Media Corruption


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Liberal CBS Host TRIGGERED Over Support For Mass Deportations As France REVOLTS Against Immigration!​



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Democrats & Liberal Media FREAK OUT Over Based Judge Getting Caught In LEAKED Audio Believing In God​



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Philip Bump: Everybody Needs to Stop Doing Their Own Research and Start Listening to Philip Bump

If you've ever found yourself in a debate with anyone who's on the left on Twitter you've likely been told to 'educate yourself' or that 'it's not my job to do your research for you!' by your antagonist. Of course in many respects this isn't the worst advice in the world, having an informed opinion is always preferable, right? Our entire modern system of academia is based on this principle (... at least in theory), that it's better to have an educated and informed workforce and electorate than it is to not.

They are married to the idea that Trump is BAD and no amount of lying or deliberately manipulating a story is enough if it will somehow hurt him and him out of the White House. That and most of them are annoying, self-centered, self-important, butt-nuggets who spend their days pretending they're more important than they are.

Like Philip.

Charles C.W. Cooke took him apart:

... unfathomable levels of hackery.




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Wednesday and Thursday were two of those days for people who caught wind of a tweet written by NBC News reporter Ryan J. Reilly.

Reilly is on the "justice" beat according to his Twitter bio. He also has a book he's trying to sell on the Capitol riot and how it "broke the justice system." So naturally, his 24-7 obsession focus is on the J6 defendants, their charges, the latest developments in their cases, the Zaprudering of videos, etc.

On Wednesday, Reilly referenced the case of Dale Huttle, who he said has been described as "one of the more violent participants" in the unfortunate events of January 6th:

Reilly no doubt was referencing the hit pieces on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito where his wife Martha-Ann flying the flag upside down ten days after the Capitol riot in response to an unhinged woketivist neighbor is being used to suggest the Alitos are sympathetic to the J6 defendants. As such, he is - in the minds of his critics - unable to be impartial in any cases related to J6 or the 2020 election.

Apparently, Reilly holds the same view that Alito should recuse himself, and this was his way of expressing it.

Flying the American flag "Alito-style" is of course not actually a thing any more than flying them inverted is "BLM-style," which others pointed out:



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Howard Kurtz of Fox News Channel’s Media Buzz spent his Sunday morning segment highlighting the past week's “badly hyped story that involves flat-out lying” to U.S. Supreme Court justices. As the election looms in the background of every news story, outing conservative Justices seems to be a weekly segment in the progressive media. Yet Kurtz and a panelist spoke out against the hypocrisy of these actions, defending SCOTUS.

Following soundbites of Lauren Windsor and the deceptively recorded conversations she had with Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts and the liberal media’s overwrought reaction, Kurtz questioned: “Clay, with so many shows treating this as a scandal, what did Sam Alito say that was so terrible?”



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Liberal Media At A Crossroads — Start Winning Again, Or Cave To Ideologically-Obsessed Activists

Clashes at The Washington Post (WaPo) between publisher Will Lewis and the company’s staff highlight a growing trend of activist-minded reporters butting heads with their business side throughout liberal media — and a stark decline in these outlets’ performances show their current model is simply not working.

Outlets like WaPo, The New York Times and NPR have all experienced high-profile inner conflicts between management and underlings in recent months. These battles underscore a shift in media where reporters see themselves as the vanguard for democracy rather than objective fact-finders, former employees and media analysts told the Daily Caller.

“I think what we’ve seen over the past decade as politics has become more ideological, is that no family, no institution, has been spared the consequences of things becoming more ideological,” Andy Mills, a former New York Times journalist who helped create their popular “The Daily” podcast, told the Caller.