15.png

Author Elie Honig — a former New York state and federal prosecutor — described how creative and unusual were the charges levied against President Trump:

image 14.png

Next, Honig described how trivial and stale the main misdemeanor charges were, comparing the legal weight of Trump’s “mischaracterization of legal expenses” to stealing a bag of Cheetos:

image 16.png

These trivial and expired charges, the author explained, were then jumped up by democrat prosecutors to felonies — just like with Dr. King — who electroshocked them back into zombie-like life, a legal Frankenstein custom-constructed to convict the former President:

image 17.png

Among a vasty swamp of bad reporting, this article might be the best island of clarity about the Verdict anyone has yet assembled. Read the whole thing, and forward it to all your relatives who claim they don’t understand what the big problem is.



PREMO Member

DERANGED WOKE Apprentice Contestant ADMITS HE NEVER HEARD Trump Say The 'N Word' In FAKE OUTRAGE!​



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 They’re trying to stuff a new “Trump is destroying democracy” narrative, so let’s rip it apart. Yesterday the Associated Press recovered from a terrifying fainting episode and darkly warned Americans about disappearing democracy in a horrid story headlined, “Trump's attacks on US justice system after his conviction could be used by autocrats, say experts.” It’s an emergency! Try to keep up with their logic.


In a one hundred percent one-sided article citing several so-called ‘experts’ who were definitely not at all cherry-picked by AP reporter Emma Burrows, but definitely were randomly selected in a totally fair blind lottery by drawing names of experts out of a crocheted hat.

Or, they were cherry picked. Either way, the experts all agreed with each other and, not coincidentally, with Emma: Trump is bad. Very bad.

According to Millennial reporter Emma, the person benefiting the most from Trump’s post-Verdict criticism of the US justice system was Vladimir Putin! And right behind him, China. Emma didn’t quote Putin for this story — why should she? — she quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who correctly observed the Trump Verdict was “simply the elimination of political rivals by all possible means, legal and illegal.” Emma also took great umbrage that China’s Global Times noted the Verdict adds to the “farcical nature” of this election season.

How dare they.

Emma’s Millennial logic went like this: Trump says something about the Verdict, and then Russia and China say stuff about the Verdict. So … <bzzzt!> Whoops, Emma’s logic shorted out.

Don’t be angry, Emma is a progressive public school graduate. Emma can’t remember Russia or China ever criticizing the U.S. before Trump came along. This is a common logical fallacy called “recency bias,” where Emma myopically focused on the last four days while ignoring the last four decades of constant criticism from our geopolitical rivals.

The truth is, Emma is fretting because the Trump Verdict gives Russia and China their best arguments yet. In other words, if the U.S. justice system really were fair, transparent, and robust, it could easily withstand criticism from both domestic and foreign complainers, who’d have no power to undermine its legitimacy with a couple buzzwords and throwaway lines.

It’s actually an “Emporer has no clothes” moment. The AP is secretly worried that the US justice system is so brittle and so fragile that one single Kremlin spokesperson making a single critical remark about our two-tiered justice system can literally destroy democracy.

But the AP did, inadvertently, describe a real threat to democracy. The real threat to democracy was the AP’s autocratic assumption that words can destroy our democracy, and therefore, people like Trump need to be shut up, because their dangerous ideas could spread to even more dangerous people like a Kremlin spokesperson or a different reporter at the AP’s competitor, the Global Times.

According to the Associated Press — who you’d think would be keenly aware of the necessity for the First Amendment — the dangerous freedom inherent in Trump’s complaints, his speech about the Verdict, must be suppressed to protect democracy.

But Trump isn’t the threat to democracy. He’s just complaining about a bad jury verdict, and even though Emma couldn’t find them, lots of legal experts agree with the former President. In his place, any of us would do the same. The real threat to democracy is the elitist Associated Press, which advocates for firing up a dystopian boiler room of censorship and thought control for citizens’ own good.

Sometimes I suspect the AP isn’t actually a democratic media institution at all. Sometimes I wonder whether the AP is as committed to democratic ideals as it claims. I wonder if it might be willing to burn some core freedoms on the altar of sacrifice, hoping for the blessing of a hallucination of stability and control. Sometimes I wonder if the AP is not really a media platform at all, but instead is just a captured instrument of some three-letter agency nesting deep inside the bureaucratic state.

Who do you think is the biggest threat to democracy? Trump or the AP?



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JOURNALISM DIES IN WOKENESS: Washington Post Executive Editor Stepping Down – CEO Tells Staff ‘People Are Not Reading Your Stuff’

The troubles at the liberal Washington Post are nothing new. The paper has lost millions over the last year and has even considered replacing journalists with AI bots.

Now things are getting even worse. Sally Buzbee, the executive editor is stepping down and the paper’s CEO recently held a meeting with the staff to inform them that people are not reading the content they are producing.

It is an election year and there is no shortage of news, but the Washington Post is flailing. What does that tell you?



PREMO Member

Attorney General Suing Media Matters for Docs About X

Back in November, X owner Elon Musk said he was preparing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters of America, whom Musk declared "pure evil." Musk claimed that Media Matters was trying to game the system to produce an outcome that would display ads from high-profile advertisers next to vile content. Media Matters would then present the screenshots of ads next to some white supremacist tweet.

Media Matters Is DYING!​



PREMO Member
The Hill’s Briahna Joy Gray has been fired. The host, known for her pro-Hamas rhetoric, was given the axe following an interview with a family member of one of the Israeli hostages taken by the terror group following the October 7 attacks. It's unclear if that was the reason for Gray’s termination, but the clip caught the eyes of many, disgusted by her conduct during the segment. She could be seen rolling her eyes, her facial expression hardly hiding her contempt. Gray has routinely deflected directly blaming Hamas for this heinous terror attack on the Jewish state and the ensuing war in Gaza (via NY Post):

What a horrible human being.

Recently, she likened Hamas to American revolutionaries, claiming that the terror group doesn’t want to kill all the Jews; they just want to get rid of the ethno-national state and have something like we have here in the United States. These people lie so often they gaslight themselves. Everyone and their mother knows Hamas' top action item to the elimination of all Jews and infidels.
