Men are so stupid


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Seriously, you do the stupidest and most thoughtless things, like there is no sentience worth mentioning. Many of you are terrific men, but my god! The things you do!!


What do women do that makes men nuts? Not specific things, like..I don't know, whatever day to day things that compare to men leaving the toilet seat up - that doesn't count. But like how men react without really thinking, making their woman want to smother them with a pillow. What do women do, universally, that makes men consider homosexuality as an alternative?


New Member
Sorry MS Vrai, But can't think of anything that you women do that would make me think of turning to homosexuality. Granted there are times when my patience is tried and I what to scream but it still does rise to the level in which I would like to cuddle with Bubba!!!


Sorry MS Vrai, But can't think of anything that you women do that would make me think of turning to homosexuality. Granted there are times when my patience is tried and I what to scream but it still does rise to the level in which I would like to cuddle with Bubba!!!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Seriously, you do the stupidest and most thoughtless things, like there is no sentience worth mentioning. Many of you are terrific men, but my god! The things you do!!


What do women do that makes men nuts? Not specific things, like..I don't know, whatever day to day things that compare to men leaving the toilet seat up - that doesn't count. But like how men react without really thinking, making their woman want to smother them with a pillow. What do women do, universally, that makes men consider homosexuality as an alternative?

There is nothing women can do to ever make homosexuality appealing to me or most guys. Just doesn't work that way. Maybe that is the problem??? Maybe the men who have successful relations with women do so by choice, by being able to, at least in theory, see the merits in having a relationship with a man as an alternative???

Women piss me off all the time but, it is not to the point of wanting to smother y'all. It is ALL about, in my case, and you know this, getting my way, getting you to see something as I do. What I have learned about women, in terms of me, is this simple fact; If I am pissed and want THIS, or this understanding, that is EXACTLY what they will NOT give or agree to or see.

That is the BIG difference; how men and women reason. Ultimately, two guys can resolve something, sincerely, even if they have to step out back and have it out. Fighting is this magic thing that wipes away all the misunderstandings and 'stuff' that might be clouding an issue and, when it's over, we're just clear and can see each others point and come to agreement and move on, issue resolved for all time. Then, we become best pals. But, it doesn't remotely come anywhere near the appeal of a woman's approval or agreement.

With women, you can't do that. So, I don't know if that is a satisfying answer or not but, there it is; that guy/girl way of thinking clash over cogency. "How can you NOT see this????"

Guys just want everything to be OK and yes, I know we mess that up as often as not but, that does not change the underlying desire of wanting things to be cool. You often say it is 'gods little joke' and I guess that's all there is to it. If it were as simple as just becoming gay, there'd be no issue. Guys could then burp and fart and drink and cuss and ride dirt bikes and shoot guns and jam and eat pizza every day and #### and fight and #### again and just left women be. But, that ain't how it works.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Guys just want everything to be OK and yes, I know we mess that up as often as not but, that does not change the underlying desire of wanting things to be cool.

This is very true about men, whereas women tend to be more drama oriented and want to hash things out until they are satisfied (which does happen, I swear; you just have to be patient). This difference is why there can be a major problem going on and women will lay in bed stewing while the man...falls asleep. Which is where that pillow comes into play: we do not understand how you can just nod right off while we are in pain, and it comes across like you're an insensitive jerk who doesn't give a damn.

What I did the other night instead of smothering M in his sleep was cuddle up and start mooshing on him. I thought that was a great alternative to killing him, and he most likely feels the same.
Seriously, you do the stupidest and most thoughtless things, like there is no sentience worth mentioning. Many of you are terrific men, but my god! The things you do!!


What do women do that makes men nuts? Not specific things, like..I don't know, whatever day to day things that compare to men leaving the toilet seat up - that doesn't count. But like how men react without really thinking, making their woman want to smother them with a pillow. What do women do, universally, that makes men consider homosexuality as an alternative?

My husband says I am impatient. Nothing can ever be done quickly enough for me before I get all :cds: ....

...Gets on his last ####ing nerve, it does. :coffee:


Lawful neutral
What I did the other night instead of smothering M in his sleep was cuddle up and start mooshing on him. I thought that was a great alternative to killing him, and he most likely feels the same.

Any physical contact to a guy just initiates the launch sequence for sex. We’re just horny little robots calculating what stupid stuff we have to pretend to care about, like cuddling, to satisfy our own carnal nature.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
What I did the other night instead of smothering M in his sleep was cuddle up and start mooshing on him. I thought that was a great alternative to killing him, and he most likely feels the same.

Oh, NOW you figure it out. Great. :lol:

I thought I had sleep apnea all these years. Turns out it just took a few years for all the feathers to clear from my respiratory system. :roflmao:
Any physical contact to a guy just initiates the launch sequence for sex. We’re just horny little robots calculating what stupid stuff we have to pretend to care about, like cuddling, to satisfy our own carnal nature.


Some men like cuddling. :mad:... My husband likes cuddling... :biggrin:..... Unless he is just pretending to care about cuddling so he can get laid. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is very true about men, whereas women tend to be more drama oriented and want to hash things out until they are satisfied (which does happen, I swear; you just have to be patient).

I suppose you can see how glaciers move...if you have a few million years to spare....



PREMO Member
Sorry MS Vrai, But can't think of anything that you women do that would make me think of turning to homosexuality. Granted there are times when my patience is tried and I what to scream but it still does rise to the level in which I would like to cuddle with Bubba!!!


I would just find a different woman


PREMO Member
Any physical contact to a guy just initiates the launch sequence for sex. We’re just horny little robots calculating what stupid stuff we have to pretend to care about, like cuddling, to satisfy our own carnal nature.



[cuddling leads to more sex btw]