Meet and Greet tonight!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I'm coming from Prince Frederick! I wonder if there will be a prize for the one who drove the furthest?! :biggrin:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
It was nice seeing my-thyme, Bann, frequentflier, and some of my local friends at Ridge Hardware tonight.

The store was PACKED!
It sure was! It was THE place to be tonight! :dance:

Loved seeing you tonight, too! :love:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Foxhound said he didn't have anything he needed that I could get him for a gift, but I bought a really nice ratchet screwdriver to replace my old one.

It was a really nice night - they sure put out the welcome mat for the ladies! I had a few snackies and tasted TPD's mom's egg nog and had a cup of hot apple cider. Love supporting the local family businesses!

And a wonderful young man carried our bags all the way out to the car for us, too! :diva:


Well-Known Member
well, this was late notice for me, but on the other hand, I am proposing another gala even for those on the East side of the River, Maybe the 7-11 at solomons parking lot like 7pm...Ive made contact with both the Calvert County Sheriff and the MSP to avoid harassment episodes like when you were 18 smoking Marlboros and spitting on the sidewalk...Both units are "down with it", like, Ill need like 5 bucks for admission, plenty of parking,,, maybee CHINAHABBA too...


Well-Known Member
I have a niece that lives in RIdge. I believe she and her husband have been in TPD's store. I'll have to make stop next time I'm down that way.


happy to be living
Foxhound said he didn't have anything he needed that I could get him for a gift, but I bought a really nice ratchet screwdriver to replace my old one.

It was a really nice night - they sure put out the welcome mat for the ladies! I had a few snackies and tasted TPD's mom's egg nog and had a cup of hot apple cider. Love supporting the local family businesses!

And a wonderful young man carried our bags all the way out to the car for us, too! :diva:
When I was laying awake at 4AM, I kept thinking I wish I had bought one of those screw drivers! Of course, I would have to hide it from my husband!